I like your enclosure. Could you please keep me posted on your beardie's reaction to the item where he can climb to the front left.
It's slippery for Rocky and it's hard for him to go under but he makes it work. Im just curious.
I use those hammocks and he loves them....there's a huge size that I replaced my smaller ones (and previously cloth ones) with. I noticed it keeps Rocky active. He runs across it but he also tries to break through the ceiling (good thing the enclosure opens in the front) lol
oh wow your rocky sounds extremely energetic just like my maleficent lol. she loves her hammocks too, she's always climbing in them or basking on them.
some of the pieces in her tank she's actually had for a while, I just rearranged them and added some new things. she has had the branch on the left side and her cave behind it for a year and she loves both.
she hasnt ever had any issues climbing it but I do agree it is a little slippery. she loves to climb though, thats why I added a shelf and the swing so she could have some more elevation. I hope your rocky enjoys his branch too, even if he can only go under it lol.