Not eating, but acting normal?

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Well, Shenron (for anyone who read and helped with my prior post) has began to lessen his noise/beard puffing, however over the past three days he has ate less, and less, and as of yesterday/today ate nothing.

He has been pooping almost everyday(not alot, but I figured that is due to the lack of feeding),and is very active, especially when I take him out of his home.

I'm going to make an apointment with the vet for sometime this week.

I'm thinking his lack of eating may have been from the re-arranging of his tank? I have seen no increase in stress marks, but I did switch things around about three times (after thinking of this I put his tank set up back to normal).

Any ideas to why he could not be eating that wouldn't be medical, or if I should try feeding him baby food/yogurt (thought I read about this somewhere, not sure what kind/how to feed tho)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Original Poster
Well, I got him to eat just one phoenix worm, he seems uninterested. He's acting less active, and his one nostril seems kinda inflamed. Just will have to wait til' Friday for his vet appointment. Anyone know what types of baby food are safe for dragons, I was thinking about trying to feed him with a syringe to see if that might help him.

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