Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

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We never expected to get another dragon, but our neighbours next door wanted to give away Cleo, as he was called. We'd babysat him before, he's such a sweetheart. We nicknamed him Velcro because when he snuggles he never wants to go back to his viv, he hangs on as if he's made out of velcro.

So here he is. Today was his first day with us. He ate 13 supers and ate some squash, not bad for the first day he was here. He's only in a 30 gallon tank, which will be ok for now. He's 18" long but weighs only 200g. We figure he's probably 2 yrs old. Our neighbours rescued him last fall, they found him and a female (which they named Puff) on Craig's list. They were in a 30 gallon dirty tank, with sand and a huge log that took up 1/2 the space in the tank. Leo was at the bottom, he was sooooo skinny. He's gained weight, but never got the attention he deserved. I took some pics today, but will take more tomorrow. I think he remembers our place as didn't get stressed as I expected. No stress marks at all. When we let him run around the living room, he noticed our girls and immediate black beard, so his hormones are working!

He had a bath this morning, had a big poop, no smell, so not worried about parasites.

So here are a few pics, he's a yellow & dark gray, light gray colour.

Under the communal power sun in the living room:

Discovering there are girls in those tanks up above, he has a great black beard for such a skinny boy:

On the couch, he's got a pretty diamond pattern on his back:


Hope you enjoy
Deb and my six dragons :D :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry: :( :love5:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Well, I didn't see Leo as planned, he & Eric are sick (again) and I won't go near either one if they're sick, I haven't had so much as a cold so far & I want to keep it that way, especially with going to work this week. And I'm very disappointed but I can't let it get me down as I have to put all my energy into healing. I could wring his neck, though :banghead:

So instead I've been playing with my boys. I have to say, Titan is feeling so much better, he's ran around his tank, trying to jump out & glass dancing. I took him out, put him on the bed and he looked at me as if to say "what in the heck are you doing Mom, I was having FUN" :lol: So I put him back in his tank and he ran around some more. Now he's on his basking spot, tall as get out with his nose in the air. And it looks like the YF on his chest has reduced! It just might be my imagination, but I think so.

Gabriel is on the ramp, he just watched the movie CARS2 and now he's running over to under his tank to make faces at Didi. I had Didi on my shoulder, but when he jumped down & tried to crawl into the living room, I put him in Gabriel's tank so they can black beard, etc at each other and get some exercise.

So here are a few pics I took yesterday:
Lonzo & Rubio were waiting for baths:

Looking down at Gabriel getting on the plane. This is on the floor in front of his tank, I have a lot of stuff there to prevent him from climbing out of the living room. He is my brat after all :lol:

Didi was in Gabriel's tank (while Gabriel was out) enjoying the pile of wood on the cool side.

After I put Didi out and Gabriel got back in his tank, he enjoyed his wood, this is also how he keeps an eye on me at the computer. The pics are dim because I took them through the glass.

"I can see you Mom" :lol:

Rubio decided to get on his cool side and sit on his blanket & pillow, he was smiling about it, too :mrgreen:

Gabriel on the ramp, trying to figure out how to get into trouble:

Leo, looking up at me, "what's with the flashy thing, Mom?"

Lonzo smiling at me, just because :D

Titan, he doesn't look at all sick, does he?

Rubio, really getting into moving his blanket off the hide, 2nd day in a row, wonder what he's trying to tell me?

Gabriel, trying to figure out a way to get out of his tank, but he's just not tall enough :lol:


Juvie Member
Oh Deb lol those are some really great pictures. They all look great and Titan doesn't look sick at all anymore. Hope he's feeling better. I think you caught that just in time. I love looking at the pictures you post. Keep em comin'!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi, glad you like them! I can't stop taking pics of them. I was so surprised when Titan started glass dancing & jumping in his tank today, he's been so lethargic with his meds, so he got a 3 hour cuddle tonight as I watched a movie. I'm glad Riley is doing so well!

Esther19 Addict
Darn. Do you believe that Leo and Eric are really sick? I do agree, we can't risk you getting sick.
Great pictures of the boys! Thank you!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Esther, yes, Eric sounded sick, he gets sinus infections & even though that's not catching, if he's got a virus, it is. I just can't take the chance, I pick up bugs way too easily. So I'll try to get over there next week. It's disappointing and annoying but nothing I can do. My sister and my mom are really mad at him right now & would love to give him a swift kick, but have to be nice to him...but I'd better see my grandbaby soon!

Thanks for checking out the pictures, I'm sure going to miss them this week! How are your beardies doing, are the boys still asleep? Mine haven't even bromated yet, even though Rubio is starting to think about it, I think. Hard to tell with him, as you can see by the pictures.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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So I checked Titan very carefully today before putting on his cream and the YF is moving down towards his legs. So I'm going to be putting the cream on every 2nd day instead of every 3rd day to see if I can stop it from getting onto his legs, feet & tail. I'm not sure at this point if it has moved down there yet, he's the same colour, so will see on Thursday when I coat him again (he just hates that).

Leo is doing really well, and I'm making sure Titan and Leo get lots of water. Everyone gets a bath tomorrow, as the day Titan gets the cream I can't do anything else with the others, as I run out of time. Titan is time consuming when it's cream the beardie time :lol: Poor baby.

I'm doing ok after my 2nd day at work but find I'm really tired in the morning, so we'll see how I manage tomorrow. And I'll remember to put the alarm on as I didn't this am & woke up at 9a, luckily was going in an hour later than planned because of a team meeting.

I'm going to ask for Fridays off for a couple of weeks, I think 4 days a week will be enough for now. I don't want to get over-tired or I'll be in the same boat as before.

Will give an update tomorrow night about the ankle specialist and what he has to say, hopefully it's good news and it can be fixed. I just don't want to be this way for the rest of my life, as I know it won't heal on it's own.

beardie parents Sicko
I understand how you feel about your ankle, Deb. I still have problems with my ankle, especially on the days/weeks that I stand & walk all day long, excepting about 20 minutes to sit and eat for lunch. It's been about 5 years, maybe more, since I hurt it and it's not healed yet. Going to the Dr. isn't an option because I don't have the money to pay the deductible for my health insurance. I hope Titan gets better and the yf goes away for good soon. That's such a nasty disease.


Hatchling Member
Oh no Deb. I was hoping you'd get to see Leo :cry:. Hopefully you'll get to see him soon. And poor Titan, he just can't catch a break with the YF. I did get a giggle out of the your cream the beardie time :lol:. He's a tough little man, he'll be ok :).

Glad to hear you're doing ok with work. Hoping the ankle specialist has good news for you :).

Love the pics of the boys. Their all so photogenic 8) And Titan really looks good :wink:

Well I better get back to work :( I'll try to update on my crew tonight (barring having to scrub all the vivs again, it took me 2 hours yesterday cause almost everyone pooped and then finger painted it into the tiles :puke:)


Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
I thought Titan's YF was under control :( Poor baby. Hope it won't spread too far or too fast.

How had Leo (the beardie) been? No more aspirating after drinking?

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Sabrina and Gina. The news from the doc at the ankle clinic is I'm going to need a bit of surgery for the one spot where there's some cartiledge out of place, but it could take a year to hear from the surgeon. So he gave me a letter for my physio about the ligament that needs work, as they don't do surgery on ligaments that are healing.

Titan looked much better last night when I was giving him his supplements and water/bath (well he jumped into the sink and wouldn't move out of it until I added water :lol: ) so I'll post them later.

Leo's doing much better since I figured out how to get water in him with him choking.

Time to get ready, it's the big luncheon today & I have to get some chores done, but I'll update & post those pictures when I get home. I'm managing fine with work, only 3 hours a day, plus 2 hours total travelling, but I'm feeling not too bad. Now to get some sleep :mrgreen: Seeing my doc next Friday.


Sub-Adult Member
Hey :D Love the pictures of all the boys and Titan doesn't look sick at all in those pics, very energetic! Sorry to hear you didn't get to see your grandson though :( But I guess it's best if you don't go near them if they're sick. Jango's been very energetic lately too.. He wants out every morning to run around.. We put up our Christmas tree and it's infront of the window where he loves to look out.. I put him up there the other day and he tried to jump into the tree, but missed and fell onto the platform and took Nathan's train out.. so Mike says he's not allowed up there anymore until after the tree comes down.. last year we let him run around the tree platform but he's bigger this year and knocks things over.. the houses and such are Mike's mom's and are old so he doesn't want them broken.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi, thanks for checking in, Jango is so funny, he doesn't realize that he's a grown up now :lol: I can understand why Mike doesn't want him crashing around, if his mom's things are old and fragile, don't want them broken.

I just got a call from Eric because Leo was making a lot of noise, gurgling, laughing and yelling, it was great to hear. So I'm supposed to be invited over on Sunday, won't hold my breath, but hopeful Eric will keep his word. I told him 1/2 an hour would just put me in baby heaven!

I got some more pics from yesterday, so here they are:

I let Didi visit Gabriel for a second, just because Didi is getting sleepier every day, so thought it would be ok & it was; not something I'd normally do :mrgreen:

Then I gave Titan some water, he sure was thirsty, notice the paw in the water :lol: seems he needs it there to drink:

Then he remembered to breathe, which is a good thing!

Then back in the water

Then breathe again:

Rubio has decided staying under his log is a good place for him recently, I think he's going to be bromating soon:

Lonzo posing on one of the blankets a friend made for him:

Gabriel trying to figure out what he can do next, before he goes to sleep for the night:

Leo getting comfy before bedtime:

And Didi decided to sleep on the side of his hide :lol: He's a funny boy!

So I'm off to bed, I'm still getting tired out after being at work, even though today it was the luncheon and it was good to get out. I don't have to work tomorrow, so will get a call to figure out hours for next week. I hope this fatigue goes away soon.

beardie parents Sicko
I hope the fatigue goes away for you soon also, Deb. It's hard to try to work when you are sleepy, to try to force yourself to stay awake. I must ask you to take the cold weather back that your area send down here, also keep the next one that's due here from your area. I live here so I don't have to deal with cold rain all morning driving in then when I got off work and walked out to get into my truck to come to my friends house and it's colder at 5:15pm then it was at 10 am. I must ask you to keep the cold weather at your area. I don't want it. This is Arizona, we aren't supposed to get below 30f. It's supposed to get down to 27 tonight and tomorrow about 50f high. We are getting another cold front (with rain, supposedly) by Saturday through Monday, unless I can get you to keep it up there. At least it doesn't come here all that often.

Rosie has been asleep for almost one month without waking up. Bill keeps mentioning he's worried about her. We pick her hide box up off her every so often to check on her. The last time I did, the lights bothered her until I put the box back on her hide.


Sub-Adult Member
Love all the pictures of your crew! Sorry to hear about Titan's YF and I hope that it doesn't spread too far or fast. I hope you heal well too! Tay-Tay is about to go down too. She's been sleeping more and hiding in her hide. I was hoping she wouldn't brumate this year.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Well, Lori, the cold weather comes from Alaska & so you need to talk to someone there. We're freezing here as well, it's way too cold for me. It's hard to heat my 1 bedroom apartment right now, the geckos are getting cold at night. So got them heat lamps that I hope helps, but my have to get a higher wattage. I want this weather gone, too, but we're not having any rain, so you can't blame that on me :lol:

So Tay-Tay has decided to bromate? Looks like Didi and Rubio and maybe even Leo may be thinking about it too, even Gabriel is quiet so far today.

I checked Titan last night & I think some of the YF has disappeared but since he's the same colour, it's hard to tell. We go back to the vet on the 14th, so she'll go over him well to see how he's doing. I think he's also getting ready for another shed, seems that he sloughs off the skin that's affected. So when it happens again, I'll be more aggressive with the cream on him right away & see if I can kill it. I'm also looking into some natural things that are anti-fungal as well, but he seems to be getting used to the cream now, doesn't seem to get as sick.

I'm feeling a bit better, managed 4 shifts of 3 hours each this week, have today off as seeing the physio. My left shoulder is extremely painful, so I have to talk to my physio about that, as that will interfere with getting back to full time work.
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