Now Thinking of Getting a Crestie

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Hatchling Member
Well I have my 2 beardies and a leopard gecko. I'd like to get a crestie but im not sure if im gonna have EVERYTHING needed for them i found this on pangea and was wondering what extras i will need. Please reply with honest answers. Thanks :)

Pangea Reptile Starter Kit


Hatchling Member
Pangeas kits are great. I personally own one. Matts geckos are top notch. That set will definitely get u going. The tank might be a little big for the baby gecko he will send u. But you can just use a sterlite container vertically for a month or 2. The only other thing Id suggest getting is a magnetic food dish (he sells them as well) only because Cresteds don't like to go on the floor the usually stay up high in their vivs. Also get some more of those little plastic cups he sells you will use at least 3 a week.


I agree matts kits and cresties are top notch.I wish i would have found his site before i dove head first into keeping cresties.But you know how that goes when you are eager to get started.I highly recomend reading thru his sight.There is a wealth of info on it.Plus check out repashys web site it has even more in depth info.When you purchase the meal replacement powder i would suggest buying it from pangea or repashy it will be cheaper in the long run compared to the pet store prices for a small bottle.At least you wont need a heat or uv lamp for cresties since they are nocturnal.Just make sure you have lots of plants and things for them to climb and hide in.And taller is better when it comes to housing since they are arboreal.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Alright cool hopefully i can get it started soon :) Thanks for the help guys. :)


Hatchling Member
Just a heads up. Matt will ship you your tank and accessories first. He will give you a few days to get it set up and then ship your gecko. You will definitely not be disapointed when you get your gecko. They are pretty cool.


Hatchling Member
Personally I like Harleys or Black and cream Pinstripes but Flames are cool. Its all about what you like. The different morphs dont act any different.
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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