- Beardie name(s)
- Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I the winter months yes. I have to get them awake and fed before i go to work, so i get them up, on the flip side i let them go to sleep in the evening when ever they are ready. They are out of their habitats till between 8 and 9 butvthey are all usually asleep by 7-7:30Just an idea for you, should you need to turn the lights on in the room before you think they want to be up.
Hang a sheet or something over the front.
We have four other varieties of lizards in the room that Mango is in so it’s next to impossible not to turn the light on when he’s sleeping. So I went and got a cloth I had out of the basement and put velcro on it so that we could take it down in the morning.
He’s much happier with that.