Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

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We never expected to get another dragon, but our neighbours next door wanted to give away Cleo, as he was called. We'd babysat him before, he's such a sweetheart. We nicknamed him Velcro because when he snuggles he never wants to go back to his viv, he hangs on as if he's made out of velcro.

So here he is. Today was his first day with us. He ate 13 supers and ate some squash, not bad for the first day he was here. He's only in a 30 gallon tank, which will be ok for now. He's 18" long but weighs only 200g. We figure he's probably 2 yrs old. Our neighbours rescued him last fall, they found him and a female (which they named Puff) on Craig's list. They were in a 30 gallon dirty tank, with sand and a huge log that took up 1/2 the space in the tank. Leo was at the bottom, he was sooooo skinny. He's gained weight, but never got the attention he deserved. I took some pics today, but will take more tomorrow. I think he remembers our place as didn't get stressed as I expected. No stress marks at all. When we let him run around the living room, he noticed our girls and immediate black beard, so his hormones are working!

He had a bath this morning, had a big poop, no smell, so not worried about parasites.

So here are a few pics, he's a yellow & dark gray, light gray colour.

Under the communal power sun in the living room:

Discovering there are girls in those tanks up above, he has a great black beard for such a skinny boy:

On the couch, he's got a pretty diamond pattern on his back:


Hope you enjoy
Deb and my six dragons :D :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry: :( :love5:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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I've realized that I just can't have phoenix worms in my apt, it's just too warm and I don't have a cool area. I tried small roaches and Rocco already ate a few, so that's good. And I did try the phoenix worms on all my boys and none of the would even look at them, they all turned their noses up at them. So that didn't work out well. Bunny wouldn't eat them either, I"ve been syringe feeding her Repahsy every night as she's losing weight. She won't eat roaches either, but she sure will eat lots of Repashy from the syringe, just not by herself. So I'm probably going to go back to crickets but just for her. Rocco's going to have to put up with roaches and the occasional small super.


Gray-bearded Member
Rocco sure is lucky, and what stinks of your boys for turning their noses up at the worms. But it makes sense, not having them if you don't have a cool place for them.

Poor Bunny, losing weight. But I'm glad she's taking the repashy by syringe well. Crickets just for her won't be to bad, right?

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Better than for Rocco. If I give him crickets I have to take out the backing which he will hate, he loves that backing, spends most of his time running around on it. The crickets get in behind no matter how well I block it off & then die and stink. Bunny doesn't have a backing, so it would work to get crickets for her, as I can see them all the time. So I think I'll try her again. The same 6 roaches have been in her tank for 4 days in a small dish, long enough for 2 of them to molt! So that's not working.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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So Rocco is eating the roaches, yeah, so no crickets for him, he can keep his backing. The roaches are in a dish & they're disappearing fast.

I'm getting Bunny some crickets tomorrow after I pick up my car, as she won't eat roaches at all. The ones I thought she'd eaten I found at the end of her stick hiding, so that's out. I won't feed her Repashy all the time either, she needs more protein, so crickets but only for her, not for Rocco.

I'm home for awhile now, I've been getting more exhausted every day and the diabetic specialist I've been seeing for a long time told me it's time to rest. So I have an apt with my family doc (well her replacement, mine is still on medical leave) and I'll be discussing how tired I've been getting and how much in pain I am. I found some alternative pain pills at the health food store, turmeric and ginger, not sure how well they work, but I don't want to take ibuprofen anymore, hurts my stomach. I also have to eat better as I'm feeling full more than I should be, so smaller meals more often I guess is how I'll need to go. The specialist wasn't too concerned, even though my blood sugar was up a point, but thinks a good rest will do me good.

It also gives me more time with my boys, even though Didi and Leo are now asleep and I think Rubio will be off soon. Not sure what Gabriel will do, so far he gets up every morning, but after basking for an hour or so he's off to the cool side and has been asleep by 2p, same with Lonzo. Titan sits on his basking spot all day. I'm giving him water by syringe daily as the vet doesn't want his skin in water right now and he's drinking tons. I also fed him 4 roaches today and will continue to do that on every day he doesn't have the injection, after water and acidophilus, he hates having roaches put into his mouth, but he's eating them.

I'll keep you posted on how Titan is doing, haven't talked to the vet yet, but will give her a call tomorrow after I get back from dropping my car off, needs a checkup.

And still haven't heard from Eric and it's a week and a half since I last saw them. Leo is 2 months old tomorrow, so will probably call, it's a good excuse!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member
Hello Deb,

I hope you are feeling better after seeing your chiropractor!
How is Titan doing today? Is he eating well also? I hope his infection starts to get better soon.
I hope the rest of the gang is doing good too.
Just thought I would check in on your thread.


sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Tracie, thanks for dropping in. I don't think the problem is the usual, as my hips still hurt a lot. I think, because of the weather change (it went from 90F down to 40F & is colder today) that I'm having a fibromyalgic flare, which is always in my hips. I saw my chiro on Tuesday and she adjusted everything she normally does. The aching in my ankle is always better in the morning, but by noon it aches to my hip no matter what I do. The whole thing has caused huge exhaustion, so I'm sleeping a lot and resting a lot and stretching a lot to try to get better.

Titan is not eating unless I feed him and then not much, so will get at him again today. I haven't checked the mailbox, so hoping the gel is there today, as he needs it. You should see me trying to paint his tummy with Betadine & under his neck, it's quite the ballet we get into, as he loves to wiggle to try to get away :lol: but I keep telling him to relax, as I'm bigger and stronger and it has to be done. I'll be talking to the vet today sometime, too, I hope. Will leave a message for her to call.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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So I think fibromyalgia has kicked in, as my higs are very sore & that's usually where I get flares, so I'll do some stretches and see if that helps. It's brought on my change in weather and stress, so will see how it goes.

I checked on my sleepers and Didi has his head in his hide :lol: , so I just left him sleeping. Leo is way at the back of his hide, so left him, too, but Rubio was in his hide completely awake, so he was hauled out & put under his power sun. I told him no being awake in your hide, if you're awake, you're up under your light and you stay up until you fall asleep. :lol: Titan is up and so is Lonzo and Gabriel, guess Gabriel hasn't figured out brumation yet :mrgreen: So I still have 4 boys up, but not sure for how long Rubio will wake up in the am. Could be another month for him, we'll see.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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I took my car in for a checkup, need a fan belt and a new battery. So instead of charging me for the checkup, they're only charging me for the fan belt battery, $238+ tax. I have a great mechanic, 2 blocks away, and they explain everything that's needed. So my brakes are in good shape, may need changing next year but maybe not. Said I should have a checkup every year to make sure spark plugs, etc are all in good shape. Also need struts and shocks replaced but that can wait, will start saving from my bonus, xmas & birthday $ & extra pays next year and may be able to get it done next summer. I can tell you, it's expensive to run a car but on the other hand, getting to my folks by public transport takes 2 1/2 hrs ea mo, same for my brother and nieces, while driving is only 30-40 minutes. So keeping my car as long as I can.

Titan ate 5 roaches (with my help) today and is sunning himself at the top of the ramp. Lonzo got some sun today & so did Rubio, first sunny day in over 2 weeks! Then offered Rubio some supers, he ate 4 at one time and choked :shock: So upside down he went, got some acidophilus, water and had a very long warm bath & he's fine now. Scared the dickens out of me, as every time Lonzo or Leo chokes it's CPR to get them breathing again :roll:

That's all the excitement for today so far, but here are a few pics;
Gabriel decided my summer hat was a good thing to sit in :lol: Squashed the top down

Titan, his left eye is bothered when I put the gel along it, poor dear, keeps it closed a lot

But his right side looks fine and he's now getting ready to shed that side of his face

Basking, which he does all the time now, it's as if he can't get warm, poor sweetie

A close up of Rubio, my handsome big baby;

Sleepy Rubio, I didn't know dragons could do the splits like THAT :lol: and give me the stink eye, too :lol: Rubio is a multi-tasking beardie :mrgreen:

Didi smiling in his bath:

That's all for now, Gabriel is sleeping on my shoulder and everyone else is sleeping away. And it's only 5:30.

I got my car back, so glad I took it in, I like my mechanics, they are honest, don't overcharge & didn't charge me for the checkup at all. Said to come in yearly, so will do that.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Hi Deb, so sorry to hear you're in so much pain. I imagine you are walking differently with all the damage in your ankle so that's probably what's causing the hip pain. Hope your doctor can find something to make you feel more comfortable and to help with the exhaustion too. Sorry you're going through all of this.

Poor Titan, he's such a cutie. He wants to feel better. His right eye looks good, hope the left one clears up soon. Is the area under his lip/chin a raw area or is that the colored gel? Good that he's basking a lot. What basking temp is he liking now?

Gabriel is too funny on your hat. Guess he liked the center all flattened out, makes it more comfy for him. :mrgreen:

That closeup of Rubio is precious, just makes you melt. Would have been a good calendar pose, hang onto that one. :wink: Love the "splits", that sure would be painful for us but he doesn't seem to mind that position. Love the stink-eye he's giving you for taking his picture.

Nice smile from Didi. :D

Glad you got your car back and they gave you a break on the price. :p

beardie parents Sicko
Batteries are expensive, Deb. What you paid for a fan belt and a battery is a good price, especially if they installed it for you, as that' usually part of the price.

Poor Titan. Is he doing any better? I hope so, he doesn't look real happy and I guess I understand why.

I hope your body gives you a break soon.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Diane,
I just am exhausted, there's no doubt, all I want to do is sleep & that's mostly what I've done the last 4 days. I feel better in the morning but by noon I'm sleepy again. It's such a drag that I can't see my doc until next Thursday, but hopefully I'll feel a lot better by then. Have to have a urine test done, as my specialist I saw Tuesday said it's indicated on the test I had done in September it might be an infection, so hope not. But I'll see.

That lump on Titan's lip is from being burned, it's a lot smaller than it was & the red around it is acidophiluz :lol: He loves the stuff, but some does dribble down and seems to settle around it, eventually it stains black after the red. No way to remove it until he sheds that area. As for the lump, it will just have to reduce on it's own, I guess. Another question for the vet, who wanted to talk to me but I haven't had a call yet.

I'm hoping the antibiotic gel will get in tomorrow. I've given him a break for a week, after the car expense I don't have $35 to get another tube from the vet. So I'll see if it gets in tomorrow. Tracie told me it cleared customs...then it's Canada Post and that takes time.

Hi Lori, yes that price was labour to install the fan belt and battery, so I think it's a good price, too, especially since the check up can be $150 on it's own, but they waived that fee. I am so lucky to have honest mechanics, they've been in business for over 20 years and they're 2 blocks away. So can leave the car & walk home & then walk over to pick it up. The big job is next year, or the year after, whenever I can put the $ together, I need to replace struts and shocks as I feel EVERY bump when I drive, and as my car is 10 years old and it's my last car, has to last a long time, may as well be comfy, but that will be about $800 or more, so have to save a lot b4 I can get that done.

The last thing to do on the car is an alignment, should have been done a year ago, so I'll get that done end Oct when I get my small pension. And I'm good for awhile after that!

Titan isn't feeling well but I'm making sure he eats at least 5 med sized roaches a day. He won't eat on his own, so I just put them in his mouth, he tries to spit them out, but I won't have that. So he's eating a bit at least, won't eat any greens, but he gets lots of water every day, as he's always thirsty. And the roaches eat tons of greens, so that should help a bit. I have to talk to the vet about a biopsy on him, if it might be necessary. I sent some pics to Sue, Dino's owner, about Yellow Fungus, as Dino was very sick with it, not sure if the pics were good enough, but we'll see.

I'm hoping I'll feel better soon, too!

Esther19 Addict
Yes, I sure hope so, too! I'm so sorry you're not well. Your boys are so precious. They will love having their mama home.


Gray-bearded Member
I hope you feel better soon, Deb. The boys are looking great. And as for the gel-and I've learned this the hard way. USPS phrases things differently then CP. USPS will say it's cleared Customs even if Customs is waiting to clear it or has received it but hasn't cleared it yet. So it depends on which site the tracking number has been put into. But I sure hope you get it tomorrow. Titan needs it, the cutie.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Jolene, so I called the vet this am &took Titan in for the biopsy. My vet took specimens from 4 places, she took the bubble on his lip, a bit from the strange lesion on the part behind his head; one from his chest, and one from his beard where it was brown. She's sending it off to an exotic animal lab & should have the results by the end of next week or earlier. I bought some anti-fungal cream, which is what I'm going to put on him daily to see how that works and I keep on with the injections. I can give him a Betadine bath every 2 days for 5 minutes, to start, to see if that helps his belly. She also agreed that I can pay her next Friday when I get paid & I cashed in my last RRSP so I'd have some extra, just in case. I'm to keep the appointment on Oct 26, but can change it anytime if I find that he's getting worse. He'll also be given an oral anti-fungal med once it's determined what it is exactly that he has. Sue Ciampi, Dino's mom, has offered her vet records as she's told her vet to release them to any other vet who wants them to study, so I'll send my vet that info today.

All in all, poor Titan has been through the mill today, he was at the vet from 10a until I picked him up at 4:30. he's now under his basking light warming up, after supper he & I are going to snuggle & watch a movie.

I'm feeling a bit better, got through the whole day without feeling exhausted, which is a step in the right direction. The place where the flares come up are across from one hip joint to the other, affects the sciatic nerves and the joints at the spine, so not returning to work until that pain is completely gone. It's much less than it was, so that's an improvement, too. I'm hoping to have another 2 weeks off before getting back to normal hours.

Not sure if I mentioned it, but Rubio's mouth is healed. There's no infection at all, his gums are all normally coloured again! YEAH, one thing done. I also bought pumpkin today to give to Rubio and Titan, to clean them out. Tomorrow I'll feed Titan again & if Rubio wants to eat, that's fine, but he won't be bromating any time soon, then. He doesn't seem in a hurry anyway.

I haven't checked the mailbox yet, so will do that tomorrow. I'll at least have the gel if needed, but Titan won't need that right now, I don't think, I'll have to check with the vet.

So the car is running great, Titan is hopefully on the mend & Rubio is mended. So all is good in my world for today!

Hi Esther, yes, I think they're enjoying me home, they're getting out of their tanks more. Gabriel has been enjoying himself on the ramp, he'll be going to bed when I'm done supper and Rubio got out on my bed before I left for the vet. So tomorrow I'm out for a few hours in the afternoon, I'm visiting a friend with a swimming pool in her building, which will be very nice, to have a swim in a heated pool, will help my hips, that's for sure.

My niece Tehya, has her photography in a show this month. The opening was on Wednesday, forgot all about it, so want to go but will wait until next Saturday when I actually have gas in the car. I'm anxious to see what photos she's put in the show, it's with two of her friends. She's my sister's daughter, she's 26 and she's very talented with photography and writing. I'm hoping she'll put a book together about her travels one day. She's travelled to a lot of countries since she was 19, can't even name them all; most of Europe, Indonesia & the islands, the list is very long. She and her boyfriend Cole are working hard to raise $ for their next trip. After 6 mo in Indonesia, she's not thrilled with our rain and cold weather we'd had for the last almost 3 weeks. So think she'll be figuring out a trip soon!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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So I PM'd Tracie last night and she said the shots are just making it worse & she's right, whatever this skin thing is is now travelling down his arms. So I'm going to slather him with anti-fungal cream again today & I'm done with the rest of the shots, I'll let the vet know. Otherwise those little biopsy spots are healing very well and he doesn't seem too uncomfortable, but for now he's staying in his tank. I guess it can pass along between dragons & I'm not taking the chance. I always work on him last, then wash my hands very thoroughly. I'm going to wear a robe, too, when I'm handling him, so can remove it. Guess it's time for better precautions, just in case.

So Didi managed to get himself in his hide and his head is poking out :lol: and he's still sound asleep; here's a pic:

Leo hasn't put an appearance either, thought I heard him move around last night.

Rubio is still up, so is Gabriel and Lonzo, so guess they're holding off any sleeping yet, which is nice!
Here's a pic of Lonzo sitting on Mrs Centipede :mrgreen: on one of his outings:
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