Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

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We never expected to get another dragon, but our neighbours next door wanted to give away Cleo, as he was called. We'd babysat him before, he's such a sweetheart. We nicknamed him Velcro because when he snuggles he never wants to go back to his viv, he hangs on as if he's made out of velcro.

So here he is. Today was his first day with us. He ate 13 supers and ate some squash, not bad for the first day he was here. He's only in a 30 gallon tank, which will be ok for now. He's 18" long but weighs only 200g. We figure he's probably 2 yrs old. Our neighbours rescued him last fall, they found him and a female (which they named Puff) on Craig's list. They were in a 30 gallon dirty tank, with sand and a huge log that took up 1/2 the space in the tank. Leo was at the bottom, he was sooooo skinny. He's gained weight, but never got the attention he deserved. I took some pics today, but will take more tomorrow. I think he remembers our place as didn't get stressed as I expected. No stress marks at all. When we let him run around the living room, he noticed our girls and immediate black beard, so his hormones are working!

He had a bath this morning, had a big poop, no smell, so not worried about parasites.

So here are a few pics, he's a yellow & dark gray, light gray colour.

Under the communal power sun in the living room:

Discovering there are girls in those tanks up above, he has a great black beard for such a skinny boy:

On the couch, he's got a pretty diamond pattern on his back:


Hope you enjoy
Deb and my six dragons :D :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry: :( :love5:


Hatchling Member
Oh the boy that passed was a golden retriever sorry for that misunderstanding. I just thought with the black bearding means a lot of things like if there ill they do this. I had to use a powersun 100 watt till I find the under cabinet fixture 36". I could of got the 48" but would cover most of the length of the tank. Just to give him a area out of the lighting on the cool end 36" is best. He loved his turnip greens and while I was gone eat one dubi but my wife couldn't get him to eat supers. I been trying the supers so he can get some weight on him very thin now. But once his stress marks go down I think he will be ok. I gave him some squash baby food and some water enjoyed it. The pass few hours he has lightened up and was running around. Now he's sleeping behind a stone. I told my wife to offer food and let him be and cleanup his droppings. Going to give him a few days then start with baths. Am waiting on his next stool so I can get him tested for any worms or parasites. I think something is going on he's about a year and a half old. Under weight and was very dirty on his paws and tail. I didn't tell my wife yet I think something is going on.
But if you have any advice with a older beardie and being new would appreciate it. He's really neat kinda reminds me of a albino beardie but they have the trans in them. Those are tough to find. I will try and post some photos. I haven't took any yet because I been working on temps and bunch of other things. This is a huge tank and my wife put a troll in his tank. You think it will freak him out. I found it in there when I got home don't ask lol. But if the beardie cool with it I am.

Update - Blaze tip of his tail is very hard like a stick. So it's turning to be be the worse faster then I thought. I took diamc advice and put the neospirin on the tip area. I actually just got done doing that. Most of her shed came off today thanks to the cocoa butter. Nothing has changed eat usually the same actually more then yesterday. The only drawback is she may lose part of her tail I think with the way it looks. Am going to call the vet tomorrow at lunch and get her checked out as soon as they can get her in. I think I will bring the other guy too have a very bad vibe. Just wish my wife new alittle more about these guys. But it's ok she will love them and I will keep a close eye on them and love them too.
I really really like him lol he's so nice. Licks your hand or arm when your making adjustments.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Original Poster
It's a good idea to get them both checked, as i don't like the looks of the tip of your girl's tale & beardie rescues can have lots wrong with them. Best thing for your new guy is chicken babyfood mixed with squash babyfood for now until he's seen a vet. He's probably very underweight & dehydrated. He may have metabolic bone disease and need extra calcium. I've had a few rescues, they've all needed extra help, so seeing a vet is a good idea to start. Pics are also a good idea. It would be a good idea to start your own thread under Rescue where people who rescue beardies can give you alot of good advice. I rescued Gabriel in April, he's was about the same age, underweight & dehydrated, so started him on the babyfood, then gradually got him eating supers & veggies. He was 280g when I found him and 17" long. He's now 18" long & 448g. There are lots of pics of him in the last 3 or 4 pages, if you want to check him out. He's doing really well, but he did have a big load of parasites & had to see the vet 3x as was on meds, panacur, for almost 3 mo before he was clear. So I wouldn't be surprised if your new boy has parasites, too. That may be why he's not eating. He's probably been badly abused by his prev owners, by that I mean not enough food, not enough care. So let me know what the vet says.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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You're right, doesn't look good, may be the beginning of tail rot. Let me know what the vet says.


Extreme Poster
beardie parents":va8is3zi said:
I just looked at the pics of Sweetie. Those pics are the correct ones for her as they show why you named her Sweetie. That name fit her perfectly.

I totally agree. I wasn't around here when Sweetie was, so I don't know her like you all do. She was special, I can tell. I hate that you lost her, Deb. :( That first picture of her really illustrates why we love bearded dragons. That whole look, posture and personality is captured so well right there. I see it all in that one picture and I know why we love them.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Shannon, thanks for checking out Sweetie's pictures. She was my first dragon, we learned alot on this site because of her; we learned that beardies can love, too and that they are emotional animals. After Roger died, Sweetie actually went into a depression, because her Daddy just disappeared. It was a difficult time and that's when she got sick. So when I lost her last December, I think I grieved more than when Roger passed away. That's when I decided that if I was going to get any more dragons they would be male. Sweetie never got better after all the egg laying, it was the basis of her getting sick. I think what happened is that she laid so many eggs in 2010 that she never recovered her blood calcium count & that her bones got hollowed out. The vet couldn't even get a blood sample from her to take tests & even though I gave her good calcium daily, it just wanted enough. Even though she died of pneumonia, I think it was more the low blood calcium levels that started it all. I miss my girl every day, and am glad I had her to enjoy for 5 1/2 years. I've just decided I don't want to deal with eggs anymore, and that's why I now have Gabriel. Sweetie was a special beardie, she was Daddy's girl, liked to sit on his bend shoulders and also liked to get outside and visit everywhere. I miss her every day.

beardie parents Sicko
I know what you mean about beardies getting depressed. When we had our first two, Miss O and Miss Y, they were best friends and when Miss Y died Miss O was soo depressed that the first thing she did was go underneath our bed. Bill and I had to crawl under the bed several times that first day or two to get her out. We didn't realize it at the time as we didn't know much about beardies then, we hadn't found this site until about 7 or 8 months after they were gone, but Miss O was sick with what the preliminary blood tests said was severe kidney failure. We didn't realize it until it was too late.

Rosie felt the same, I think, when Goldie died but Rosie seems healthy and she's bonded with us more since then.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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I was so glad to hear that Rosie has bonded to you more since Goldie died and you haven't had to go through the same thing as with Miss Y & Miss O. I know that was a difficult time for you both. Has Rosie decided to brumate, or is she still getting up every day. So far, mine go to bed earlier in the afternoon, but that's the only sign so far.

beardie parents Sicko
Rosie was asleep that one weekend for 3 days, then the following week for 2 days. She's been awake every day since. We went riding on Monday (I'm on vacation this week) and since she was awake she went with us. We had fun. I haven't had time to download the pics of that trip yet but I will post some on my thread this evening, I hope.


Extreme Poster
sweetiepie9":2hj47au2 said:
Hi Shannon, thanks for checking out Sweetie's pictures. She was my first dragon, we learned alot on this site because of her; we learned that beardies can love, too and that they are emotional animals. After Roger died, Sweetie actually went into a depression, because her Daddy just disappeared. It was a difficult time and that's when she got sick. So when I lost her last December, I think I grieved more than when Roger passed away. That's when I decided that if I was going to get any more dragons they would be male. Sweetie never got better after all the egg laying, it was the basis of her getting sick. I think what happened is that she laid so many eggs in 2010 that she never recovered her blood calcium count & that her bones got hollowed out. The vet couldn't even get a blood sample from her to take tests & even though I gave her good calcium daily, it just wanted enough. Even though she died of pneumonia, I think it was more the low blood calcium levels that started it all. I miss my girl every day, and am glad I had her to enjoy for 5 1/2 years. I've just decided I don't want to deal with eggs anymore, and that's why I now have Gabriel. Sweetie was a special beardie, she was Daddy's girl, liked to sit on his bend shoulders and also liked to get outside and visit everywhere. I miss her every day.

That kills me, Deb. I know you have grieved so hard, but I want to let you know her story and your loss of Roger makes my chest hurt and makes me cry. I grieve with you and I am so so so sorry for your losses. You are a wonderful and sweet person and I wish you didn't have that sadness.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Shannon, I went through alot of grief for both of them, but now all think of is the good memories. I still miss Sweetie and always will. I've realized, now that I've been on my own for over a year, that I like it. It's major freedom to do as I please for the first time in my life. My boys are my main part of my life, I have a very large family close by, 3 nieces, 2 nephews, my son, sis & b-i-l; 2 brothers & sis-in-laws and my mom and dad live close by, I see them as often as I can. So I have a full life. My son told me he'd be ok with me dating, but I told him I"m not interested. After 24 years with Roger & 4 years with my son's father, I just want to do my own thing. It's freedom I've never had before. Gives me lots of time to do things I want to do! Have lots of friends, too, so my life is full. I'm just glad I have my 5 boys to care for, they complete my life.
Thanks for your kind words, it's always difficult to lose important people in your life, but you carry on day by day and one day the memories are positive, not negative. Then you know that you're healing well and can make a good life, so that's what I'm doing!


Hatchling Member
Here's a photo of him I don't think the spine bump will show. If anyone can help me figure out with what type of beardie he is. That and if he's underweight he hasn't pooped since we got him. He eat 6 superworms today. I edit this message forgot to paste URL for photo am sorry.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
He looks in much better shape than I thought & he'd be a normal beardie, which covers alot of different types & colours, unless you know the parents & grandparents it's hard to determine what type of beardie he is, impossible actually. So glad he ate today. Make sure he gets calcium with 3 of his meals a week & 1 meal dusted with vit/min supplement. He sure is a good looking beardie & doesn't seem to have anything wrong with him to look at him.


Hatchling Member
sweetiepie9":1272wose said:
He looks in much better shape than I thought & he'd be a normal beardie, which covers alot of different types & colours, unless you know the parents & grandparents it's hard to determine what type of beardie he is, impossible actually. So glad he ate today. Make sure he gets calcium with 3 of his meals a week & 1 meal dusted with vit/min supplement. He sure is a good looking beardie & doesn't seem to have anything wrong with him to look at him.
Thanks his eyes were kind of sunken in when I first seen him. My wife mentioned citrus type or that's what the pervious owner said. Then the previous owner hatched him from unwanted eggs. Seems a little weird but I know he's over a year old. I can see if my wife can get in touch with the pervious owner and see what his parents were. I was really thinking hypo male my mistake lol. He eat ok like of you feed superworms at almost two inch long. How many is it safe to feed in a month. Sounds great a little less then blaze but have to make sure I sort it out with the supplements. Am glad you said that and thank you for saying that about my boy. Other then the worries with his spine I think he will be ok. I believe he will be and was nice to see my wife cuddieing him after his bath. He has some feces on the bottom of his tail so every bath is helping with that.
I hope everything is well with you and your little ones. I gave him his first high five today lol


Extreme Poster
Deb, I am glad you have found your happy place. I can totally relate to being alone, the hubbs and I have discussed what we would do if we were not together and were alone, and we have agreed it would sure have its good points, as far as freedom and just doing what YOU want to do. :lol:

battlenation":1u08zz6h said:
sweetiepie9":1u08zz6h said:
He looks in much better shape than I thought & he'd be a normal beardie, which covers alot of different types & colours, unless you know the parents & grandparents it's hard to determine what type of beardie he is, impossible actually. So glad he ate today. Make sure he gets calcium with 3 of his meals a week & 1 meal dusted with vit/min supplement. He sure is a good looking beardie & doesn't seem to have anything wrong with him to look at him.
Thanks his eyes were kind of sunken in when I first seen him. My wife mentioned citrus type or that's what the pervious owner said. Then the previous owner hatched him from unwanted eggs. Seems a little weird but I know he's over a year old. I can see if my wife can get in touch with the pervious owner and see what his parents were. I was really thinking hypo male my mistake lol. He eat ok like of you feed superworms at almost two inch long. How many is it safe to feed in a month. Sounds great a little less then blaze but have to make sure I sort it out with the supplements. Am glad you said that and thank you for saying that about my boy. Other then the worries with his spine I think he will be ok. I believe he will be and was nice to see my wife cuddieing him after his bath. He has some feces on the bottom of his tail so every bath is helping with that.
I hope everything is well with you and your little ones. I gave him his first high five today lol

A hypo dragon has 20 clear nails. If even one nail is not clear, then he is not a true hypo = he would be HET for hypo, a visible HET actually, meaning he carries the gene and displays a trait of the gene. Dragons can also be HET for hypo and carry the gene but not display it. You would know that from the parents genes. That's why it is really important for breeders to be conscientious and know what the genetics of their breeding stock is, and if you don't know the genetics then don't breed the animal. Dragons that are breeders should be of higher quality than the regular pet quality dragons, so the genetics are strengthened and not weakened. I am glad your dragon is sweet and likes to cuddle. Dragons are absolutely amazing pets and I love all of mine. :D

Deb, I wasn't going to submit for the calendar, but I do enjoy buying things like that. :D Especially if your lovelys are going to be featured...! 8)
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