Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

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We never expected to get another dragon, but our neighbours next door wanted to give away Cleo, as he was called. We'd babysat him before, he's such a sweetheart. We nicknamed him Velcro because when he snuggles he never wants to go back to his viv, he hangs on as if he's made out of velcro.

So here he is. Today was his first day with us. He ate 13 supers and ate some squash, not bad for the first day he was here. He's only in a 30 gallon tank, which will be ok for now. He's 18" long but weighs only 200g. We figure he's probably 2 yrs old. Our neighbours rescued him last fall, they found him and a female (which they named Puff) on Craig's list. They were in a 30 gallon dirty tank, with sand and a huge log that took up 1/2 the space in the tank. Leo was at the bottom, he was sooooo skinny. He's gained weight, but never got the attention he deserved. I took some pics today, but will take more tomorrow. I think he remembers our place as didn't get stressed as I expected. No stress marks at all. When we let him run around the living room, he noticed our girls and immediate black beard, so his hormones are working!

He had a bath this morning, had a big poop, no smell, so not worried about parasites.

So here are a few pics, he's a yellow & dark gray, light gray colour.

Under the communal power sun in the living room:

Discovering there are girls in those tanks up above, he has a great black beard for such a skinny boy:

On the couch, he's got a pretty diamond pattern on his back:


Hope you enjoy
Deb and my six dragons :D :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry: :( :love5:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
Thanks Tonja, I'll know tomorrow or Wednesday, I'll let you know.

Didi is my brightest dragon, he's a yellowish orange, but he glows! Glad you enjoyed all the pictures and the video, Ryder was so cute, so very serious about getting all the moves right :D


I have not been on the site for a while and wanted to give my condolences as I saw on the title that Rubio passed away.

I'm so sorry for you , I only lost one Dragon (Draga) and still think about it. You were a GREAT mom to Rubio and made his life wonderful by being a caring & loving person.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Thanks very much scorpius, it helps that I have 5 dragons left that need me, too, not to mention my 2 geckos. I miss my big baby Rubio all the time, my heart still hurts and I haven't even been able to go through the masses of pics I have to put up his memorial. I've promised myself I'll do it soon, after all it'll be a month tomorrow, maybe on the weekend I'll start to work on it...

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Thanks, Esther, but I feel good enough now to start it at least.

So I heard from Long Term and I've been declined so far, bit the file is being sent to their head office for review. I'll be talking to my manager today to find out what else I can do. I guess being in pain all day & having that affect your work isn't sufficient to be off work. Luckily I have Wed and Friday off this week, will be talking about taking vacation time during the week & discussing part-time options. Can't wait to get this surgery done & over wish and get back to normal. I can also appeal, but not sure how that claim would be different. So I'll keep you updated, supposed to know with in 2 weeks from Head Office.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Deb, I'm SO sorry to hear that the Long Term was declined, good that it is being sent for review. How can they expect you to work being in so much pain and being so tired? I don't understand it! Hope they reconsider and decide to approve it.

Bet you are anxious to get the surgery over so you can start healing and feeling better. Your pain and walking difficulties have gone on way too long, feel bad for you.

Enjoyed all your pictures. I can't get over the change in color on Gabriel from right after his bath & when he is pouting, hard to tell it's even the same beardie. :lol: Puff looks pretty proud sitting on top of the hide.

All of them look great including Rocco & Bunny.

The Spring Festival sure looked like fun. You have such a nice looking family.

Esther19 Addict
Well, that's a disappointment. Geez, you might as well live in the U.S. :wink: It's good that your manager will work with you.

Tonja Addict
I am so sorry that your long term was denied. I don't know what they expect people to do when they hurt so bad or are so tired it not only affects them physically but mentally. You cant do a good job when in pain, the pain takes over everything. I am really praying they reconsider. What makes me so mad about it is that, those that need the help like long term don't get it for legitimate reasons and those that play the system put such a drain on it, it makes it hard for those that need it so badly. At least that's how it for some here in the states. Praying for you!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Thanks Diane, Esther & Tonja. Insurance in Canada is just as hard to get as in the USA. Honest. I wasn't at all surprised, was prepared for it, but if they deny me in 2 weeks, I"m just going to continue working. It's not worth the appeals, I have nothing more to send in. Mind you, my manager thinks I should be adding that my diabetes is a bit out of whack, that I have sleep apnea & that my arthritis is flaring worse than I expected, but I need the full-time salary. I entered enough vacation days (1 per week) to get me through to Sept 2 & with 3 pays in August and with my crew needing new lights, I figure I"m better off just suffering until I get the surgery I need. My manager is also going to talk to HR (her contact there) to find out if I'd be eligible for short-term again for the time I'm off during and after surgery. Either way, I need to put $ away so if I'm not I'll have enough to live on for 2-3 months. Once I get the lights my crew need, I can put away $400 at least monthly (I've learned to live on almost nothing the last few months) plus with 3 biwkly pays in August, I can put a lot of $ away then, too. So I'm thinking about all of this...will let you all know.

So here's the latest. My son left a message on my phone tonight before I got home "Hi Mom, I'm not calling to apologize, I'm calling to let you know you're going to be a grandmother again". So I called back when I got home, he didn't answer, so I left this message: "I'm not expecting you to apologize, I'm calling to congratulate you and wondering if I'll ever see you again." So we'll see what happens. I can't believe they're having another baby. How is she going to manage with a toddler and a baby? Oh well, not much I can do, being an inactive grandmother...Oh and I did check and she did de-friend me on Facebook. So when my sister gets back I'll ask her to check if there are any pictures of Leo on there & if she'd copy and email them to me.

I have some pictures of Dave and Annika's little foster dog, his name is Chocolatte and he is just the cutest...I got some good pictures, we were celebrating Ed (her mom's partner)'s 75 birthday last night, but I'm just too tired, so will continue tomorrow, as have the day off, seeing the doc, then visiting my mom. She had her two trigger fingers fixed with surgery yesterday, so will pop in to see if she needs anything done.


Sub-Adult Member
I am sorry that your long-term was denied. It is difficult when people fake symptoms and get approved right away while people who are honest have to wait and wait. I hope I am not overstepping by saying this but from the little I have read through your post it seems your son may be reaching out in his own way. Some people just think no matter what they are right and they will never apologize. My sister is one of those people. She forgot to call my mom on her birthday and when someone told her she was wrong she decided to not speak to anyone. This all started in September, she has 4 kids who she does not even allow us to talk to or see. Hopefully your son will open his eyes and realize that he is wrong to shut you out. I will pray that he allows you back into his and most importantly your grandsons life.

All of your babies are beautiful! I love reading the stories you post about their antics.



Hatchling Member
I can't believe they declined you. It really stinks that there are people that get "government" assistance for non existent injuries (or the shear number of children that they popped out :shock:), but someone that really needs it can't even get a little help. Hoping and praying they will approve you on the review.

Love the photos, so Didi is a cartoon-aholic :lol: the look on his face is priceless, Don't you change the channel mom Iz watching this :p. I love the colors on Gabriel, it's really funny to see the difference when happy vs pouting. I get Hagrid's mad colors when I don't let him out too :lol:.

I'm glad Eric called and left you a message, I can't believe they are having another child. But I'll say congratulations on your second grandchild :) Hopefully they will get over themselves and let you back into their lives (well at least the kids lives, I really wouldn't want to be around the mom too much). Tara is a real piece of work, how do you de-friend family, oh well she really is a meany :roll:.

Hope your mom is feeling better :)


sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Sabrina, I'm sorry your sister is such a witch, to not allow your family to see her children, she's like Tara, there's definitely something wrong. It must be heartbreaking, just like it is for my family, but we'll see if he changes his tune.

Hi Sabrina, it seems it's normal to be turned down for long term. I've decided I need my full salary, so pain or not, I"m back to work. I had enough vacation to take a day every week until end Aug. Now I have to apply for part-time at work, have to talk to my manager about this, for 4 days a week, with Wednesday off. I'll see how that goes. Then find out if I can still claim short-term for the ankle surgery and for recouperation. I'll figure this all out this week, as I'm back to work tomorrow.

My mom's surgery went well, but she's so used to doing everything in the house, it's hard for her to do nothing. I had to shoo her away from the kitchen. She has to hold her hand above her heart for 5 days, it's going to bug her, that's for sure. But she did do alot of cooking over the last 2 weeks so my dad can make meals for her. Then she gets her stitches out in 2 weeks. She has exercises she starts on Friday, so I told her to be a good girl and do everything the surgeon told her to do :lol: Easier said than done, she's a "bit" stubborn :D

As for Eric, it's now up to him to decide if he wants to contact us all or not. I've told my mom about the new baby, I won't tell my sister until she's back from her trip, will tell the rest of the family later this week, I guess.

I just called the eye surgeon to see if I can use the mask for the CPAP machine for the sleep apnea, found out that he took a biopsy from the gland in my eye and got the pathology report today, but he's been in surgery all day, so I'm to call him at 4:45 tomorrow afternoon to find out what's going on. I didn't even know he took a biopsy, he never even mentioned it last Thursday when I went in for a checkup. So we'll see what that's all about! I tell you, this year is not turning out so well, except for the Eric's babies, that is.

My crew are all doing well, just not as energetic as usual, they all need lights, so that's what I'll be buying them on June 6. I've decided on Arcadia MVB but have to get the converters, too. Amazon has them, but I have to talk to Todd about the voltage, as Didi has his own electrical socket & timer, then Leo has his own timer but he shares the power bar with Gabriel and Lonzo, then Puff has her own timer and power bar. So I have to get all that sorted, how to handle all that with converters. I really want the Arcadia, as they seem to last forever, have the best UVB of all the MVB lights...will see how that goes.

Now I'm going to lie down, was at the docs, then the folks & shopping on the way home, so time to rest my leg.

I'll get those pictures of Chocolatte up later, too.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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So Monday morning I gave everyone baths, I had Lonzo in the water and Leo and on the counter, waiting for his bath to fill up & sploosh Leo made a run for Lonzo's bath & jumped in! No fighting, but Lonzo was annoyed, here's the picture I took:
Lonzo: "Mom! What's he doing in here! Get him out!", Leo "Lonzo, just chill, k?"

And here's Chololatte:

Annika holding Ed's birthday cake:

Greta (Ed's better 1/2 & Annika's mom) and Dave, my brother, bringing in the cakes (the small one had no nuts)

Ryder watching on, singing the Birthday Song

The birthday boy, 75 years young

Chocolatte watching me take his picture, he was having a nap while we had cake.

As you can see, Ryder and Annika love their little guy...I'm hoping they'll keep him, they're fostering him right now.

He's such a cute dog, doesn't bark at all, but he did growl at a bigger dog when he was on a walk, plus he gave a small growl to their neighbour, but I think he's just being protective.


Juvie Member
That's too funny!! I guess Leo wanted a bath buddy! Really cute picture, too! ^.^*
That's a beautiful cake; I bet it was wonderful!
Chocolatte is a unique name, and an adorable pup!

So sorry to hear long-term didn't go through for you, either. You've been waiting so long already.
Hopefully work isn't too straining for you :S

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Thanks Julie, it was a bit of a surprise, so I took Leo out and put him in the bathtub as he loves to swim, so that kept him occupied :lol:

And Chocolatte is really a cute little dog, I'd love to get one like him in the future. The great thing is he really doesn't bark! I'm waiting to hear if they keep him or not.

I called the eye surgeon today to find out if I could start using the CPAP machine and found out he took a biopsy from the gland in my tear duct and I find out tomorrow what the pathologists report says. I didn't even know he took a biopsy, so that might explain the pain. So I call tomorrow from work at 4:45p, hopefully it's nothing serious. I'll let you know.
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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