Life under social isolation or mandatory "stay home orders".

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
Woke to horrible news from Victoria :(

National Cabinet ( PM + all state Premiers + CMO + all state Health Ministers + all state Police Chiefs + Federal Cabinet (Govt) snr ministers + ADF heads + SES Heads) in an emergency session as I type this to discuss and plan in light of the deteriorating Covid19 situation in Victoria and worrying signs in NSW .

Breaking News scroll on all TV stations.
Looks like much of the eastern half of Australia is going back to Lev 3 restrictions and state borders will be closed to interstate travelers.
And nationals still overseas are fast loosing the option to return to Australia , repatriations are being throttled to a maximum of 4000 people per week from Monday, this is to being done to restrict importations of covid19 into Australia that will result in increased risk of overwhelming the ICU and ventilator capacity in our hospitals and to ease the strain on State Run Mandatory Quarantine Motels.
QLD charges $2800 per person for mandatory quarantine , is in line with WA and NT , NSW is currently covering the cost ( for now ) , and Melbourne is closed .

Seems Australia is back on a war footing just like in March.

new cases o/night in Victoria = 288
new cases o/night in NSW = 14
combined new cases o/night for NSW + Vic = 302
cumulated total daily new cases for NSW + Vic = 1985

This sets us back to the same position Australia ( mostly NSW ) was in on 22 March ( which was 3 weeks before the numbers peaked ).


kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
National Cabinet decides to restrict international arrivals ( of travelling Australians ) by half to focus on Melbourne coronavirus spread
National Cabinet has agreed to cut the number of people coming home to Australia by 4,000 each week, which amounted to a reduction of "just over half".
<< No sympathy from here , they've been getting told to get to come home since March , so they've had lots of options and now the situation has changed , and they'll have to pay for their quarantine as well when they return >> "We also agreed today a reduction in the number of inbound arrivals into Australia across those ports that are able to accept returning Australian citizens and residents," Mr Morrison said after National Cabinet met this morning.

"They will be cut by just over half across all the various ports that are taking those … residents returning to Australia."

Federal Government figures show that over the month to this week 28,000 people entered Australia, most of whom were quarantined in New South Wales.

Mr Morrison acknowledged the decision would make it more difficult for citizens to come home, but insisted it was in the national interest.

"There will be continuing access to Australia but the number of available positions on flights will be less, << and they can no longer choose which airport they'll arrive at , to avoid being billed for their own mandatory supervised quarantine , and if they refuse to be tested , their quarantine is extended to 28 days at their cost , and PM & CMO are seeking legal advise on if they can FORCE people to be tested involuntarily >> , and I don't think that is surprising or unreasonable in the circumstances that we find ourselves in," he said.

"The decision that we took to reduce the number of returned travellers to Australia at this time was to ensure that we could put our focus on the resources needed to do the testing and tracing."

Acting Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said the worsening coronavirus outbreak in Melbourne needed to be health authorities' top priority.

"Our advice was that we should be concentrating on the main game and that is a community transmission in Melbourne," he said.

"In terms of public health elements, that needs to be the main focus."

Every state and territory will also begin requiring people to cover the cost of their own mandatory quarantine.

Breaches of hotel quarantine have been to a large extent blamed for the current outbreak of coronavirus in Victoria, and National Cabinet today agreed on a national review of the quarantine system.

Also from National Cabinet :
The September fiscal cliff will be replaced with a fiscal slope, thanks to tax cuts and a Jobkeeper ‘extension’
The six-week lockdown of Australia’s second largest city and home of nearly 20% of its workers has resolved a major issue for the federal government — and allowed Scott Morrison to add to his credentials as national leader.

With September the September deadline rapidly approaching, how would households cope with cuts to JobSeeker payments? How would businesses and workers cope with the end of JobKeeper?
How many business would shut forever, sending the unemployment rate soaring?

The end of programs and support measures designed for a v-shaped contraction and recovery, deep but short-lived would undermine what was turning into a significantly shallower but longer recession.

Against that was the government’s resistance to further debt — the deficit reached $68.5 billion at the end of May, according to the parliamentary budget office yesterday — and hostility from right-wing backbenchers who still insist fiscal stimulus doesn’t work.

“There’s going to be another phase of income support,” Josh Frydenberg said yesterday.

Morrison said: “I have been HINTING that there’ll be a further phase of support that goes beyond September” but fogging off questions by journalists and the Federal Opposition and state governments when asked << He's been very reluctant and inconsistent on that since June 10.>>

he said. “I can assure people in industries or in businesses or parts of the country that are more affected by COVID than others, then where there is the need, then there will continue to be support.

“And so this is about tailoring a national program to provide support where the support is needed and because of what has happened in Victoria, obviously the need there will be far greater than was previously and that need will be met.”

JobKeeper doesn’t need too much “tailoring” to meet the needs of Victorian businesses: the threshold test of loss of revenue means that businesses in badly affected industries or in locked-down states and regions will continue to disproportionately draw support from it.

Jobseeker , pensions and allowances he's not giving answers on these at this time. << so I guess it's too bad if you were already on one of these , or you have been made redundant since March 2020 >>

The government is also considering bringing forward tax cuts from 2022, something Labor was calling for before the pandemic, given the deep stagnation of the economy at that point.

The problem with the tax cuts isn’t so much that by reducing the progressivity of the income tax system they increase inequality — not a minor problem — but that the last round of tax cuts handed out by this government last year achieved exactly nothing.

Those were the tax cuts that the press gallery declared a Morrison triumph that would spark the economy. Funnily enough, everyone stopped talking about them when it turned out that they coincided with a fall not a rise in consumer spending.

The fiscal cliff will be replaced with a fiscal slope, as it should.

This article was first published by Crikey.

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
10 Jul In Victoria
5 million Victorians told to wear face masks whenever they go outside - but they might have to MAKE the protective coverings themselves
<< supplies are very limited and it will be a while before the state can issue every Victorian with masks >>.
Victorians are being encouraged to wear masks, and even make their own, to help curb the spread of the coronavirus in the state.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatsworth recommends residents in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, north of the city, wear masks when social distancing cannot be maintained.

'This means if you have to leave your home for any of those reasons for which it is permissible and you are likely to find yourself in a situation where you cannot maintain 1.5-metre distance, it is advisable to be covering your face with a mask,' Dr Coatsworth said in Canberra on Thursday.

Victoria's Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton told residents to be crafty and make their own face masks instead of buying them. << pattern and instructions will go onto the Vic Health Covid19 site soon >>

Dr Alex Polyakov, the director of the Master of Infectious Diseases Intelligence program at UNSW Sydney, wants their use to be much more widespread.

'I think masks use should be mandatory in Melbourne, particularly in high transmission areas and suburbs, and public and crowded places,' he said.

Hassan Vally, an associate professor in Epidemiology at La Trobe University, also wants more people to wear masks. 'I do feel we need to get to a stage where the wearing of masks is more normalised in our society,' he said.'We need to understand that anything we do to prevent transmission of the virus is useful and a mask is another barrier to infection which can be adopted, in addition to social distancing and hand hygiene, to help us get on top of disease spread.'

Police open more pathways on NSW-Victoria border
Joint NSW & Vic Police Command on the NSW-Victoria border are opening up some crossings this weekend to try to ease congestion. It's been welcomed in communities that were cut off when the border closed.

Victoria Police issue 60 fines for breaches of stage three restrictions, including 16 people caught at a birthday party
Police issued 60 fines for breaches of the Chief Health Officer's directives in the 24 hours to 2:00pm
They included 16 fines to people gathered at a birthday party in Dandenong, and four people gathered in a home being used as a brothel.
Chief Commissioner Shane Patton has again warned that police will be less lenient than last time when it comes to issuing fines

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton says he is disappointed in the "ridiculous , stupid and selfish" behaviour of some people who are defying stage three coronavirus restrictions.
Among those flouting the rules, which came into effect at 11:59pm on Wednesday, were 16 people found hiding out the back of a house in Dandenong while attending a birthday party.

Police were tipped off about the party after paramedics spotted two people at KFC in Dandenong ordering food for 20 people at 1:30am on Friday. "They spoke to the people at KFC and subsequently, there was a report made to us," Chief Commissioner Patton said. "We got the registration number of the car and we followed through and went to that address in Dandenong."

Police found two people "asleep" in the house and 16 others hiding out the back. "That is ridiculous, that type of behaviour," Chief Commissioner Patton said. All 16 people were fined by police. "That is $26,000 that birthday party is costing them. I bet their mums and dads were impressed by this. "That is a heck of a birthday party to recall. They will remember that one for a long time."

Victorian police have issued 60 fines since the restrictions came into force, including 12 issued to people questioned at vehicle checkpoints across the state.

The Victoria Police Sex Industry Coordination Unit issued fines to four people found in an apartment in Glen Waverley. Police found out the property was being used to "facilitate sex work".

A couple from Docklands who tried to visit their holiday house on Phillip Island at 1:30am on Friday were also fined. They were turned away at one vehicle checkpoint and given a warning, and then stopped at another checkpoint after trying a different route. The driver was issued with a fine, and police are planning to fine the passenger too.

Other fines were issued to:

Ten people in an apartment in La Trobe Street, Docklands. Five of those people were also arrested in relation to criminal damage, assault and breach of bail offences
Seven people caught in an apartment in a building on Sutherland Street, Melbourne who were drinking together.

Five fines were issued and a further two are expected to be issued at a later date
Earlier in the week, Chief Commissioner Patton had warned that police would be less lenient than last time when it came to issuing fines. "I expect to see those infringements numbers rise from those parties and things like that," he said on Friday.
"It is finished. The time for that (parties) is done, and we will continue to issue the infringements to make people comply."
He said automatic numberplate recognition would be used to catch people trying to escape metropolitan Melbourne.

Premier Daniel Andrews warned that Melbourne could be in lockdown "for much longer than" six weeks if people continued to break the rules.

But he said if "every single Victorian" played their part, then the spread of the virus could be stopped.
In Victoria the winter school break has been extended for a week, and it's likely schools will remain closed for the entire period Victoria is under Lev restrictions , so schools are being asked to roll out e-ed and remote-ed (again)

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
10Jul outside Victoria

Sydney pub hit with $5,500 fine after huge queue breached COVID-19 rules

I was gobsmacked when I saw this image :(
Hundreds of people were photographed not adhering to social distancing at a Sydney pub on Wednesday.
The NSW liquor and gaming watchdog said photos of around 250 customers in front of the Golden Sheaf Hotel on Wednesday night were sent to police, which led them to investigate. "The situation on Wednesday night posed a serious risk to public health," a spokesman for Liquor & Gaming NSW said.
"We need to send a clear message to this business and others that if you are not doing the right thing you will be held to account and we will escalate our enforcement actions for those who put the public at risk."

"We want businesses to stay open and continue to trade and while we all need to accept that operating a business is a different prospect now, in all circumstances it must be conducted responsibly to protect the public from the risk of COVID-19 infections."

This was the third time Liquor & Gaming NSW had inspected the venue during the pandemic.
<< MAYBE íts time take away their licence to operate.>>

ustine Baker, the chief executive of the Solotel Group that runs the pub, said they worked immediately with police to fix the problem.

"We take the safety of our guests and staff very seriously, which is why we will now be taking bookings only on Wednesday nights from 8pm and we will be employing extra staff and security to ensure social distancing is adhered to and we have a maximum of 20 people in our queues at any one time," she said in a statement.

Two recent COVID-19 cases have been linked to another pub in southwest Sydney, with the venue temporarily closed and authorities searching for a third person who could have spread the infection.

Health Minister Brad Hazzard on Friday said a man in his 50s had been at the Crossroads Hotel in Casula on 3 July, the same night as an earlier case.

"Now, obviously, that has major ramifications because that appears to be ... a likely point of connection where the two people could have actually come into some contact at least with the virus," Mr Hazzard said.

Sydney's Crossroads Hotel ordered to close after being linked to two local clusters
A pub in Sydney's south-west has been ordered to close while authorities investigate whether it is the source of two coronavirus infections.

Two people — a woman in her 30s from Liverpool and tested positive days ago, and a man in his 50s was from the Blue Mountains ( BlackHeath ( ABC 7pm News )) — who attended the Crossroads Hotel separately in Casula last Friday night have this week tested positive for COVID-19.

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said the woman was from Liverpool and tested positive days ago, and the man was from the Blue Mountains. He said they did not know each other.

"NSW Health has been in contact this afternoon with the management of that particular hotel, and has asked them — in fact directed them, to close and provide all necessary details," he said.

"I suspect that particular hotel is quite a popular hotel and I understand it would have been pretty full."

A pop-up testing clinic has been established in the hotel's car park.

He urged anyone who visited the venue on Saturday night and presented with symptoms to get tested.

The Health Minister also today apologised after 77 COVID-19 swabs in Balmain and Rozelle — near where a Woolworths employee tested positive after leaving a Melbourne quarantine hotel — went missing.

He said those who were affected were being asked to get tested again.

"There is a lot happening every day, a lot of people under massive pressure. I won't point the finger at anybody," Mr Hazzard said.

Mr Hazzard said there was also a "troubling case" of a man in his 20s from Melbourne who had tested positive for the virus in Sutherland, in Sydney's south.

The State's chief medical officer, Kerry Chant, said the man drove from Melbourne several days ago, but did not know when he crossed the border. She said the man was living in a caravan, which he had towed from Victoria for 14 consecutive hours, to a park in Sutherland.

"He was travelling in a car and in a caravan and did the trip quite swiftly, we understand that he has had minimal exposure [to other people] on his route up here," she said. Dr Chant said the man's partner was in the caravan, and had since tested positive, and health authorities were investigating another two other possible contacts.

The developments occurred as NSW reached over a million COVID-19 tests and Victoria surpassed NSW in number of confirmed cases.

The tests detected 14 new COVID-19 cases in the 24 hours leading up to 8:00pm last night, bringing the total NSW cases to 3,278.

The State Government has also considered further tightening restrictions around NSW after closing the southern border earlier this week.

Victoria's cases are rising 15 times faster than in NSW, based on the seven day moving average.

NSW - QLD Border
'Like New Year's Eve': Queensland border reopens, some cars turned back
Traffic was banked up at border checkpoints as Queensland finally opened its doors to the rest of Australia, bar Victoria.

Gold Coast police Chief Superintendent Mark Wheeler described the line of vehicles waiting to enter the state through Coolangatta as similar to what would be seen on New Year's Eve.

"I don't think that it's unreasonable to expect some people, depending on what time of the day, may encounter the delay of hours and not minutes," he said."That's regrettable but it's unavoidable and that's why we say don't be in such a hurry to be here immediately.
"I know midday came and it was almost like New Year's Eve has been declared and it's great, yes, we are open, but we've got to have a common-sense approach to this and we also have to show patience and understanding."

Superintendent Wheeler said some vehicles had been turned around on Friday because they did not meet declaration requirements."If we can just see some form of identification, their border declaration, some form of proof that they've been in NSW for more than 14 days, we'd be happy with that," he said."Another good example is if someone has taken a photograph of a prominent area of NSW, we'll ask some further questions, of course.
"We're trying to be inclusive here but we are also trying to make sure anyone who has been in the hot zone or hot spot of Victoria, that we make sure that they don't come in."

Within an hour of the border reopening, drivers were enduring 35-minute to 2-hour wait times entering from the Gold Coast Highway and the Pacific Motorway. << good thing it's winter and it's cooler and not so sunny today , else I expect they might have some interstate travelers suffering heat stroke or having cars overheating , as well as tempers >>

Heavy congestion was also building up at Coolangatta and Tweed Heads.

There were 314,000 online applications for Queensland border passes made between midday on July 3 and 10.

Two interstate flights with 332 passengers arrived in Queensland on Friday morning that were screened. No one was forced to quarantine or was turned away.

Superintendent Wheeler urged drivers to delay their trip to the border if they wanted to avoid traffic.

WA's phase five delayed for two weeks (move to lift more covid19 restrictions Lev2 to Lev1)
WA Premier Mark McGowan says Melbourne's COVID-19 spike means it's too soon to lift crowd restrictions.
WA Premier has made it clear WA doesn't want airlines bringing Victorians to Perth or regional airports in NW , he will order all flights other than essential freight blocked from his end if Victoria don't do it from their end.
In 10 days in June 2705 interstate arrivals.
In last 10 days 4995 interstate arrivals .
With 414 Victorian Covid-refugees in the last 2 days alone despite clear restrictions being in placed and these being all over the media and news papers.

Limestone Coast braces for coronavirus testing surge amid greater regional surveillance ( area east of Mt Gambier on the coast and Bordertown on the Murray River ), and Renmark to the north .
Health workers at Limestone Coast coronavirus testing huts are bracing for a significant spike in numbers as the State Government sweeps in mandatory tests for travellers crossing into South Australia.

Resources at testing sites at Mount Gambier and Bordertown will be bolstered to meet an expected upward swing in testing rates.

Mount Gambier police have also tightened surveillance by relocating their major Princes Highway checkpoint from the city's eastern gateway closer to the Victorian border.

This makeshift checkpoint was assembled today at Glenburnie — located along the major thoroughfare into the provincial city — to prevent people evading controls.

People entering the state will also need to wear personal protective gear and facemasks in public to prevent the Victorian COVID-19 crisis filtering into vulnerable cross-border communities.

Limestone Coast Local Health Network executive director of medical services Elaine Pretorius warned the region needed to be on full alert amid this week's high border traffic movements.

"When we think it is over, Melbourne tells us it can change in the blink of an eye," Dr Pretorius said.

South East testing sites ramp up
Increased resources would be rolled out at testing sites following what Dr Pretorius described as a surprise announcement by the State Government.

"It was a bit of a shock when we heard the announcement. SA Pathology has been quick off the mark and we think we are ready," the regional medical chief said.

While Mount Gambier's testing hut was on average processing 50 tests a day, Dr Pretorius foreshadowed this number was expected to climb.

"SA Pathology, which has been fantastic, will be adding some additional resources. There will be a COVID testing hut at Bordertown and Tailem Bend," she said.

Additional staffing would also be introduced at the Mount Gambier testing site.

Dr Pretorius supported the move to increase community surveillance of the virus.

"The more we know what is happening in our community at any given time, the more likely we can react quickly when we see it pop up somewhere," she said.

Dr Pretorius said a COVID-19 request test form would be given to people crossing the border and they would need to undertake a test within 24 hours.
A follow-up test was also a requirement at day 12. << due to low prevalence of covid19 in SA , and the specifivity and sensitivity of the tests, a negative test has a significant chance of being a FALSE NEGATIVE , so at least serial tests coming in negative are needed to be sure this is a TRUE NEGATIVE >>

At the border checkpoints, Dr Pretorius said travellers would be given face masks and a form so the test results could be sent via a text to mobile phones. "Once they have received the forms, they can go directly to the huts at Mount Gambier, Bordertown and Naracoorte respiratory clinic," she said.
Dr Pretorius urged people to go directly to these testing huts after arriving in the state. She said there was substantial evidence that mask wearing reduced community spread. << wants mask waring in public made mandatory for all Sth Australian >>

Testing turnaround times for routine swabs would take up to 48 hours, while more urgent tests would be fast-tracked to less than an hour.

Dr Pretorius urged people to head straight home and not to go shopping.

Member for MacKillop Nick McBride said the South East SA community could have confidence in the border process amid the "great risk" from Victoria.

Mr McBride attended the Bordertown checkpoint on Thursday, said the process was appearing to run smoothly , said some people from Melbourne had been trying to escape its lockdown and trying to infiltrate SA. Despite border controls, he predicted there would be some leakage , he said there had been incidents of light planes flying people , and trawlers and fishing boats trying to sneak from Victoria into SA.

( ABC NEWS ) He warns the border is being servaled by the SA Police , Vic Police , Navy patrol boats and Army camera drones and if caught the penalties are EXPENSIVE


Keeping 'their drawbridge across their moat' up - Tasmania to defer reopening of borders, Premier cites uncertain coronavirus situation interstate
The reopening of Tasmania's borders has been delayed for another week
The Director of Public Health says it's important to understand if the Victorian outbreak has spread to other states
The tourism industry says it's bracing for a tough few weeks

"It's important, as we have stepped through this carefully, cautiously and responsibly, that we use these next couple of weeks to gain a full understanding of just what the outbreak of Victoria means for the rest of the country," he said. "I hope, as I'm sure most Australians do, that Victoria will get on top of it and we won't see community transmission occur in those other states to a great degree."

He said Tasmania was in the fortunate position of being one of the safest places in the country. 56 days since last confirmed case of covid19 in Tasmania.

"We need to ensure that we maintain that position as we move forward and only open up when we are confident that the safety of Tasmanians whilst travelling, but also when they return to Tasmania, in terms of local communities and local families, that they aren't put at risk," he said.

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
In NT , issue with training group of US Marines.
US marine tests positive for coronavirus in the Northern Territory
The NT Health Minister says the case presented only a "very low risk" to the community
US marines have been arriving in the NT as part of an annual rotation
The rotation was delayed in March, but ultimately went ahead with a smaller contingent

he marine has been transferred from quarantine at Darwin's Robertson Barracks to Royal Darwin Hospital..

NT Health Minister Natasha Fyles said health authorities would "make decisions working with United States authorities about what is the best care" for the patient.

Ms Fyles said the marine arrived in the Northern Territory "a few days ago" and disembarked through the military side of Darwin Airport and had potentially had "very, very minimal contact" with any Territorians.

The marine was in Darwin as part of the US Marine Corps' Marine Rotational Force, hosted in the Northern Territory.

he contingent of about 1,200 US marines has been arriving in the Northern Territory in groups in a staggered deployment since June.

All the arrivals are subject to a two-week quarantine period at an Australian Defence Force facility in Darwin.

The original rotation of about 2,500 marines was postponed in March due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Defence Minister Linda Reynolds gave approval for the reduced contingent in May.
<< This was something that was likely to happen since Covid19 is much more prevalent in the USA and is easily concentrated in tight confines of barracks and naval ships as has been seen in other US naval continguents ( such an aircraft carrier which was compelled to disembark it's crew due to a massive out break of covid19 on board a couple of months ago ) >>

Australia's current "'worm"

Is no longer looking so flash :(

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
New cases o/night in Victoria = 216
New cases o/night in NSW = 7
combined new cases o/night NSW & Vic = 223
Cumulative total of new daily cases since 10 June = 2208


Right back were we were in Mid March thanks to people who weren't social distancing and opening relaxing our covid19 restrictions too soon and too fast and poorly run mitigation of risks posed by international Australians ( globe trotters and overseas workers ) and stupidly risky behaviours by young people and people who selfishly endulged in mass rallies and protest gatherings.

Can clearly be seen here who are the spreaders ( people in 20 - 40 age group ) who are not social distancing and refusing to self quarantine when infected even when told they must do so .

And daily updated chart reporting how many are currently in hospital

And people are starting to die from covid19 in the ICU or their homes or their nursing homes again :(

Note there is a 2 to 4 week lag in the increase in deaths.

Professor Tony Blakely (An internationally recognized and respected epidemiologist) advises harsher restrictions needed to quash virus

<< NOTE Ro for SARS-CoV-2 is 5.7 without social distancing ==> Ho for herd immunity is 83% , this is impossible without an effective vaccine unless you are willing to accept the almost overnight extinction of literally an entire generation of people , loosing a huge number of doctors and nurses , and many many more younger people permanently disabled or with serious life long health problems after recovering .
Ho = (Ro - 1) / Ro
Social distancing is believed to reduce the Ro to an Ro,eff about 2 ( Dr.Swan ) , still impossible to reach herd immunity with huge human costs in lives lost, doctors and nurses lost, and large numbers never being able to work again .>>

Professor Tony Blakely said Victoria has less than a 50/50 chance of eliminating coronavirus in the next six weeks under the current lockdown measures.

Professor Blakely said the only way to ensure elimination is to introduce harsher restrictions.

"Under our current lockdown, I give it a bit less than 50/50 chance," he said.

"There are extra things we could do to tighten up this lockdown to increase our chance of elimination and go for gold." << unfortunately the PM , Premiers, Health Ministers and CMO are all blinkered on suppression of the virus and seem willing to tolerate a trickle of small clusters and have the coming federal election in sight >>

Professor Blakely said wearing masks and closing schools should be on the agenda if the state wants to eliminate the virus. "If we go for elimination rather than suppression, schools need to shut and stay shut," he said. "One family has the virus, passes it to the kid, goes across to the next kid in the school and then up into another family. It is a mode of super-transmission even if the children don't get very sick themselves."

"The Premier has said we need to start wearing masks, so, tick, that will help a bit," he said.

Professor Blakely said the current measures are only effective in suppressing the virus.

If, after six weeks we get it down to a couple of cases a day or even a couple of cases a week, you still have the virus circulating in the community and then when Victoria opens up again, we go back to 20 people in the pubs and restaurants, at some point the virus will say, 'Thank you very much' and off it goes," he said. << yoyo waves if pandemic just like 100 years ago >> "We will be going from outbreak to outbreak to outbreak." "That is one way to live with the virus. But it's very socially disruptive and it is bloody hard to plan."

Professor Blakely said states should consider harsher restrictions in the short term if they want to increase the possibility of elimination. "If we want to take this seriously, let's take it seriously," he said. "If we have got a better than 50/50 chance of eliminating, I reckon we should give it a go but it unfortunately means more pain now to try and get the long-term gain."

Professor Blakely said Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews should mirror the actions of Jacinta Ardern and step up lockdown restrictions. "I think he has been doing a great job on risk communication but he needs to take a very brave step forward with strong leadership," he said.

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
11jul in NSW

currently 486 people recovering from covid19 ( in hospital , mandatory quarantine or home quarantine ).

Albury-Wodonga residents urged to get tested
Authorities are stepping in to control the coronavirus outbreak in Victoria and stop it from spreading into NSW.
3 positive cases detected in the area - first positives in over 100 days , a family cluster.
The 72 hour grace period now over and hard lockdown of NSW - Vic border now fully in effect, no permit , no excuses <== no pass.

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
11 jul in Victoria

There are currently 805 KNOWN active cases of Covid19

Where there are covid19 clusters


Melburnians take mask wearing in their stride
Melburnians are responding to the new advice on wearing face masks well with many more covering up when out in public.

Victorian healthcare workers continue to face shortages of PPE as coronavirus cases ramp up
Victorian healthcare workers are yet again appealing for more urgent action to boost supplies of personal protective equipment as the number of coronavirus cases in hospitals and aged care facilities continues to climb. << UNBELIEVEABLE :( , the Vic Health Dept have had months to stockpile masks , I blame this on the CMO , Health Ministers ( state and federal ) and PM , who procrastinated and continue to do so on the matter of masks for the general public for months , second wave hits and suddenly there is a shortage . This is poor planning on an epic scale . >>

Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton said he predicted the number of hospitalisations and deaths from COVID-19 would soon get much worse."We will see an increase in hospitalised and ICU cases, and in deaths, in the coming days because of the spike that we have seen in recent days," he said at a press conference on Friday. "It is because we're seeing people who are most vulnerable, the elderly, those with chronic illness, coming down with covid19."

On Thursday, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) named six aged care facilities where workers tested positive for the virus.

Cases are also growing within hospitals; Northern Health, which includes the Northern Hospital in Epping and Broadmeadows Hospital, has confirmed 14 staff tested positive to coronavirus over the last nine days. Austin Health, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Brunswick Private Hospital, St Vincent's Hospital, The Alfred Hospital and the Royal Women's Hospital have all had staff or patients contract the virus in the last week.

The unrelenting rise in cases of the virus in Victoria has led the State Government to recommend everyone in the state wear a mask when they are unable to remain 1.5 metres away from others.

While Premier Daniel Andrews said the Government would order 2 million reusable masks for community distribution and boost local manufacturing capabilities, many healthcare workers are concerned a surge in demand for masks will result in bigger shortages than they are already experiencing.

A survey of 500 healthcare workers across Australia by law firm Slater and Gordon found half were experiencing shortages of PPE, making them stressed and anxious.

Slater and Gordon group leader Andrea Kehoe said in some circumstances, only low-quality masks were available to aged care and disability workers, who did not have much of a choice unless they sourced PPE themselves.

"The healthcare and social assistance sector will continue to be the ones on the frontline of this crisis, caring for the sick and elderly and those living with a disability," Ms Kehoe said.

"If a worker suffers long-term health impacts after contracting the virus at work, they might be entitled to financial support for their permanent injury, and in some circumstances, an employer could be found to be negligent if adequate PPE hadn't been provided."

The Health Workers Union in Victoria has also said it is becoming increasingly frustrated with a continued lack of PPE for its members.

The union's state secretary, Diana Asmar, told the ABC she had been lobbying the State Government for four months to get hold of masks, gloves, eye masks and coveralls for its hospital, pathology, disability and aged care staff. "From what we've seen in the USA, the highest death rate is in aged care and the highest rate of catching coronavirus is in health care workers," Ms Asmar said.

Three days before the State Government publicly announced its revised advice on face masks, the DHHS sent an email to chief executives of hospitals in Victoria saying it was now reasonable for staff and patients "in public-facing areas of all services in Metropolitan Melbourne to adopt Tier 1 PPE precaution".

Ms Asmar said while hospitals were complying with the recommendation, there appeared to be a hierarchal system of supply because of shortages, with intensive care staff doctors and nurses receiving masks and gowns before anyone else. She also said it was disappointing to hear Professor Sutton say on Friday that supply of PPE to aged care was "a Commonwealth responsibility". "Nothing has been provided to aged care workers. Pathology collectors don't have it either," Ms Asmar said.

It has left the union wondering where the 30 million masks secured by the Federal Government in April have ended up.

Hospitals begin rationing masks, staff make face shields from plastic folders
A Northern Health spokesperson said all staff were being issued with the appropriate PPE provided by management, and all visitors and patients were being supplied face masks.

But a nurse from The Northern, who did not want to be named, said P2/N95 masks and disposable gowns now had to be requested by the nurse in charge and were being rationed. "You can't help yourself to it and it makes us worried because we don't know what we'll be able to get hold of," she said. << I can see folks in NY on this messageboard rolling their eyes and thinking , why doesn't anyone learn from past mistakes and shortcoming experienced by others ? >>

A staff member at Dandenong Hospital, which is part of Monash Health, also said masks were being held back. The worker said all staff were told by management at 5:30pm on Friday to hand in any unused masks and told they would have to be requested from now on.

Monash Health has been approached for comment.

Disability worker Vasalia, who preferred to not use her last name, worked in disability care until early June and said she was bartering with other staff for gloves and hand sanitiser until the day she left. "We had lots of toilet paper so I said, can I have a box of gloves and I'll give you toilet paper," she said. << at least she's got a sense of humour , swap dunny paper roll packs for good masks LOL , hope she doesn't end up needing to convert the extra dunny paper to filters for home made face masks >>
[/color ]"We need to use gloves at work, that's your basic bread and butter."

She travelled to Officeworks on her days off with colleagues to buy clear plastic folders for homemade face shields.

Health and Community Services Union state secretary Paul Healey said Vasalia was not alone and there was a chronic shortage of both surgical and P2/N95 masks in disability care. "In disability, the supply of PPE has been absolutely problematic the whole time. It's better now than it was four months ago but staff are being told to use it sparingly and only in emergencies." Mr Healey said he did not know why there were continued shortages. "The Government, to the best of their ability, have tried, but we get feedback every day from staff that there's still not enough gloves, face masks and even hand sanitiser in disability home care."There's even difficulty getting access to food for residents because of the limits of things like pasta. "Staff end up going to the supermarket three or four times to get the supplies."

Mr Healey said the union had lobbied the State Government for thermometers to temperature check clients but some disability providers were not passing them on to staff. He said while the response when a client or staff member tests positive to the virus was "perfect", more needed to be done to prevent people from catching it in the first place. "Staff can't walk in to work and say, 'give me a mask'," he said. "There's a hierarchy of needs; it's hospitals first, then it flows down and disability is at the end of the line."

Mr Healey said disability clients often did not understand physical distancing because of cognitive disabilities, making it easier for the virus to spread.

Royal Melbourne Hospital continues face-to-face training
A doctor who works at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and did not want his name used said staff were beginning to boycott the hospital's electronic medical record (EMR) training due to fears of coronavirus.

The training is face to face, and two people who attended a two-hour session have already caught coronavirus. "Coronavirus is amongst us and that's why I still can't believe we are going ahead with the EMR training," the doctor said. "Most of us have abandoned it."

A hospital spokesperson said nurses from the Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Royal Women's Hospital had tested positive for COVID-19 and were both in attendance at different EMR sessions.

Internal emails seen by the ABC show more EMR face-to-face sessions are going ahead but have been shortened to 90 minutes.

The doctor from the hospital said it was ridiculous the sessions were continuing and they were putting staff at risk.

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
Well as if 3 - 4 months of L3 covid19 restrictions => closed schools , unis , colleges , people let go in their hundreds of thousands ( ENDED UP ON JOBSEEKER or PENSIONS ) and hundreds of thousands told to stay home while their employer was dormnant ( JOBSAVER SCHEME ) , loads of people who still were needed and were able to told to work told to work from home.
Add all not permitted to go anywhere other than to buy essentials, food, seek medical help, get meds, or start reno projects, maybe exercise alone , or go to work .

Well you can only watch so much TV , old dvds, play computer games or other passive "activities" for so many hours per day without being bored out of your brain and starting to climb the walls .

Will have been lots of hanky-panky going on , and "bonding" , and lot of it for lack of something better to do other than hitting the booze or wine , or pot , and not much else they can do with all that spare time a lot of us have had thrust on us ( and with no where to go and lots less money to spend too ).

Not all of us are pyschologically stable enough to cope with months of lockdown , isolation, to cope with great uncertainty about the future , the lack of social interaction , and social distancing restrictions , so to destress each other too ( works wonders ). So we can expect a baby boom starting in December ( I'm not sure if terminations are regarded as elective surgery ) and they've all done their patriotic duties and produced some brand new little Australians .

This is likely going happen nearly everywhere ( every country who had lockdowns and restrictions to flatten their covid19 curve ).

Now here in Australia , we have another issue that's covid19 associated and will make this boom even bigger and longer :
Manufacturing delay leads to contraceptive pill shortage
More than 14,000 Australian women will be looking for new contraceptive medication after a popular pill experiences widespread shortages.

The shortage has been attributed to a manufacturing delay and is forcing women to turn to more expensive alternatives.

The drug company Pfizer has confirmed there will be a national shortage of cost-effective oral contraceptives including Norimin, Brevinor, Triphasil, Norinyl and Noriday until December.

So unless these ladies obstain , or tell their partners NO , or their partners buy condoms and use them , there's going to be very busy maturnity wards come Xmas through to easter .
Australia's in for a baby boom in 2021.

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
11 Jul in Tasmania

Tasmanian woman charged for not abiding by COVID-19 restrictions
A Tasmanian woman has been charged for not abiding by coronavirus restrictions.

The 20-year-old has been charged for failure to self-isolate after traveling into the state from Victoria and providing false details to biosecurity staff upon arrival.

On Skye News when I caught the story on TV the stupid news reader tried to downplay this and make out like this poor girl has been persecuted and it's all a storm in a teacup ( reminded me why I don't usually watch any Skye News segments , they are part of the problem IMO ).

I hope this lying devious selfish self-centred stupid girl gets the book thrown at her by the magistrate and ends learning a very expensive lesson ( and spends some time in prison too ).

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
New cases o/night in Victoria = 273
New cases o/night in NSW = 5
Combined new cases o/night for NSW + Vic = 278
Running total daily new cases for NSW + Vic since 10 June = 2486

There are 67 people in hospital, with 17 people in intensive care.

(Western Sydney) Crossroads Hotel patrons 'required' to self-isolate
Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatsworth says anyone who was at a pub at the centre of an outbreak in NSW between July 3-10 will need to isolate for 14 days from the date of their visit.
Dr Coatsworth says anyone who was at the venue between these dates is strongly encouraged to get tested, regardless of your symptoms.

He explains: "This is because that venue is currently the hub of the public health investigation into the small cluster in south-west Sydney emanating from the Crossroads Hotel.

"It is critically important that if you were there [betwee] July 3 and July 10, that you get yourself tested, once again, in this case, regardless of symptoms, so whether you have symptoms for a cold or not but you were at that pub, do get yourself tested.

"That includes people who have now left New South Wales but who may have been at the pub between those dates, hence we are making it part of this national press conference, including freight drivers, because that is a particular venue that is also frequented by people who do transnational freight driving.

"If you are one of those drivers, whatever jurisdiction you are in, do go and get yourself tested, minimise your contact with others for the 14 days after your visit to the Crossroads Hotel in Casula."

NSW Government to introduce fees for hotel quarantine for returning international travellors.
Travellers returning to New South Wales will have to pay $3000 for their fortnight stay in hotel quarantine from next week.

They've had 3 to 4 months to come home and haven't chosen to , so now the rules have changed and they are going to be in "users pay" system in fairness to the rest of the community .

And I think the wild weather on it's way will likely force more people inside ( in often crowded settings , bad for covid19 reducing spread .
Wild weather to hit parts of NSW as VERY DEEP / powerful low-pressure system brings rain, hurricane force gales and big waves
<< Getting torrential rain & heavy hail right now here with almost continuous and very loud chain lightning all around us and overtop our house NOW so I'm running laptop on battery to be safe >>
Wild weather is on the way for parts of New South Wales ( Coast from about Forster to Bega ) , but it is more likely to bring relief than cause concern.

Bureau of Meteorology is watching a low-pressure system form in the Tasman Sea.

<< last time one of these Tasman Sea Winter Cyclones happened off Newcastle we were hit HARD , and lost power for 4 days ( lots of trees blown down bringing down power lines all over the place , and we had people drowned in there cars which hit ragging torrents from overflowing stormwater drains that dragged their cars away , and caused lots of flash flooding in lower lying areas , my street was cut off for 36 hour by floods ( I was able to ford these in my Pajero OK but only because it's a 4x4 designed to handle water up to 0.8 m deep ). >>

But it is not expected to come as close to the mainland as first predicted, Meteorologist Jane Golding said.

The state's South Coast is expected to receive a drenching tomorrow and strong winds and big waves are forecast in Sydney on Tuesday.

Up to 100 millimetres of rain could fall on areas between Ulladulla and Narooma on the South Coast, Ms Golding said.

"The good news is the catchments are dry down there so they need quite a lot of rain down there.

Tuesday is not the day to be at sea or on the harbour.

"At this stage it does look like they'll be some gale force winds in coastal areas," Ms Golding said.

"The waves look like they'll be pretty big so more than 5 metres in the open waters."

The weather should be fine again in Sydney by next weekend after a week of showers, but longer-term it could be a wet end to the year.

"The climate outlook is suggesting we may move into a weak La Nina towards the end of the year."

NSW Maritime is advising boaters in affected areas to stay off the water.

NSW Maritime's Alex Barrell said conditions are expected to deteriorate from Monday.


kamakazi weather sightsee-ers in Sydney watching upside-down waterfalls caused by big waves breaking at the bases of the sea-cliffs. Unaware rogue storm waves often overcrest the top of the cliffs and oblivious to the danger of standing where they are standing ( ignoring a danger sign they had to walk past that warns of this danger that is likely next to the person taking the photo).

My nephew who lives in Gateshead "Heights" only a few km away just smsed me
People are stocking up on batteries , bread, mince, rice, tinned foods, snags, bags of ice , tarps
, many locals remember how bad this area was hit last time Newcastle and Lake Macquarie and Gosford was hit by a powerful July Cyclone. Wanted to know if we needed him to pick up any emergency supplies - told him we are well stocked and should be fine so long as the roof stays on and my tree stays upright.

More people ignoring the rules :(
Bondi parties shut down by NSW Police for not complying with coronavirus guidelines

NSW Police have shut down a number of private parties in Sydney's eastern suburbs due to guests not complying with social-distancing rules.Footage from parties in the Bondi area emerged on social media on Saturday night, with a number of people seen dancing close together.

No fines were issued but attendees were moved on.

The maximum number of people currently allowed to gather at a home is 20.

NSW Police were also called to a trial rugby match in Bellevue Hill on Saturday afternoon after photos appeared to show supporters breaking social-distancing rules.

Officers were called to Easts Rugby Club where a Shute Shield trial game against Sydney University was being held.

"About 3:40pm yesterday [Saturday], police were called following concerns over physical distancing at a rugby game in Bellevue Hill," a police statement read."Officers from Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command are conducting inquiries."

Easts Rugby Club said COVID-19 restrictions were being followed.

The NSW Government has renewed its warning to people not to defy social-distancing guidelines."It is absolutely unacceptable for people to be breaching the rules at this stage," Premier Gladys Berejiklian said.

"Do not be surprised if the Government takes any further action in relation to large gatherings.

"It only takes a small minority of people to do the wrong thing to have the whole state go backwards."

This week the Golden Sheaf Hotel in Double Bay was fined $5,500 after a group of about 250 customers stood shoulder-to-shoulder outside the venue.

Director of Liquor and Policing from the Australian Hotels Association (NSW), John Green, said the photo from Double Bay "was not a good look".

"It is a strict wake-up call for everyone that they need to ensure that there is social-distancing both inside their venues but also the public domain for people waiting to get in," Mr Green said.

Backpackers in Sydney's eastern suburbs were warned in March to stop flouting social-distancing rules.

Photos and videos posted on social media at Club 77 in Darlinghurst and the Back to Boogie Wonderland at the Bucket List bar in Bondi showed people dancing and kissing.

On another occasion a group of people was seen gathered on the balcony of Noah's Backpacker Hostel in Bondi.

The NSW Government also at one point closed Bondi Beach after the number of people on the famous sands exceeded Australia's outdoor-gathering limit imposed to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
<< People have been told time and time again, they will have to have living under a rock not to know the rules , IMO it's high time the NSW Police stop pussyfooting about and started imposing on the spot fines for all breaches .>>

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
12 july in Victoria

Victoria's coronavirus lockdown means it's back to remote learning for thousands of students. Here are some tips that could help
After an extra week of school holidays for many students in Melbourne, the Victorian Government has confirmed it's back to remote learning for prep to year 10 students in locked down parts of the state from July 20.

When schools across Australia first began moving to remote learning back in April, the ABC spoke to a number of education experts and parents about what worked (and what didn't) for them.

So from ideas for play to structuring your day, here's a survival guide to homeschooling… if you're one of the parents who needs it again.

The Victorian Government will offer extra funding to eligible kindergarten services in locked-down areas to let them offer free kinder to children during term three.

Other resources available include video or phone counselling for secondary school students.

The Government has also partnered with organisations like the Melbourne Football Club and Smiling Mind to produce resources for students.

Children — just like adults — will need to mentally adjust to being back under stage three restrictions. Not only will they not be able to play with their friends or see family for six weeks, but they may also be going back to remote learning.

University of Newcastle education lecturer David Roy said disruption to routine could make children anxious, and that could lead to more meltdowns and tantrums. "This is normal and expected under these circumstances," Dr Roy said.

In a letter to parents earlier this year, Sydney's Canterbury Public School said it was important parents talk to their kids about what's happening because understanding can reduce anxiety. "Help your child to think about how they have coped with difficult situations in the past and reassure them that they will cope with this situation too. Remind them that the isolation won't last for long."
Dr Roy also recommends being as playful as possible.

Kids need that. That's one of the reasons we have recess and lunchtime. We've got to have kids … jumping around, exercising, burning off that energy," he said.

Structure your day, but try to be flexible
One of the top tips from some parents who have home-schooled their children for years was to create some structure to the day.

Perth mother Cheryl Harris has home-schooled her three children for 12 years and suggests setting up a regular school-style structure: 9:00am to recess, to lunch, to 3:00pm and then screen time or free time.

But rather than trying to immediately set down that routine, Ms Harris said parents could be flexible.

She suggested hands-on activities such as getting the children involved in cooking lunch for everyone. "Cook dinner together, play Play-Doh, Pictionary, learn to braid, [and] look at character traits like flexibility — a good one for right now," she said.

Rebecca English, a lecturer at the QUT School of Teacher Education and Leadership, recommends setting gentle limits around playing games or chatting online to friends until the day's curriculum work was done. "Get the work done in the morning and organise with the child on what they want to start with and what they want to do next," she said. "You'll find that you can probably get through a significant portion of the work in a couple of hours."

Get the creativity flowing
The advice from play specialist Cat Sewell was not to worry about coming up with endless ideas, keep it as simple as possible, and let children (the experts) take the lead.

"Children are so geared for play. They're wired for play, and they're wired for imagination. So, I think the first thing is for us not to stress," she said.

"Play lets off a lot of steam … The way [kids] are going to be processing the changes and stress that they're picking up at the moment is through play. So it's absolutely crucial they're able to do that at home or wherever they are."

Here are Ms Sewell's top tips and ideas for playtime:

Sit back, don't take over. For example, rather than inviting children to use old boxes to make a rocket, give them an idea or prompt and let them come up with their own plan
Ask open-ended questions. This could include questions such as:
'I wonder what we could do with this?',
'I wonder what this could be?',
'I like what you've done there.
Can you tell me about it?

Use open-ended materials to create with.
Cardboard boxes, fabric and recycling can be used in many different ways
>Set up an obstacle course
>Make a fort or build a cubby house
>Remember that it's OK to let kids play on their own
>Many parents have gone through it … and made it out the other side.

Remember that remote learning wasn't smooth sailing for everyone the first time around.

Links :

more outbreaks hit abattoirs, hospitals and nursing homes clutters grow
Clusters have emerged at two Melbourne abattoirs, sending all workers into self-isolation and fuelling concerns about high-risk working environments.

Outbreaks have also spread to another inner-city public housing site in Melbourne and more hospital workers, with Victoria's coronavirus tally surging by 273 on Sunday - the second-highest daily increase since the start of the pandemic after 288 new cases on Friday.

A man aged in his 70s died from COVID-19 on Sunday, marking the fifth death in Victoria's second surge of widespread transmission that Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton again warned had not reached its peak.

Hospital staff taken off the front line and in quarantine.
Hundreds of staff from The Alfred hospital remain in self-isolation following confirmed cases among eight healthcare workers,
while two staff from Box Hill Hospital
and eleven from Brunswick Private Hospital have tested positive. Professor Sutton said the cases at The Alfred would be investigated to understand "how it might have occurred and what might be tightened up", admitting every healthcare worker infection had a ripple effect.
<< this is very disturbing so early in this 2nd wave of the pandemic at a time when more medical staff / hospital staff and doctors are needed to cope with the seasonal flu season and the accelerating pandemic in Melbourne and surrounding areas >>

"It becomes challenging when there are hundreds of healthcare workers who are furloughed, who have been close contacts ... and do 14 days of quarantine," he said. "That's a strain."

Professor Sutton revealed 28 residents of public housing towers in Carlton had tested positive to coronavirus, sparking a new testing blitz and deep cleaning.
However, the Carlton towers will not be subject to the same police-enforced lockdown as the nine public housing buildings in North Melbourne and Flemington, where one tower remains in hard lockdown and 237 cases have been confirmed - a jump of almost 80 new cases from Saturday.

Meatworks clutters.
Professor Sutton announced a new outbreak among 11 workers from Somerville Meats meatworks in Tottenham on Sunday.
It joins JBS Meats - an abattoir two kilometres from Cedar Meats in Melbourne's west where a cluster grew by four on Sunday to at least five workers - as active outbreaks.
One case was detected at a third abattoir last Monday - Pacific Meats in Thomastown.

A May outbreak at Cedar Meats was Victoria's biggest cluster, at 111 coronavirus cases.It led Professor Sutton to call abattoirs "intrinsically difficult" to manage.

Chief Health Officer later admitted it was a mistake to allow the meatworks to remain open for three weeks after the first employee tested positive, even though the worker told authorities he did not work while infectious.

On Sunday Professor Sutton said Somerville Meats and JBS Meats had been quickly shut down and deep cleaned.

"The entire workforce is effectively in quarantine, very broad testing is being done and those numbers will be controlled by virtue of that," he said.

Professor Maximilian de Courten, a public health expert with Victoria University, said abattoirs unavoidably met most criteria of a high-risk working environment, meaning coronavirus could spread at speed.

"It's humid, people are close together, they work hard for long periods, there's poor ventilation inside," Professor de Courten said.

"Face masks can help but are not easy in those environments. If you're working intensively and you're concerned you can't get enough air, you're less inclined to use a mask. Or you might rub your nose, the mask slips down and your protection is gone. In theory it works, but in some workplaces it's not so easy."

School clutters :
Al-Taqwa College outbreak grew to 113 last week.

More than 100 outbreaks active in Victoria and contact tracers working "relentlessly", Professor Sutton said health officials had been monitoring an uptick in cases at the Carlton public housing towers over the past week and it was not necessary to introduce tougher lockdown measures.

"They're [Carlton] not as high-risk as the towers in North Melbourne and Flemington, but all towers really where there's a concentration of people are at-risk settings," he said.

Clusters at aged care homes
These unfortunately grew on Sunday:
12 new cases were revealed among staff and residents from Glendale Aged Care home, where an elderly resident died on Saturday,
and 11 new cases were announced from Menarock Life aged care centre in Essendon.

<< covid19 has proven lethal when it gets into any aged care home , it can literally wipe out entire wings and entire aged care home communities in a matter of weeks >>

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
12 July in North Queensland

Kind notes on cars baffle Yeppoon residents but are designed to push far-right conspiracy theories
When obscure handwritten notes began appearing on car windscreens in the Queensland town of Yeppoon << on the coast / NE of Rockhampton , where the ferrys to the Kepple Islands land >>

, residents were mystified but did not take much notice.The notes contained kind messages — such as "Don't forget to smile, because you are amazing", "Have a fantastic day" and "Love wins" — and were accompanied by three hashtags.

It was not until they were shared on social media that the sinister nature of the notes became more apparent.

Some people had thanked the anonymous author for the positivity, others thought it was a bit strange, but one social media user identified the hashtags' likely link to far-right conspiracy groups.

"Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but the hashtags are used to spread propaganda," they said.

"People are leaving notes like these on cars in the hope that people take photos and share to social media to spread their hashtags."


Lorraine Coombs found one on her car. Thinking it was a one-off, the 77-year-old grandmother threw it in the bin — she then noticed the same note being shared online.

"I got really scared, actually. It was a bit frightening. I felt like I was being tagged and stalked," she said.

"You come out of the shopping centre and you find that note on your car; you think: 'Holy heck, who's been watching me?'"

A common tactic
PhD candidate Shane Satterley, who researches and teaches religious and ideological extremism at Griffith University, said he had not noticed hand-written notes used to spread conspiracies before.

"Religious cults have been using this tactic of being super nice and friendly and bringing people into their social group or family, as they probably call it — that's been a tactic for years," he said.

"It's perhaps unsurprising [the author] would try to win people over with niceness, but it's a bit hard to speculate because we don't really know who's doing that and what their agenda is."

Mr Satterley said despite the unknown motives of the author, it was never good to have misinformation and conspiracy theories promoted in a community.

"Bad ideas are inherently dangerous because they can lead to dangerous outcomes," he said.

"Conspiracy theories have been around for a long time ... now it's probably worse because we do have the internet, and while access to good information has never been better, access to bad information is on an equal footing."

Mr Satterley said conspiracies thrived in times of crisis, political unrest and rapid social change, which was why they had been rampant during the coronavirus pandemic.

Leaders of conspiracy groups and recruiters often made out that they had the answers to everything, he said.

"If someone doesn't have a nuanced way of looking at grey areas in society and politics, religion and international relations; if it seems very rigid, dogmatic and it has all the answers to everything you've ever asked, that's a big red flag."

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
12 July in SA on border with Victoria

Breaking news on 9 EVENING NEWS
ADF have send in several army platoons to man checkpoints round the clock along the Victoria - SA border , they are manning checkpoints with SA Police and SES , and patrolling the border ( drones , 4x4 and quadbike patrols ).

Residents living in border towns on the SA side of the Victoria - SA border are required to not to travel more than 50km from home ( further into SA ) unless they have a permit ( so they now live in a buffer zone and need a permit to leave it ), heavy fines apply , this is same policy as was will has already been put in place by NSW's State Govt for residents who live along the NSW - Victoria border. <== SA and NSW have created temporary border "bubbles / buffer zones " along their borders with Victoria that will be in place while Victoria is isolated from the rest of the nation.

Similar line on same story here

kingofnobbys Sicko
Original Poster
Seen several papers over the last month or so that tie in with this report from the CDC

Evidence Supporting Transmission of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 While Presymptomatic or Asymptomatic

EID Journal
>Volume 26
>Number 7—July 2020
>Main Article

Recent epidemiologic, virologic, and modeling reports support the possibility of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission from persons who are presymptomatic (SARS-CoV-2 detected before symptom onset) or asymptomatic (SARS-CoV-2 detected but symptoms never develop). SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the absence of symptoms reinforces the value of measures that prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 by infected persons who may not exhibit illness despite being infectious.
Critical knowledge gaps include the relative incidence of asymptomatic and symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, the public health interventions that prevent asymptomatic transmission, and the question of whether asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection confers protective immunity
Public Health Implications of Transmission While Asymptomatic

The existence of persons with asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection who are capable of transmitting the virus to others has several implications.
1) the case-fatality rate for COVID-19 may be lower than currently estimated ratios if asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections are included (34,35).
2) transmission while asymptomatic reinforces the value of community interventions to slow the transmission of COVID-19.
Knowing that asymptomatic transmission was a possibility, CDC recommended key interventions including physical distancing (36), use of cloth face coverings in public (37), and universal masking in healthcare facilities (38) to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission by asymptomatic and symptomatic persons with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
3) asymptomatic transmission enhances the need to scale up the capacity for widespread testing and thorough contact tracing to detect asymptomatic infections, interrupt undetected transmission chains, and further bend the curve downward.

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I just set Swordtail's timer for his bath and paused it so I could actually fill his soaking bowl up and he crawled over my phone and canceled the timer 🤣
Mirage came out of brumation on April 26. He was doing great. On May 2 he started acting funny. We just redid his tank, and he keeps going into one of his hides. He just lays there. He shows no intrest in food. HELP!
is tape safe for fixing something in my leopard geckos hide?
Day 3 of brumation. It's a struggle. I really miss my little guy. 😔
Mirage entered brumation yesterday, I'm gonna miss hanging out with my little guy.

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