Hi everyone -
I have a leopard gecko, female, about 10 years old. I bought her from someone and she said the gecko was less than a year when I got her (I can't verify this... the shop she's from was known to be very wrong with their info). For the longest time she was a VORACIOUS eater. she'd eat and eat and eat anything I'd put in her cage. Then I gave her to my little sister and my father really messed up her housing. I found out several years later, she never had a heat light and he'd taken to only feeding her meal worms once a week. I've since reclaimed her. She has proper temps and was doing well for a few months, shedding better and eating crickets like she used to (fattened her up a bit with some pinkies early on). However, in the past month, her eating habits have gotten odd. She won't touch crickets. She'll only eat meal worms, and then, only if I drop them in, one at a time a couple inches away from her. Every once in a while she gets one that she just keeps lunging at and missing, over and over and over again. She's also pooping just fine as well, so no reason to suspect impaction.
I'm getting concerned because I know that mealworms are not a good primary diet for leos. she has a calcium dish that she uses regularly (I'm ashamed to say that I didn't use one until about a month ago - she wouldn't eat anything that I dusted so I just gut loaded everything and she seemed fine. But as soon as I put the calcium in her viv she was using it that night). She has a water bowl, and a hide. She doesn't have much else, because, due to bad living conditions before me, and while my father had her, she's lost most of her toes in sheds, so she can't really climb.
At any rate, can anyone shed any light on her eating changes? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. thanks!
I have a leopard gecko, female, about 10 years old. I bought her from someone and she said the gecko was less than a year when I got her (I can't verify this... the shop she's from was known to be very wrong with their info). For the longest time she was a VORACIOUS eater. she'd eat and eat and eat anything I'd put in her cage. Then I gave her to my little sister and my father really messed up her housing. I found out several years later, she never had a heat light and he'd taken to only feeding her meal worms once a week. I've since reclaimed her. She has proper temps and was doing well for a few months, shedding better and eating crickets like she used to (fattened her up a bit with some pinkies early on). However, in the past month, her eating habits have gotten odd. She won't touch crickets. She'll only eat meal worms, and then, only if I drop them in, one at a time a couple inches away from her. Every once in a while she gets one that she just keeps lunging at and missing, over and over and over again. She's also pooping just fine as well, so no reason to suspect impaction.
I'm getting concerned because I know that mealworms are not a good primary diet for leos. she has a calcium dish that she uses regularly (I'm ashamed to say that I didn't use one until about a month ago - she wouldn't eat anything that I dusted so I just gut loaded everything and she seemed fine. But as soon as I put the calcium in her viv she was using it that night). She has a water bowl, and a hide. She doesn't have much else, because, due to bad living conditions before me, and while my father had her, she's lost most of her toes in sheds, so she can't really climb.
At any rate, can anyone shed any light on her eating changes? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. thanks!