Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

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We never expected to get another dragon, but our neighbours next door wanted to give away Cleo, as he was called. We'd babysat him before, he's such a sweetheart. We nicknamed him Velcro because when he snuggles he never wants to go back to his viv, he hangs on as if he's made out of velcro.

So here he is. Today was his first day with us. He ate 13 supers and ate some squash, not bad for the first day he was here. He's only in a 30 gallon tank, which will be ok for now. He's 18" long but weighs only 200g. We figure he's probably 2 yrs old. Our neighbours rescued him last fall, they found him and a female (which they named Puff) on Craig's list. They were in a 30 gallon dirty tank, with sand and a huge log that took up 1/2 the space in the tank. Leo was at the bottom, he was sooooo skinny. He's gained weight, but never got the attention he deserved. I took some pics today, but will take more tomorrow. I think he remembers our place as didn't get stressed as I expected. No stress marks at all. When we let him run around the living room, he noticed our girls and immediate black beard, so his hormones are working!

He had a bath this morning, had a big poop, no smell, so not worried about parasites.

So here are a few pics, he's a yellow & dark gray, light gray colour.

Under the communal power sun in the living room:

Discovering there are girls in those tanks up above, he has a great black beard for such a skinny boy:

On the couch, he's got a pretty diamond pattern on his back:


Hope you enjoy
Deb and my six dragons :D :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry: :( :love5:

Tonja Addict
Well darn. I agree with Gina that you could leave a message for them to call back at a specific time.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
I called back & asked her to call me early Tuesday am as I'm off to work at 10:30a. Hopefully she'll be able to call, otherwise I'll call her early on Wed am, have the day off. She works 8a-4p EST, I'm in BC, 3 hours behind her. I apologized sincerely, what an *****, when I could have gone out tomorrow but I was out of collard greens & it's always better to go during the week at 11a, it's a bit far away to get to Walmart, so wanted to get there b4 traffic started. Oh well, I'm sure whatever decision she was calling about can wait until Tues or Wed.

I'll let you know whatever the decision is. I'm hoping for approval, but have a gut feeling it's a decline, we'll see if I'm right.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
That's a shame you missed the call Deb. Doesn't that drive you crazy when you wait & wait, then the minute you leave, that important call comes in. :roll: Good that you were able to leave a message so that she will call back when you're there.

Good luck with the decision, sure hope it's the long term decision. (Fingers & toes are crossed)

Great that the surgeon was able to make an adjustment with the tube so that it's more comfortable, must feel better now.

What a good boy Didi was climbing in the empty sink to poop so you wouldn't have to clean up the counter. :D What a smart beardie.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
I get all the other beardies out in the am, then Gabriel out in the afternoon and when Gabriel's lights in his tank go off, Didi comes out & watches his Retro cartoons. Right now he's watching a Scooby Doo movie, he looks away when a commercial comes on, then back to the movie. He's such a nut :D

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Can just picture him doing that. :lol: Too bad he couldn't go grab a snack when the commercial comes on like us humans do. Maybe he's waiting for you to make him some popcorn. :mrgreen:

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
diamc":2vxqezy5 said:
Too bad he couldn't go grab a snack when the commercial comes on like us humans do. Maybe he's waiting for you to make him some popcorn. :mrgreen:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
No snacks, he won't eat unless I force feed him, but maybe he would eat popcorn :lol: I finally put him to bed at 9:15 and he was still watching :mrgreen: I think he'd stay up all night :roll: except mean mommy won't let him :lol:


Juvie Member
Gosh, so mean!! Don't you know it's the weekend Mom!?! (And a long one at that ;) )
He's such a cutie! Hope I can get some more cuddles from him soon! :)
Glad to hear that they got back to you, even if you missed it :S At least there's progress.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
Thanks Julie, hopefully I'll hear on Tuesday am.

And let me know when you want to visit, any time!

BlueDragon09 Addict
Happy belated mother's day, Deb, I'll say
more later.
Ok, I had to go out for a bit get my glasses

I'm sure Vash feels the same as your dragon
I won't let him stay up no later than 11:30
but what can I do...he gets grouchy if he
stays up too late.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
Hey Blue, how are you? Did you get your doctor appt yet? Good luck with SS disability, hopefully this means you'll finally be approved.

I had a good weekend so far. Spent yesterday afternoon at Joanne's, went for a late lunch/early supper at Ricky's, it was really good. Had alot of fun with Beans, her large chiuahua (sp).

Today I went to visit my friend Jess, her roommate is a computer tech. He said to bring my laptop over and he'd check it for 2 packs of smokes and considering he charges about $40/hr and worked on it for 4 hours, it was great he was willing to do that. I have 844 viruses and 2 trojans. He got rid of all of them with this great Malware that he left on my computer. Then he backed up everything on 5 DVDs. He also set up Chrome as my browser, it works wonderfully well. My computer is so fast now, it's amazing. I'm so indebted to him. Got caught up on Jess and Jordyn (her almost 3 yr old daughter, who hugged and kissed me before I left and helped me shut my car door :lol: )

Tomorrow I"m supposed to go to a birthday party but I haven't heard back from my sis-in-law. Hopefully will hear back in the morning.

Got home and Leo was asleep on the ramp. Put Didi out and he's under the lamp enjoying the basking. I think that Power Sun is the only one giving out good UVB. Can't wait to figure out when I can get new lights for this gang. By June 6 at the latest, as they sure need it. Lonzo's fine in the sunshine, but the rest won't sit in the sun for long, not even 5 min and they're off exploring. So having them sharing the ramp is great for all of them. I try to each of them out for at least 2 hours daily.

So pictures finally, here are a few & a video of my nephew Ryder's Spring Festival, just click on the picture:

Ryder's the last one in, with the red top and blue shorts.

Here are 3 other pictures from different grades:

Not sure what the next 2 grades were:

My s-i-l Annika and her Mom Greta on Mother's Day, her mom will be 88 on June 1, she's a very beautiful woman.

More pics from Mother's day, my sis in England:

With my b-i-l Ian:

Malcolm (my mom's cousin), Gail, Tehya and Debbie, Malcolm's daughter:

My niece Tehya with the mug my mom sent to her via Gail, in her apartment (or flat as it's called in England):

If you look closely on the mug handle there's a ladybug, her favourite!

So now to my crew:
Puff on her new hide:

What Gabriel looks like after his bath, he's completely yellow!

Supper's ready, so I'll post the rest a bit later.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
So here are the rest of the pictures of my crew:
Gabriel, pouting that I haven't let him out yet, check out the look....grrr :lol:

Lonzo just hanging:

Didi watching his favourite cartoons;

"Mom, you're not turning the TV off!" :lol:

Finally asleep with his piggy:

Bunny, she never has trouble sleeping the whole day away, I think she's starting a shed:

Rocco, being especially golden, just noticed that he can close his black pupils, too:

beardie parents Sicko
I tried to watch the video, I looks good from what I saw but for some reason, my internet kept cutting it in and out, continuously. I put it on pause and that worked for about 10 seconds or so then it started again.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
It must be your computer, Lori, as I just watched it from here and it worked fine. But I also got my computer cleaned up today, so it's like brand new, runs really fast and no glitches like it used to have. You might have some viruses imbedded like I did.

Ryder was very serious, not one smile during the whole dance. I asked him why & he said he was just focusing to much he couldn't smile :lol: Considering that everything normally comes easily for him, this was a real challenge. He did pretty well, though.

Tonja Addict
Wow your crew sure are cutie patooties. I love the one of her sleeping nose to piggy, so cute. I cant get over how yellow Didi is and watching cartoons is priceless. So cute. Love the pictures of the kids and spring festival. You have a lovely family. Still praying you get your long term.
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol

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