Left leg twitches


Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)
Hello, sometimes when my bearded dragon starts moving around he gets spasms on his left leg. Like the muscle is twitching. I asked the vet he’s said probably electrolytes. He didn’t think anything of it. Today, he twitched all of his leg. Still only the left leg. Yesterday, he also did like kicks with his left leg. He was very annoyed both times. He was running away and backing away from me. Is it just annoyance? I’m afraid it is MBD because of the twitching, but I read somewhere that that was bilateral.


Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)

You are welcome! Keep us posted on his condition & feel free to post updates & pictures
if you would like.

Hello, he didn’t really want to eat most of yesterday. He seemed to be bothered by the diarrhea. He wasn’t lethargic. He was just glass surfing. He wanted crickets very on and off, but only greens in the morning and in the evening.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Is he still having some diarrhea now?
Have you tried giving canned pumpkin daily to see if that helps to firm up his stools?
I'm glad to hear he isn't lethargic though, that is a good sign he isn't feeling too bad
right now. Let us know how he is doing.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Is he still having some diarrhea now?
Have you tried giving canned pumpkin daily to see if that helps to firm up his stools?
I'm glad to hear he isn't lethargic though, that is a good sign he isn't feeling too bad
right now. Let us know how he is doing.

Yes, I thought it was getting better but it seems to be diarrhea again. He has some parasites but I’m not sure if the vet thinks that is necessarily causing his diarrhea. He said it might be. I think he thinks it could just be some loose stools. He ate his crickets I gave him in the morning. He didn’t want greens, but he was also stressed from the vet. I’m not too sure if I should try the pumpkin because the diarrhea started right after I gave him a lot of pumpkin because he was constipated. I don’t know if that caused something to happen or it was a coincidence. I also think the vet told me not to give him any. I might try it again. His diarrhea is weird because I thought the steroids for inflammation worked but now I’m not sure what is causing it again. He was running around all day again. The vet said that was probably because his tank has been a little rearranged.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Ok. He might just be stressed from diet changes & rearranging in his tank. They usually aren't too
fond of change.
You could try a probiotic like Bromelain powder for him to see if that helps settle down the tummy.



Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)
Yes, I thought it was getting better but it seems to be diarrhea again. He has some parasites but I’m not sure if the vet thinks that is necessarily causing his diarrhea. He said it might be. I think he thinks it could just be some loose stools. He ate his crickets I gave him in the morning. He didn’t want greens, but he was also stressed from the vet. I’m not too sure if I should try the pumpkin because the diarrhea started right after I gave him a lot of pumpkin because he was constipated. I don’t know if that caused something to happen or it was a coincidence. I also think the vet told me not to give him any. I might try it again. His diarrhea is weird because I thought the steroids for inflammation worked but now I’m not sure what is causing it again. He was running around all day again. The vet said that was probably because his tank has been a little rearranged.
Also, he does not have MBD so that’s good!


Hatchling Member
You wouldn’t happen to know is your dragon has had a prior calcium deficiency? My eldest rescue gets twitches in his legs, tail and occassionally sides and I bought this up with a specialist vet who went through his history and he had previously had a calcium deficiency issue with his original owners and I was told that sometimes in those cases the deficiency can be cleared up but the twitches can still remain but monitoring these twitches is a good thing to do to watch for any changes in them such as increased frequency, intensity, changes in which parts of the body are involved etc and let a vet know if any changes to what’s ‘normal’ for your dragon pop up.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
You wouldn’t happen to know is your dragon has had a prior calcium deficiency? My eldest rescue gets twitches in his legs, tail and occassionally sides and I bought this up with a specialist vet who went through his history and he had previously had a calcium deficiency issue with his original owners and I was told that sometimes in those cases the deficiency can be cleared up but the twitches can still remain but monitoring these twitches is a good thing to do to watch for any changes in them such as increased frequency, intensity, changes in which parts of the body are involved etc and let a vet know if any changes to what’s ‘normal’ for your dragon pop up.
No, I wouldn’t know. He’s been with me all his life except when he was a baby at the pet store. I’ve never noticed he had a deficiency before but I could be wrong. I know he’s been doing the twitches more so when he’s stressed. They are quite new. I know the vet said he didn’t think the twitches were anything. I’ll make sure to keep monitoring the twitches. Thank you!

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