New "Bearded Dragon" Rescue Day... and the husband :O

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sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Yes, you have really done a great job, you wouldn't even think he's the same dragon if you weren't posting in his thread! Tell you hubby, great job! That new viv is going to be spectacular, he's going to just love it once it's done. Wow, I can just imagine how wonderful he's going to find it. And he got his pond today :D So what is all that grassy stuff around him in the pictures? And yes, he's famous!


Gray-bearded Member
i still can't believe the original owner thought he was a bearded dragon.

and yes, he is famous. i tell people about Stanley all the time.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Daughter took this last night


I added the LOVE this morning... awww Yes we love Stanley...

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
He has such awesome colours, happy colours! He looks so comfy in his space! Good job, you two. And wonderful picture!

beardie parents Sicko
I just got done reading this whole thread. It took me awhile and I had to do it in two sections. He's doing good and looks great!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks for taking the time to read it beardie parents... His story is a sweet one especially to us.



Sub-Adult Member
That enclosure's going to be amazing! I had been seriously considering getting a water dragon before I got my second beardie (coincidentally also named Stanley), but their enclosure needs were just too daunting for me. Can't wait to see when yours is finished!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Sorry it has been so long in between updates. Stan is doing well. He is finally beginning to eat like a fiend, and is starting to grow. He just finished a bath and was enjoying some time out with Daddy..

Stan by ynevar, on Flickr

Stan in the sun by ynevar, on Flickr

THAT's enough pictures Mommy... sheesh!!!

Stan by ynevar, on Flickr

He is doing well, a LOT less skittish and freaked when he is being handled and loves being out. He will just sit in the hubby's hand for a long period of time and is starting to just thrive. What a change. I wonder if it was because of how awfully he was treated before, or if he was wild caught or what... but it has taken a long time to get him to eat a lot more etc.

But, that being said his crest is starting to grow, it seems like he is in constant shed so he must be growing somewhat! He has gained weight and is still a joy.


sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
That's really good news, did you get that huge viv finished? He looks great! Glad to hear he's eating alot more, guess it took awhile for him to feel comfy.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I have had a very bad couple of months with my auto immune disease issues and hubby is so darn busy at this time. I was thinking of trying to trade or pay a handy man to do it. I just don't have the strength. I did get some faux rock started on. Haven't decided if it will go in Stan's viv or one of the beardies.

fakerock by ynevar, on Flickr

I am thinking one of the beardies! I think Stan's rock will be gray? Anyhow. I know I have GOT to get Stan's viv worked on, he seems happy in his enclosure at the moment but I know he will LOVE the big one. I just wish I wasn't so limited physically at times.

Maybe I can get the hubby to stop by Home Depot and get the things I need to make the doors. Once I have the doors made the rest can just fall into place. Yep... We go to Home Depot. I have decided to seal the entire inside with aquarium sealant vs. polyurethane because it will take 10 years to dry here in the cold rain we are likely going to get soon. It is 48 now and sunny best day all year so far! I miss summer! Then I will be complaining "It's 70 degrees and I am too hot" LOL Maybe if I start working on the viv some night the Mr. will get inspired to get it done. Right now it is a collector of misc. things. :shock: :banghead: :shock:

We have added to our reptile collection and I have a few leopard gecko breeders who are just darling as all get out. Our rescue Leo is completely healed and while still very skittish is a true love. You would never have guessed he started off with a broken leg so pitiful. :blob5: I have added some wide horned hissers and Madagascar hissers to the family. They are sure fun to watch. I will get crack a lackin on Stan's viv some way, some how and get pics up for you all to see. I think that lil guy deserves a big roost to run in! I can't wait to see it done. I have just about EVERYTHING I need except the doors and some ventilation. I have his radiant heat panel, his light, thermostat, pond, plants, a fountain, cork background, vines, a branch, lots of sphagnum moss, aquarium sealant. I have even included a feeding dish to put into the shelf. So he can run over and snack on his shelf, it's easy for me to access and it is not near the moss substrate. Maybe the glass shop can just fabricate it for me. I'd probably be better off doing it myself and just taking my time---I think I got a quote for a piece of acrylic and about fainted once. So basically it's just assembly now. Took a lot of funds to get the supplies! Happy though when it will be finished. I wish there weren't days that it hurt to hold a cup of coffee, but they will pass. It's the nature of the beast.

Thanks for checking in and Stan sends his love! He had a bath today and hubby worked on some retained shed areas, rubbing mineral oil on after a soak. His little hands always seem to be the worst. He is so cute, he will turn his head and look at my husband, every now and then get wiggly like okay I have had enough! LOL greased lizards are hard to hold! hahaha


sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
It sounds like it's going to be a wonderful viv when it's done. I'm sorry you've not been well, winter seems to turn all these diseases up worse. I have osteo arthritis in all my joints and fibromyalgia, so it can be painful in the winter when it's wet and cold. Hopefully spring gets here quickly. It was sunny & 60F today, so that's a good sign, but it's still early yet.

Stan is going to just love his new viv when it's finished. He'll think he's in heaven! I'll be looking forward to seeing it once it's done...but you take your time, no need to get into more pain because of it.

The leos sound so cute. I have 2 geckos besides my 5 male dragons (little monsters!). I have a golden called Rocco, he's now 5 yrs old and I have a 7 yr old crested gecko named Bunny, I adopted her in December from a friend. She's the easier gecko to handle, Rocco, not so much. I can rub his back and that's about it, he's very wild. Bunny is still a bit skittish but she doesn't mind being picked up now and will stay out with me for about an hour before wanting back in her tank.

So you take care and thanks so much for the update, was thinking of you guys recently, wondering how you all were. You have 2 beardies, right? That rock looks like a great basking spot or just sit on it on the cool side rock!
Take care


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Well... we got Stanley's new viv done. He has not been doing all that well and sadly passed this morning.

It was heart breaking, to say the least.

We worked so hard on getting his home done. Got it put together, aired out for a week and then put him in. I had hoped that he would be better. The vet had no clue what was wrong with him, nor did I. I researched and researched, we tried everything we knew and he just never seemed to thrive. I spent HOURS researching, fecal testing, reading, consulting with others... nothing seemed to work. He did LOVE his new home though for the short while he was in it. He climbed the bark like spider man, he figured out the vines were for climbing and found his food bowl that we inset into the shelf.

Had I the HEART to do it, or a vet who knew what they were doing I would have had a necropsy done, or done one myself. But, we buried him at the base of a mountain in a very sunny spot by some beautiful trees. I seriously have no words to express how much this little lizard will be missed in our home.

Sad---but here are the pics of the viv in last stages of completion and pics of his last week of life. I'd take more pics of his completed house... but I just don't have the heart. Miss him so. It looked much better than the pics I posted here. My heart breaks that the reptile vet we had that was decent retired, the reptile vet that was okay---LEFT, and we were left with a vet that seriously thought Stan was an iguana. NO words can express how helpless we felt, but we loved him, did everything we could and will miss him greatly.

Rest in Peace Stanley. Thank you to those that followed his story. We loved this little one so very much.

stansviv2 by ynevar, on Flickr

stansviv1 by ynevar, on Flickr

stanspoolalmostdone by ynevar, on Flickr

stanfavoritelogfood by ynevar, on Flickr

stanshouse1 by ynevar, on Flickr

stanthehappyclimber by ynevar, on Flickr

stanshandonmark by ynevar, on Flickr

stansaysyesmommy by ynevar, on Flickr

stanninja by ynevar, on Flickr

stanjustresting by ynevar, on Flickr
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I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
She was having a staring contest with a mealworm. I guess I never taught her to not play with her food, lol.
bro went to bed already, it’s 10:36 pm
Definitely going to be using this image if I ever catch a fence lizard again.

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