lost beardie!!


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Yes, I had her for about a month and a half before it happened. I was especially devastated, so close to the death of my first beardie Smaug. I hope no one else has to experience that…
Me too, they can get gone so fast. I'm lucky enough to have a 6 foot block wall around my house so loosing them isn't the problem it's the damned falcons i have to watch out for.
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Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Me too, they can get gone so fast. I'm lucky enough to have a 6 foot block wall around my house so loosing them isn't the problem problem it's the damned falcons i have to watch out for.
Yeah, unfortunately only one part of my backyard is fenced in since I live next on the corner of a street. I have stray cats, coyotes and vultures to worry about here.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Yeah, unfortunately only one part of my backyard is fenced in since I live next on the corner of a street. I have stray cats, coyotes and vultures to worry about here.
The coyotes are the worse, tbh I'm surprised you have a stray cat problem with them around.
They will eat anything including the bark right off of a tree it they are hungry enough.
I do love to hear them baying though.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Excellent news that your dragon has been found! :)💞
I bet he was happy to see you. You could put a bell on him!



Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
The coyotes are the worse, tbh I'm surprised you have a stray cat problem with them around.
They will eat anything including the bark right off of a tree it they are hungry enough.
I do love to hear them baying though.
There are at least 7 different strays living in the alleyway but my house

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