Jupiter not waking up? (Resolved!)

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Hello all. So my beardie Jupiter has been 'sleeping' for almost two days. I first noticed he seemed more tired yesterday and the day before, and he wouldn't move from the tree in his tank and just kept taking long naps. He did eat a little yesterday but today I came home to find him totally unconscious. Meaning, no matter what I do, he wont move. I've tried tapping, tugging (lightly of course), squeezing his limbs, and even lifting him up. He just flops right back down. I really want to believe that this might be brumation coming on, or that he's just getting sluggish due to the weather because I do not believe he is old enough to brumate yet. (He's a year and a half; still a juvie)

Here is a video of him and my attempts to wake him up:

In the video I thought maybe I felt him pull away from me, but couldn't be sure. The good news is that his beard isn't black, he's well hydrated, and he's breathing. But thats the only signs of life I can get outta this little guy. I'm really starting to worry. Because no matter what I do, he doesn't wanna wake up. Please help. His last vet appointment was last week and he was given a clean bill of health after blood and fecal tests. Could it be he's just slowing down? Since its been getting colder at night, I take him and lay him in bed with me where its warmer because I don't have an under tank heater. Ever since the MBD scare he gave me, I've been really paranoid and I'm seriously hoping this is just paranoia.

Tank info: 18" Reptisun T8 long tube. 20 gallon tank. Basking spot 101 degrees. Calcium dust 4x a week. Diet includes hornworms, collard & mustard greens, and fruit once a week. I can include pics of his setup if need be~


Hatchling Member
Well I'm not an expert, but he does seem to be breathing and his beard did appear to get more black the more you messed with him (as if he's annoyed that you're waking him)
He may just be in a very deep sleep, and brumation is a possibility


Original Poster
Alright, upon second inspection, I think you were right and he was just in a deep sleep. I managed to get him to wake up after flipping him onto his back. He immediately righted himself and then gave me the biggest stink eye followed by black beard. After about 30 minutes, I put him back in his tank where he basked for a moment, ate, and then went back to sleep. I'm relieved but just wanted to make sure that he's ok. Is it normal for some beardies to be totally unresponsive when they sleep? Because he's a pretty alert boy so this scared me haha;;


Extreme Poster
Yup, he could be like that for months. Just keep watch over him and bother him as little as possible.


Original Poster
Gormagon":3pki5pl6 said:
Yup, he could be like that for months. Just keep watch over him and bother him as little as possible.
Alright, got it~ I read up on brumation some more and definitely I'll keep an eye on him. He did wake up again only to curl up next to me and sleep. So I guess its about that time. He really didn't like it when I woke him haha~


Hatchling Member
Dragonism":k6kxzox8 said:
Alright, upon second inspection, I think you were right and he was just in a deep sleep. I managed to get him to wake up after flipping him onto his back. He immediately righted himself and then gave me the biggest stink eye followed by black beard. After about 30 minutes, I put him back in his tank where he basked for a moment, ate, and then went back to sleep. I'm relieved but just wanted to make sure that he's ok. Is it normal for some beardies to be totally unresponsive when they sleep? Because he's a pretty alert boy so this scared me haha;;


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

He is really asleep! They get like that when they are brumating, not easily wakened. Then, if you do wake them, their beard gets dark & they get upset.
If he is healthy & maintaining his weight he should be fine to brumate for a little while.

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