Oscar The Giant

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Well as some of you may know, my little boris past away, and don't worry. That did not discourage me from bearded dragons, I just now have a new respect for breeders who go through the extreme trouble of caring for babies.

Ozzy or Oscar will be my new beardie, or may I say dragon because this guy is only 4 months and at 16 inches, he is going to be a serious dragon haha.


(thanks rainbow dragons)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Most likely won't happen :( I will let you know if it does though! Oscar had another 28 supers today. (Hasnt pooped since the day before yesterday so im expecting a surprise sometime today lol


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
If you find he's not pooping, with baths given, you might want to try canned pumpkin, it's a squash so good for daily feeding and you can feed it to him by syringe or off a spoon. I use it when mine don't go for a couple of days & it helps digestion greatly. So there's something to give him. Butternut squash is also good grated on his salad and is also good for digestion. So give those a try.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Yeah, thats what I will do if he doesn't go. He usually goes every other day, so Im expecting something today. And he pooped twice the day before yesterday so he was "all cleaned out" lol.


Gray-bearded Member
lol aw I really would of love to see him live/ Well its not when he makes the suprise its where :lol:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Quick update: Oscar is 5 months and a week, and already 18 and a half inches. Holy. Cow. I dont even know how big he's gunna get. Had him for almost 4 weeks and he grew 2 and a half inches o_O


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
That great, Oscar, keep up the good work! If he's 18 1/2" at 5 mo old and still has 7 months to grow, he's going to be BIG!


Hatchling Member
Careful that monster may try and eat that little dog.
Those legs on him look like hes been hitting the dragon gym. He could swallow my little girl in a heartbeat. :p


Juvie Member
Original Poster
lol yeah! Never thought of it THAT way haha... Oscar is a beast, for a 5 month old, 19 inch long dragon he is pretty fast lol


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
He is huge :shock: and he still has alot of growing to do, too. Looks like your dog likes him & that Oscar puts up with your dog :lol:
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