my beardie is sick!

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New member
hello guys,
i've been looking after my beardie for the last 3 years. his name is cletus and he's a really friendly creature but recently he has stopped eating, he usually eats the locust as soon as we put the in the tank but he hasn't eaten any if them since we put them in last week! i spray him with water everyday and we have been giving him a bath every second day. (sometimes if he is blocked a bath will clear him right out) his tank is at a temp of around 28C - 33C and he also has a uv- a uv- b bulb in the tank and a basking ight. He drinks the water every day but doesnt touch his veg. i'm getting real worried about him and cant get him to a vet til wednesday. can any of you guys give me any suggestions to what is wrong with him and any way i can help him feel better


diamc Sicko
Staff member
[Moved from Website Comments to here so it could get the attention it needs]

beardie parents Sicko
Which uvb do you have? Could you give us the name? What are the temps in your tank? What do you take them with?

The reason I ask this is because the lack of uvb can cause a lack of appetite, as can temps that are to cold. The temps need to be between 95 and 110. For babies it needs to be closer to 110 (this is farenheit). The reason I ask what you take them with is if you have a stick on, it could be 20 degrees hotter or colder than what the reading. Use a digital with probe for the most accurate reading, or a temp gun.


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Original Poster
the tank i'm using is home made from wood and glass and is 4ftx2.5fx2.5f. i have 2 exo terra repti glow 10.0 and a 150w basking light about 8" from the basking area. i am using a digital thermometer which is reading an average of 100f -110 during the day and 60-70f at night time. he still hasn't eaten any live feed but has eaten a tiny amount of veg and i am getting real worried. he is still active and still enjoys his baths. i dont know how much longer he can go without food. what can i do?


Sub-Adult Member
They can go a surprising amount of time without food, don't start to be too worried unless he's losing weight.
ReptiGlo is not a good UVB bulb, you need to get a ReptiSun 10.0 tube ($20 off They're also only good for 6 months, so if it's older than that it's not giving him even the bad UVB.
You shouldn't be leaving crickets in the tank with him either. They can bite him and hurt him, and having them in there can stress him out and make him even less likely to eat. Have you tried tempting him with different types of food? (Superworms, phoenix worms, different types of greens?)
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