My 1st dragon!

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hi guys, i'm Edwin and i live in Singapore. bearded dragon is banned in singapore but somehow i manage to get one for myself last week.
the average temp for singapore is 27 - 33 degree all year. (summer all year)

my tank is (L)24 inch x (W)12 inch x (H)15 inch. with a zoomed 60W basking lamp and a 18'' arcadia D3 reptile FL tube(UVB).

bad or good comments welcome! :D




beardie parents Sicko
The tank is good, for now. Except for the fact that it's a little to tall. When he grows more, he'll need one more along the lines of 18" wide and 36 to 40 inches long, but only about 12 inches tall, more or less.

The previous poster is correct about the size of the cricket. You need one that is smaller than the space between his eyes. With the tank the way it is, I suggest getting his basking spot higher. What type of UVB do you have? If it's a fluorescent tube, the Reptisun 10 is the best one. Unless you can get the one that is available in the UK, the arcadia 3 or something like that. The basking spot for your beardie need to be 6 to 8 inches from these lights and they need to be replaced every 6 months.


Extreme Poster
Hello and welcome!
A very cute beardie you have there.

Lights and temperatures are important to their digestion and health. ;)

Can you build up the basking spot to get him closer to the UV light? Also a good digital thermometer or temperature gun will come in handy checking the basking spot temps.
Baby dragons need basking temps between 40-43c.

If you have any questions feel free to ask or search around on the site. :)


Original Poster
hi guys, thanks for all the info needed for a newbie like me. this morning i lower my basking lamp to 8'' from the basking point. and i notice my beardie eat from 2 cricket to 7 in a day. but the funny point is he morning eat 1 afternoon 1 and nite time eat 5 cricket.. issit bcos my time in singapore is nitetime but in the west is morning.. haha.. and another problem is when he juz finish his meal his stress mark will show.. is there anything wrong?


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Edwin,

Are you getting a UV type bulb? Or are you taking him outside to get sun light a couple times a day? The normal basking bulb is only for heat which is needed for digestion of food. If they don't get high amounts of UV or sun light, he will not be able to absorm calcium which could be bad for him so he needs both kinds of light.

Can you find smaller crickets to feed him? Be very careful feeding crickets that are too big, they will easily get stuck inside their bellies and he won't be able to poop. Make sure he goes to the bathroom every day if possible.

One of my beardies gets stress marks after she eats too, I think she does it to make her self darker to get more heat or light because she always does it in the sun. It doesn't always means stress, they do it for different reasons.

If you need help getting any special supplies, let me know if I can help.


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Edwin,
What is he doing? Why do you think he doesn't like basking? Is he eating and pooping okay? Is he growing and seem kinda fat? Not all of them are the same when it comes to basking. I have a baby who hides most of the time but doesn't seem to ever bask directly under the light. She is always on a log or somewhere around the edge of the light. Your weather is like ours here in Florida, so even when it's cool the temps are over 80ºF. How hot is it under your light? Do you have a way to check the temps? Some dragons like it hotter and some like it a little cooler, your dragon knows best. I wouldn't worry unless he seems sick or stops eating, thats when you know there might be a problem. Or if he doesn't poop every day and if it isn't a normal poop. Also, do you give him a bath? If they like the bath, they usually go bask right after the bath or eating. Maybe he is sneaking around when you're not looking. I covered the front of my babies enclosure and she isn't as shy and comes out more. Sorry I talk so much!! Cheryl


Original Poster
hi Cheryl, my baby beardie(7inch) is eating well and pooping daily. morning i feed abit green and afternoon hissing roaches. Diet=20%green+80%insect. i bathed him/her twice a week. he like to bask at the edge of the light but not directly. now i notice another problem. he open his/her mouth kinda wide while basking. is there a reason for him/her doing it? :D cheers edwin.


Sub-Adult Member
That is great! Everything is perfect! They open their mouth when they get hot, so that is a good thing. It helps them regulate their body temp. My big dragons also stay around the edges of the light, only going directly under them in the morning when they are cold or right after eating. Your baby is basking where he likes the temperature so you are doing everything right. I know how you feel, I worry about my baby not basking as much too but she eats and poops and seems healthy so I think it's okay. They just like to make us crazy!
Cheers! Cheryl


Original Poster
nice chatting with u cheryl. if u have the chance to visit singapore. do inform me. let me be your host. :D
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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