Newspaper Traction Issues

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After reading up on this site about calci-sand, I just recently (like two days ago) cleaned out my dragon's viv and replaced the sand with newspaper. I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong, though -- layering the newspaper flat on the viv. It seems like it's slippery and my bearded's having trouble walking around on it.
Is there any way to fix this, or should I just switch to slate tile?


Extreme Poster
The tile is easy to clean and you don't have to take everything out to do it plus, I don't like the idea of the ink in the paper. The tile is much different than a loose substrate, just like the paper, he will get used to it.


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Gormagon":1dj0tggc said:
The tile is easy to clean and you don't have to take everything out to do it plus, I don't like the idea of the ink in the paper. The tile is much different than a loose substrate, just like the paper, he will get used to it.
Unfortunately I don't have any way to get tile right now. My sister is going to college soon, and so my family's trying to cut costs for a little while...I've put paper towel over the newspaper, and that fixes my beardie's traction issues, but I'd still like help in a similar regard: he used to love crawling all over his basking log, but I'm unsure that it'd be stable without particle substrate. When I had sand, I could just wiggle and burrow it into the substrate and it'd be 100% stable, but I don't have any way to do that with paper towel. I'm worried it'll be wiggly or even fall over, which is the absolute last thing I want.
Does anyone have suggestions for securing basking logs on non-particle substrate, paper towel or otherwise?

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
I have a stone that I put in the middle of the tank. It's not super heavy, but it's enough to safely prop up basking logs and hold them against the corner of the tank.


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CooperDragon":3devq6fs said:
I have a stone that I put in the middle of the tank. It's not super heavy, but it's enough to safely prop up basking logs and hold them against the corner of the tank.
Giving this a shot!
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