Not a morning beardie

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My beardie, Major, never seems to want to get up in the morning. I usually put him to bed around 7 to 7:30. And he wakes up at around 7 sometimes early. He always looks at me while laying flat on his stomach. I turn on his uvb and heat lamp so he can have time to get the sleepiness out of his system. When it's almost time for me to leave, I attempt to feed him. He doesn't go after anything I give him though. I'll have to hand feed him in the morning so he gets something. After I feed him a bit he'll crawl to his batman and just stay there for awhile. He does just fine for lunch and dinner. Is it normal for beardies to be non morning dragon?

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
I think that's pretty common. One of my dragons was like that so I'd set the lights to come on about half an hour before I woke up and then gave him another half an hour to warm up and get ready then he'd get his run around time and bath and breakfast before I left for work. Otherwise he was sleepy and grumpy in the mornings (just like me).


Original Poster
Ii can wake up peacefully now that I know it's normal and he's just doesn't like mornings. Thanks again Major thanks you to.


Hatchling Member
My beardie hates mornings. Some mornings he can take a good hour or so to actually get around to basking because he likes to sleep in so much. I was worried about it at first, but he still eats well, grows, and has plenty of energy — after he's had time to grump about having to wake up. :)

This is my beardie this weekend after lights on — definitely not a morning beardie haha.


As long as your beardie seems healthy and happy otherwise, then he probably just prefers to have slower mornings.
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