Nim's Story - More videos and pictures.

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Hi, I am the slave of six cockatiels and my new dragon Nim. I'm creating this thread to share all the cute things my little Nim does. Ive had him for eleven days now and he likes me. He warmed up to me six days after I got him. He is the smartest lizard I have ever owned. I would post pics but I'm having some trouble. I put a photo on Flickr and then do the image thing but it only flashes the pic then it disappears if anyone could help I would like that. Nim is a six inch ten gram bearded dragon. Who's favorite veggie is dandelion greens. I have an organic lawn so I get the dandelion greens from there.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yes, Toothless is a beardie. He's just bigger and can fly.

Hmm, I've never heard of Beautiful Creatures. But the again, I hardly hear about anything. LOL, I don't even know what happens in the news half the time unless mom tells me. :p

And, I think I'll give a quick update. Nim's fine, he couldn't be better actually. I still can't believe that I'm going to have him for a whole year once May comes around. Where did all that time go? It only felt like a few months. He's not a baby anymore, he's about 400 grams now. No, I don't use a scale, I just estimate. And rough estimation makes him 400 grams. He's also 18 inches long now, well, probably bigger now. I just think, crikey, where did all the time go? note to all new beardie owners, cherish their baby stage. Because they leap out of it faster than you can think. :D

The birds are fine. Oosy is still the most annoying bird in the world, LOL. And the tiels are still the dustiest birds in the world. Good news on Mister Willy though, he's becoming more social. He's bonded with KitKat immensely (yes, I know how weird that is but those are my birds) so he wants to be around KitKat. Of course, KitKat only likes Willy when he's extremely horny. So most of the time KitKat avoids Mister Willy. Anyways, I'm just pleased at the progress Willy's making. He was actually in the window with all the other birds a few days ago. So it's safe to say that my training is working. Yay! :D

And I'm doing fine too. The moving progress is going faster than ever. We may even have a house already. But that's the thing, I don't like how fast it's going. You'd think that I'd be fine because we had one month of saying that we would move. But no, because now that it's actually happening, I'm scared. I hate change, I'm a creature of habit, so is my Nim and my birds. None of us like change. I still haven't gone through my stuffed animals. I try to go through them, but something just holds me back.

Anyways, that's it. I may or may not have pics and videos tomorrow. We'll see if I'm in the mood to post in this forum tomorrow. LOL, since I've practically abandoned it. Well, goodbye for now.


Hatchling Member
There is a How to Train your Dragon book?????????????????????????????????????
Gamma hates the movie, he wouldn't sit through it for a minute, got angry and black bearded at it and then went to sleep. Maybe now that he is older he shall be more ok with it.

Don't worry, I was defiantly not pleased about moving out of the house that I grew up in, but I really like where I live now. At first it seems odd, but then you get used to it =)


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Skymall007":ov3xyslj said:
There is a How to Train your Dragon book?????????????????????????????????????
Gamma hates the movie, he wouldn't sit through it for a minute, got angry and black bearded at it and then went to sleep. Maybe now that he is older he shall be more ok with it.

Don't worry, I was defiantly not pleased about moving out of the house that I grew up in, but I really like where I live now. At first it seems odd, but then you get used to it =)

Yeah, there is a book. A whole series actually. And LOL, Nim hasn't even seen the movie. But I can't make that lizard watch anything. He's SO not a couch potato. So I'll probably never know whether he liked the movie or not. But that's fine with me, I'm not one for watching TV either. :D

Thanks. :D And I know, I'll get used to it. Although, the new place we're moving into is smaller. But from what mom has told me, it sounds like it'll be fine. I may go through a small period of 'relocation stress', so will the birds probably. Nim will probably be fine. He didn't even go through relocation stress when I moved him to the 20 gallon. So yeah, he's chill. :D And speaking of moving, I'll be living in there tomorrow. I'll say goodbye to this old house, only go to it to help mom sort through some stuff. I'll show pictures of the new house, or my room at least.

Well, not much going on. But just before I go, I have two videos to share. One is Mister Willy and KitKat singing together. That doesn't happen so often, only when KitKat is horny. And the second one is Nim running around the kitchen. With some adorable shots of Oosy, so you can see his adorable behavior first hand. :D

Hope you guys enjoy the video. Bye for now. :D

zandi202 Addict
I love the beardie run. There is something about the way they move that I find to be hysterical. I love your conure. There's a sun conure at Petco named Spring that I adore. We used to have a sun conure until my mom passed away (birds were her thing and I was too young) along with a cockatoo and a beautiful, parrot who loved to sing to Kenny Roger's Lucille.

Good luck with the move!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Hey all! I can't believe I vanished for so long. See, we moved the day after I made my last post on this thread. Then for days we didn't have internet. Well, we still don't. But we'll get it this Wednesday. Right now I'm on someone else's computer. And I would've gone on earlier but I forgot my password for this site. I finally remembered it, that's why I'm posting today. Anyways, Nim is perfectly fine and so are the birds. Mister Willy is really starting to warm up to the tiels. And I believe Nim is reaching sexual maturity. He seems to start thinking that his reflection is actually an entity. Because he has been doing small waves, and head twitches. Which probably means I'll need to get a background soon. But I'm actually pleased about his waving, because he's finally starting to act like a male dragon, LOL. :D I mean, I love how docile he is, but sometimes I'd like to see a little attitude. And I believe I will now. I mean, he is almost a year old, and I've almost had him for a year. It's time for my boy to start acting like a boy, LOL.

zandi202":1vsvw86s said:
I love the beardie run. There is something about the way they move that I find to be hysterical. I love your conure. There's a sun conure at Petco named Spring that I adore. We used to have a sun conure until my mom passed away (birds were her thing and I was too young) along with a cockatoo and a beautiful, parrot who loved to sing to Kenny Roger's Lucille.

Good luck with the move!

Yeah, Nim hates running on slick floors. But it is adorable. And thanks, Oosy is a blast. He's very playful and fun to talk to. He may not sing, but he has a huge personality. Ooh, I love cockatoos. I'm glad that tiels are basically tiny cockatoos. Since a cockatoo would be WAY too big for us. Mister Willy is really the only tiels who sings. I mean, the other two boys talk, but they just have noises. Mister Willy sings the Andy Griffith Show theme song. LOL, well, half of it. :p And thanks, so far the move is going great. And I LOVE the new house.

zandi202":1vsvw86s said:
noelerhard":1vsvw86s said:
I've always wanted a bird, but my mom hates them :( . She thinks they are annoying and messy.

It's okay. They are.

Yes, they are very messy. Especially cockatiels, who are basically dust machines, LOL. Seriously, they are the dustiest birds. Sometimes my tiels are harder work and cost more than my dragon. They go through seed fast, especially when you have six of them. So you're partially lucky you don't have any birds. Even though they are intelligent and some talk.

Skymall007":1vsvw86s said:
Such cute videos!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks! I'll probably have more to share of Nim. Maybe even vids of his arm waving, which I am yet to catch. Since my beardie seems camera shy, LOL. :D

zandi202 Addict
Hate to break it to you, but waving is very emasculating :lol: He's telling his reflection that it is the boss :lol:. It's okay, Zy waves at her bugs.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
I know, but at least it was something. I just hope those head twitches will turn into full bobs. I think he's seducing the 'lady lizard' in the mirror. Maybe making her think that she's the boss, then he'll start doing bobs once he has her attention. At least, that's my guess. I mean, why do beardies wave at their food? It's gives the thing a false sense of security, LOL. :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Hi, absent again, LOL. Yeah, sorry about that, I just got bored of this forum. Anyways, since I do know that some still follow Nim's thread, I decided to give you all a little update. :D

First, I believe I was right about Nim being a complex reptile, LOL. You know how I said that he was waving at his reflection? (Which I couldn't get fully on camera because he stopped once I turned it on) Well, he also did mad glass dancing at it, his beard even turned black, first time I ever saw that. :shock: Of course it went back to normal when I removed him from the tank. Still haven't bought a background, but will this Sunday. Anyways, Nim doesn't do this every day. No, sometimes he doesn't care for his reflection, like the past 11 months. Then the next day he hates his reflection. Well, now he's started to head bob. Which is adorable, but he also head bobs with a black beard. But I do have a theory to why his waving turned into head bobbing. Well, two to be exact.

Here is my theory if he thinks his reflection is a lady lizard.
So, Nim first started arm waving to trick the female into thinking that he's submitting to them. Then he glass danced with a black beard to try to get to the lady. And show her his masculinity, on lack of it, LOL. But she didn't pay attention to his waves and attempts to get to him. So now he's deciding to show her that he is above her and she should respect him. Probably to also show her that he is a manly man, LOL. It's a nice theory, and it makes him quite the complicated little bugger. Which I think he is, but I could just be over thinking it, LOL.

And here is my theory if he thinks his reflection is a guy lizard in his territory.
Nim first started to arm wave to trick the male into thinking that Nim's submitting to him. He also glass danced with a black beard to try to get the rival dragon out of his territory. Maybe because the arm wave obviously wasn't working because the male never left. And now, Nim is head bobbing to really show the male who's boss. This is also a nice theory. Again I could be over thinking it. But I'm just trying to understand my Nim by thinking like him. Since I do that when I'm trying to understand an animal's behavior.

Anyways, those are my two theories. Of course Nim is still as docile as ever. Just not with his reflection, LOL. I do find it annoying that he's recognized his reflection as another dragon. And that I have to finally buy a background when I thought I'd be able to go through his whole lifespan without buying one. But I'm also glad that my lizard is maturing. Finally I get some action, who knows, maybe he'll get sassy with me. But I doubt it, he's still such a momma's boy. :D

Well, I guess that's all for now. Oh, I also want to add that Nim and I have a better schedule. Now we both get up at 11 AM, or 12 if I want to sleep in. If he gets up at 11, breakfast is at 1 PM and dinner is at 8 PM. Which makes snuggle time at 10 PM. If he gets up at 12, then breakfast is at 2 PM and dinner is at 9 PM. Which would make snuggle time at 11 PM. Anyways, I just wanted you all to know our new schedule. The more 'human' schedule, LOL. Just in case some thought I still had the horrible nightly schedule. Because I only had that when I was just waiting to get a life and all. Which I have now, well, we're still moving in, but I finally see the rainbow after the hurricane. Just like I knew would come. :D

I guess this is goodnight then. Gotta go to bed soon. See you all later then. :D Bye for now.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Great! I love the new theories, Werewolf.
Also (not one of the people who complained about the bedtime)
glad you got a new schedule for him and you. Hope to hear
from you soon.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
zandi202":1uz75opf said:
I love the theories, especially the first one! :lol:

Thanks! Yes, I love to theorize about things. That's probably why I love cryptozoology so much. I make up theories left and right, and they always change once I get new info. :D

BlueDragon09":1uz75opf said:
Great! I love the new theories, Werewolf.
Also (not one of the people who complained about the bedtime)
glad you got a new schedule for him and you. Hope to hear
from you soon.

Thanks. :D Yeah, I'm glad too. But that is as early as I'll make it. Which is fine for Nim and I, because we get just enough daytime to make us happy. And I know you're not one of the ones who complained. You never did, and thanks for that. :D I just wanted to mention it anyway.

noelerhard":1uz75opf said:
I like the first theory! Nim the ladies man! :lol:

LOL, thanks. I like the first theory too, which I believe is the most reasonable one. Nim looks like a ladies man, LOL. :p

Well, quick update. The birds are fine, duh. :p Nim is still hating his reflection, but I did get some head bobbing caught on camera. I'll share it with you all tomorrow. But today I got Nim a background, a dinosaurian background, BTW, and will install it tomorrow. Mom thinks the big T-Rex face on it will scare Nim, but she seriously underestimates his intellect. I surrounded Nim with plastic dinos and he just crawls on them, LOL. No, all he hates is his reflection. :D Anyways, that is all for now. I'll have pictures of the new background and the head bobbing vid tomorrow. Seen you all then! :D
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