So we have had 3 vet visits for onyx where she has had x-rays and full exams with no light being shed on what is causing her problems. The official diagnosis as of Friday's visit is "failure to thrive". Onyx has 0 energy and has to be syringe fed (critical care w/ repaid and calcium with probiotic as directed by the vet). The vet said at this last visit thaylt there is little more we can do at this point and to just keep her comfortable and keep pushing the critical care mix all while hoping for the best, but being prepared for the worst. She is so thin and the biggest reason for Friday's visit was concerns over her tail. 8 days ago she began shedding for the first time since we got her (which was in march) and there was a break in the shedding on her tail where it looked like her tail had been injured (which would be strange since she barely moves more than 3 inches from where I set her after feedings). The tail is fine, but her condition is worsening. I know it is a long shot, but is there anything you all could think of that we could try to improve her condition? She has not really grown at all in 3 months time and I am struggling to come to terms with the possibility of her not making it