Lighting replacement bulbs


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I know nothing about lighting except what I've learned here. Our power went out and with it, my T5 12% 24 watt, 22 inch bulb. I'm having a tough time finding replacement bulbs. No, nearest PetSmart is out. So, my question is, can other brands work just as well?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I know nothing about lighting except what I've learned here. Our power went out and with it, my T5 12% 24 watt, 22 inch bulb. I'm having a tough time finding replacement bulbs. No, nearest PetSmart is out. So, my question is, can other brands work just as well?
Reptisun 10.0 is the other option. Almost all other brands aren’t recommended

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
If they are the same length and the same socket they should work. Be careful and don't buy inferior bulbs though, they could not put out sufficient uvb


Original Poster
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This has been an adventure. Found a Petsmart that had the T5. Ordered it online for pick up this morning. Got there at opening, did a little shopping and went up to pick up my lights. The order had been cancelled by Petsmart. Apparently the website was incorrect and they didn't have any. In fact the guy said there was no tag on the shelf, which led him to believe it had been discontinued. Didn't have the right size Reptisun 10.0. Both the sites recommended are out of stock. Found a place in Oklahoma (I'm in GA) but they did have them in stock....whew! The place is called Bean Farm, very reasonable prices and even with 2 day delivery it was less than the bulb at Petsmart.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
This has been an adventure. Found a Petsmart that had the T5. Ordered it online for pick up this morning. Got there at opening, did a little shopping and went up to pick up my lights. The order had been cancelled by Petsmart. Apparently the website was incorrect and they didn't have any. In fact the guy said there was no tag on the shelf, which led him to believe it had been discontinued. Didn't have the right size Reptisun 10.0. Both the sites recommended are out of stock. Found a place in Oklahoma (I'm in GA) but they did have them in stock....whew! The place is called Bean Farm, very reasonable prices and even with 2 day delivery it was less than the bulb at Petsmart.
Did you check the websites I posted

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