Nim's Story - More videos and pictures.

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Hi, I am the slave of six cockatiels and my new dragon Nim. I'm creating this thread to share all the cute things my little Nim does. Ive had him for eleven days now and he likes me. He warmed up to me six days after I got him. He is the smartest lizard I have ever owned. I would post pics but I'm having some trouble. I put a photo on Flickr and then do the image thing but it only flashes the pic then it disappears if anyone could help I would like that. Nim is a six inch ten gram bearded dragon. Who's favorite veggie is dandelion greens. I have an organic lawn so I get the dandelion greens from there.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Don't worry, I get crazy too. And I'm just weird. I do some crazy things to entertain Oosy. But first I make sure no one is watching, LOL. Oosy sure does love it. :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Niveus":9gnemsin said:
ive read a few pages of ur blog and you sure do know alot about insects, just thought i'd point that out lol.

Thank you, and yes I do know a lot about insects. Winter is the worst time for me because with all the snow, there are no bugs. Summer is the best time, catching all those lovelies and learning about them is the best thing. :D

BlueDragon09 Addict
Hope you're not mad at me I was kinda hoping Tonja found someone else she got mad at.
I don't say words if it's you she's talking about, I know you try your hardest you're only 16.
So if I got you upset like the others then I'm sorry and I won't talk to you if you don't want me
to ever again, okay? I love you sister, be safe and take care of yourself and Nim.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
BlueDragon09":3ec7osb0 said:
Hope you're not mad at me I was kinda hoping Tonja found someone else she got mad at.
I don't say words if it's you she's talking about, I know you try your hardest you're only 16.
So if I got you upset like the others then I'm sorry and I won't talk to you if you don't want me
to ever again, okay? I love you sister, be safe and take care of yourself and Nim.

Thanks. I admit, I was pretty mad last night. It's still stinging today, I couldn't even think much during church because I was thinking of what happened. I have been working up a small-ish rant to let you all know what I'm going through. But seeing that there are people that care, like you, Bluedragon, and noelerhard and beardie parents, makes me feel better. I actually don't know what to say now. The rant I thought of is dead now, from what you guys have said. Just let me say these few words. Because, I still want you to be my friend, but I may take a hiatus. Yes, another one, but I feel the need to. Just take a small hiatus to heal and find myself once again. So, before I go, here are some words I would like you all to hear. Part of my rant that is still good to use.

Most of you may not understand the problems I go through. I took the chance to make some friends and actually speak about my life publicly. Something I have never done before. Most of you know things that I have never mentioned outside of my family, which makes all of you who care, family. The best friends I could hope for are on these forums. BlueDragon09, NerotheMonster, noelerhard, miloandrufusdragons, traceyb73, these are the ones who are in my friends list. Then there are new ones like, beardie parents, jezwolf175, Skymall007 and others that I have seem to have forgotten at the moment. All of you are friends that I have found on these forums, that I probably wouldn't have found if I didn't think about a dragon way back in May. I am proud to be part of a great community. Yet, and I knew this would happen, I opened my heart and it got hurt by some. And it makes me think of leaving these forums. But then, I think of all the friends I have previously mentioned, they would miss me if I were to leave. So I stay, knowing that my heart may be hurt again. I am human, I make mistakes that I learn from. Yes, Nim may be in a small tank, and that thought weighs heavy on me everyday. But I am not an abuser, you know why? Because I give my animals the greatest of things, LOVE, overflowing love. When I post pictures of my pets, do they look sad? Do they look ignored and neglected? No, they are smiling. I could say screw it, and leave them to rot. I could say that I'm a teen, I should be carefree, I don't need to take care of these pets. Be carefree like my 19 year old sister, nothing keeping me from staying here. I could just be lazy and let them starve. But do I? No, I do not. I feed my noisy tiels everyday, I rub their heads and I talk to them. I feed the silly conure, bathe him sometimes, and spend hours giving him attention. I let him tear up an expensive wolf puppet because he loves to play with it so much. And then there is Nim, the hardest thing I have come across. When he poops I could just let him glass dance and not pick it up. I could pick it up and leave the poop soaked paper towel in there and make it smell up the cage. But I don't, I multitask by removing the paper towel and wiping the area while I keep Nim in my sight to make sure he doesn't get hurt while running around. I could not feed him, I could say, "He's a reptile, he can go a day without food, it won't hurt him." But do I? No, I give him his food, and now I am taking the risk of getting bit. I could not give him a boring bath every other day. He's a desert reptile, he doesn't NEED hydration. Yet I still do, it's only ten minutes, and sometimes I make it twenty. I could not take him out every night and give him three hours of snuggles, making me go to bed later when I feel super tired. But I do, because it is our special time. The way he cuddles up upon my body feels like he is hugging me and saying, "I love you mommy." All these things I do with love. Yes, I admit I may grumble, but I still do it. I even feed my pets when I have a fever of 103. I may be 16, and I may be sweet, but that doesn't mean that I am a pushover. Sometimes I want to make angry comments. I do get angry, a lot more than some of you may realize. I have written some things while bursting with anger, yet they sound nice. There is a reason my username is TheWerewolf. Because at times I feel like one. I can be a monster most of the time. I try my hardest to be nice when I'm on these forums. I want to make a good reputation. But now, I feel like I have let you all down. I felt like I have lost friends and my good reputation. But, seeing these kind posts today, it made me realize that I still have friends. And you don't know how happy that makes me feel. I have had bad experiences with friends. There was one friend I had and we were the best of friends. Much like the friendship I have with Lara, AKA NerotheMonster. But then my friend moved far away, my heart broke because I knew I would never see her again. For a long time after that I had no friends, until I found this site, then it all changed.

I believe that is all I wanted to say. Now, before I go and take a week long hiatus, here is the chorus of a song that I have grown to like. I feel like it fits.

"Cause I wear my heart on my sleeve, if you cut me I'll bleed.
I know I cannot erase every mistake that I've made.
Yeah, I never said I was an angel (no).
I never said I wouldn't break down.
But life keeps on moving, by now you should know, I'm only human."

-Human, by Manafest.

See you all in a week. I may pop up from time to time just to check on things. But I will refrain from posting.

BlueDragon09 Addict
I had that same situation, except my best friend was the one watching me move far away (18 hrs from Vegas)
So I miss her and I hope she still remembers me if I ever go back because the last time we saw each other she
was the one crying and I hugged her before I left. We both graduated high school together we been through
everything, fights and everything in between, we had our share of fights. After I moved I have no friends
here like my brother does so it's hard to be friends without being out in public doing something like walking
or reading a book outside. I cloister myself in my room never to come out because my lizard, cat and fish are
my friends and yes I even have imaginary friends...(25 yrs old and I choose to be embarrassed this way) but I do
not talk to them in public or in front of the family I do it alone so when my BF is home they're not around. Just
thought it's okay to feel alone because before this forum I was alone for most of my adult life after I moved from
the one friend that considered me her sister. So when you read this you can understand the pain much like you
feel now to make friends because no matter they judge and I know I do too but I would never do that in public
I can never speak my mind like that. It's nice to know I'm your best friend but your biggest best friend will always
be Lara and I'm okay with that :). Just remember I'm always with you and I would never humiliate you.


Sub-Adult Member
:cry: i'm sorry that you are going through this werewolf...before I had fafnir I didn't really connect with anyone. I barely had friends in high school even then none of them are my friends now. My heart has,been hurt by many people I've come to know. But still I keep it open for all to see. I am an aquarius, a humanitarian, someone who will give everything and expect nothing. With those traits you would think that I would have plenty of friends. Well, in the city I love in it is all about status. Status or you, your parents, even the status of your breaks my heart every time I find a good person to connect to.but they judge me because I am poor. Before I came to this community I thought that I would never find people who wouldn't judge me.

Because of you and bluedragon, and many more people I honestly cried to to have found people who, through a common bond, became my friends.


Sub-Adult Member
I'm so sorry. I wish none of this had happened to you. And I understand why you would want to talk to some people, but I hope you'll still PM and your other friends. I hope your week away helps and I think you're a great beardie slave :whip:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Wow, I don't know what to say. I have been watching this whole thing go down, I just have my online status hidden. BlueDragon, jezwolf, noelerhard and beardie parents, thank you for standing up for me. I couldn't have asked for better friends, you all have made me cry because of your kindness. Beardie parents and jezwolf, could I mark you as friend? You seem to be good friends. BlueDragon, I thank you for helping me in advance. Although, there really truly is no way a 40 can fit in this house. But if you can help me with some supplies, well, that would be excellent. :D I am PROUD to be part of this great community.

Morphmom, I'm sorry if you hate me. You are really nice, and I have never had a Canadian friend before. I agree with you when you say, if somebody can't afford a pet then they shouldn't have it. I used to say that. But you don't know my full story. When I got Nim, way WAY back in May, we had the money. Then, after 3 months of strong bonding, the money declined and it ALL went downhill. If I had gotten rid of him back then we both would have died. You know the bonds beardies form with their owners. Look back at my old posts, did I not give him LOVE? I keep telling you, it didn't start like this. I have said that if I could go back to that day I wouldn't have got him. If you want both of our hearts to break by separating, then I guess you aren't that nice. I give Nim the essentials. A CLEAN cage, LOVE like nothing else, FOOD, loads of it and WATER through those boring baths. If you cannot look past this one thing, then you really aren't my friend. Yes, it is a big thing, but still, I don't throw him against the wall like that one person. I don't follow the pet store's rules and give him one cricket a day.

Tonja, ooh boy do I have a bone to pick with you. I am not a 6 year old who is bored of a puppy. Nim's novelty HASN'T worn off, I DON'T do that with animals, I'm 16, not 6. I know you could have spoke about someone on Craigslist, but we both know the truth and that it was me. And you know what? I'm not ashamed of coming clean and telling you all. It felt good, and true friends stood up for me. You don't even KNOW, or imagine the relationship stuff going on around me. My mom and dad are divorced you know, and mom is dating. DON'T even let me start about that. Nim is the one I snuggle during these hard times. If you want to take him, fine, but I promise you he'll die of heartbreak. I don't think he'd be happier with anyone else, and you know why? Because of LOVE. NO ONE on this earth can give him the LOVE I do. But, I FORGIVE you. Please, I know you can rant, but just know that any other rant that you post that has stuff that I have said or done, remember the heart you are breaking. I have told you all these things before, but you haven't left me alone. But, please, leave me alone now.

As you can see, I am replying to other posts on other threads. But on my thread, because that is where this shall end for good. I agree with stopping all this, what's done is done, there is no changing it. Yes, I could erase what I have said, but I don't want to. I want you all to remember this day when you think of me. I am trying my hardest to change who I am. But this is who I am right now, and those who cannot accept me for who I am, you are not my friend. But then again, it's not me, no, it's LIFE. LIFE IS HARD. I am trying me best to get through it, my lovely pets help me. Another reason I am taking this hiatus is so that I can focus on Christ. Because I can do ALL things, through Christ who gives me strength. I hope, when I return from this hiatus, (which means no posting except for PM's) you will see a new girl. Oh, and one more thing, I am a Jesus Freak. Just thought you'd know another part of me.

Let's end this. I guess this really is goodbye now, see you in a week dear friends.

Tonja Addict


Sub-Adult Member
Geez it was stuff like this that made me leave this site for a while. Werewolf, you do the best you can for your beardie. It's nobody's business but yours how you choose to keep him. He's happy and healthy the way he is and you have nothing to apologize for. There are people that will get extremely zealous and go overboard but the only person you need to be concerned about is yourself. Take care of yourself and yours and feel free to use the Ignore function.

Sometimes it's a little unbelievable how far people will take things. :banghead:

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm sure there were alot of misunderstandings going on here, just as there were on another member's thread.
Please do not start arguments in public. If you have issues with what someone wrote, whether it was right or wrong, please PM that person and deal with the issues privately.

Please remember that this is a PG-13 site. We do not wish to have some kid's parents call us out on vulgar language.
Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Seems Ryback is leaving, shame shame, I never got know the guy. I'm going for a while as well but this site will not be
forgotten, I will check in every so often but probably won't be posting. I do have a forum place to get to so see ya all
in the future.


Hatchling Member
I have been away for a while because of lots of things happening, I don't know what happened while I was away. I shall read back to where I left. It seems there was a controversy, but I want to say that I think you are a wonderful beardie mom no matter what anyone says. You love your little dragon to the moon and back. You are a wonderful person
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