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beardie parents Sicko
Ethelia":acb9d said:
Check out the double action from Zoom Zoom :love10:

Yes, we sure do enjoy her. She's becoming another beardie that needs to be loved or she feels sad. I took a pic of her in her hide one morning. She usually stays in her box in the am and we never know when she wants to get up. This am, or yesterday, we pulled up her hide and she was still asleep, one hour after lights on. Well, one morning she'd turned herself around so her head was out of the hide but her head was still on the shirt we put her on when we put her to bed so I thought she wanted to sleep still. After a while, she I noticed the look in her eyes was a little sad as I was holding Speedy (she's up and on her basking rock usually within 15 minutes of her lights being turned on. Anyway, I took this pic of her looking sad that she was being ignored and, of course after taking the pictures, I picked her up and she felt loved. We may have another comforting beardie on our hands, and no, we aren't complaining.





sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
This is such a wonderful thread, I'm going to have to get some more pics of my crew, there has to be an occaissional sexy leg while I'm home on the weekends! Keep them coming everyone, I'm amazed that your beardies are comfortable in some of their positions, but they are. Beardies are just amazing aren't they!!!

Jiffy Addict
Lance, both pics are great, but LOVE the first one! Thats one sexy set of baby beardie legs.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I haven't been able to catch our beardies with legs or arms extended, so will keep on the plan of taking pics all the time. I just wanted to say this is the funniest and sexiest thread on this forum. Lance, the first picture was in full mode! So old are the little ones?


Hatchling Member
Well I finally moved into a house!! Don't have internet yet though, I'll have to go wireless. I sure have alot of pics to post whey I get back on line again. Usi friends computer today. Love all the sexy legs :D
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