Need Your opinion PLEASE !! fixed weight !!! sorry

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Hatchling Member
Hope this is the right place to post this.....
My Two Rescue Beardie's s length and weight .For one I am really concerned about the Baby She seems so little and just not growing everything is perfect because I did what everyone on here told Me and studied and read and read on and on .She eats but She is just so small Here is Her sizes ....
She is around and not sure because of the people She was rescued from was really bad but She is around 8 1/2 weeks old now length 5 1/2 long exactly and weight 6 grams ????? What is Your opinion and PLEASE ANY SUGGEST WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED

Okay the other rescue Lola is a Adult She is around 3 years old the people She again came from but They did not know for sure because They had Her around 10 mths and They just figured She was around 3 Years old( real bad situation) Anyway,She has gained alot in the 2 weeks that I have had Her but Can You give Me Your Opinion again on if She is under weight and any suggestions here is Her sizes
Length 19 and a little over and I measured 3 times to make sure .Weight 350 grams ??? Doe's This sound about right for a 3 yr old or do You think She may be younger ? Please all Opinions and suggestions are of importance here They are Rescue's and need everyone's help not just mine so if There is someone out there that breeds or is more knowledgeable in this area please help.THANK YOU VERY MUCH :study:
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