Jace, Zy, Sorin, Ava, Nissa, & Koth -->Update 12-18 w/ Pics

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I'm relatively new to this website, though I have posted questions prior to this "blog." I fell in love with bearded dragons on a trip to Petco. I've always wanted a reptile and I have a dragon statue collection at home so it seemed perfect. Jace, however, was not my first beardie. My first beardie was one of the two smaller ones. The employees hadn't gotten around to putting on of the little ones up for adoption because he would have a seizure whenever he was picked up. They were pretty sure the one I had picked wasn't the seizure one. I bought him the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and am sad to say I returned him that following Monday. This one had seizures whenever he was put down. I knew, being a new owner, that it would be better for the both of us if I returned him to Petco and that was when I got Jace, the love of my life. On a side note, the two that suffered from seizures got adopted to loving homes where someone can take care of them :D . Anyways, on to my picture show.

This was my first night with Jace. He no longer has that cage - he is in a bigger one and on tiles instead.

The first week montage:



I loved the way he just dug a bed and curled up.

He was so little!

This is his new cage - the sand in the dig bowl has been replaced with flaxseed

My little poser :D


He loves climbing on my shirt and just hang

I loved the natural blue that came out - don't know how that happened

Again, his dig box before we changed it:

He loves my computer

That's it for now, but he's a very photogenic man so there will be more to follow.


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
I don't understand cats at all. Stinky is a whole different type of animal all together.

Yup, will be nice to get out early enough. I told my boss that was my only condition to working Christmas was working only those three hours.

I made an appointment with Zy to figure out what's going on with the egg situation. Will have $200 set aside for it. Here's to hoping it isn't a big deal. The appointment is Dec 27th at 11:20 - trying to find someone to cover my shift that day. It was the only shift I could get.

I go to my house after work and do presents their, then Paul's, then my aunt's where we do presents and dinner, and then back to Paul's.

Happy holidays!

And I will gladly give them all hugs is Sorin and the leos can be still. :lol:


Gray-bearded Member
I keep seeing your updates at the worst times and forgetting to comment on them
Jace is Handsome as ever
Zy is beautiful!
Ava and Nissa are very striking
and as always, Koth is just a stunner man. Wow.

I'm glad you're doing okay despite working so much. I hope you enjoy your christmas being surrounded by so many people you love!


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
It's all right, happens to me too, Jolene. Every time I read something, something else comes up part way so most of the time I don't even finish the post.

Sorin is a monstrosity that cannot be stopped. And he can be very flighty when he wants to be on top of that. Some days he'll let me pick him up no problems. Other days it's a game of catch me if you can.

Jace is mama's little stud. :D At least he thinks he is and I let him.

Zy is a sweet little thing, though she always has a worried look to her eye. I should have named her chicken little. :lol:

I love Ava's muzzle spots and Nissa is just such a beauty.

Koth is me leopard gecko version of Jace. Such a ham.

I am too. So excited to for school to be over for the time being. The fifteen hours tomorrow should pay off for the day off on Sunday. Paul and I are thinking of doing lunch and a movie Tuesday depending on how I feel which will be nice. We'll also be gifting that night. It will be nice to be with my family though my family (and myself) is still a little miffed that Paul isn't allowed to come over for the major holidays (Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). His mom wants to have him for every last holiday until he moves out. My family would like to see my boyfriend every now and then, especially since I attend every holiday at both houses. Oh well.

I hope you have a great holiday as well Jolene!


Sub-Adult Member
the babies are all so big and pretty! and those are clearly ava love bites. she's trying to tell mommy who runs the joint :lol: merry christmas to you and the little ones! give them all lots of snuggles for me.
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