Jace, Zy, Sorin, Ava, Nissa, & Koth -->Update 12-18 w/ Pics

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I'm relatively new to this website, though I have posted questions prior to this "blog." I fell in love with bearded dragons on a trip to Petco. I've always wanted a reptile and I have a dragon statue collection at home so it seemed perfect. Jace, however, was not my first beardie. My first beardie was one of the two smaller ones. The employees hadn't gotten around to putting on of the little ones up for adoption because he would have a seizure whenever he was picked up. They were pretty sure the one I had picked wasn't the seizure one. I bought him the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and am sad to say I returned him that following Monday. This one had seizures whenever he was put down. I knew, being a new owner, that it would be better for the both of us if I returned him to Petco and that was when I got Jace, the love of my life. On a side note, the two that suffered from seizures got adopted to loving homes where someone can take care of them :D . Anyways, on to my picture show.

This was my first night with Jace. He no longer has that cage - he is in a bigger one and on tiles instead.

The first week montage:



I loved the way he just dug a bed and curled up.

He was so little!

This is his new cage - the sand in the dig bowl has been replaced with flaxseed

My little poser :D


He loves climbing on my shirt and just hang

I loved the natural blue that came out - don't know how that happened

Again, his dig box before we changed it:

He loves my computer

That's it for now, but he's a very photogenic man so there will be more to follow.


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
As for me I'm doing well. Trying to get all of my homework done asap so I can enjoy Friday-Sunday with no homework. Saturday Pokemon X and Y are coming out so since my Walmart is open 24/7 Paul and I will be going at midnight to get the games. I took Saturday off so I could have all day to play it. I am so freaking excited, you have no idea. My coworker is coming over to hang with me and Paul that day to play Pokemon and will still be there after Paul leaves.

Mentally life is still tough. Saturday night after Kristine left and things got finished I got in a bad way. I texted Paul who was working and told him. I didn't think much about telling him. Then half an hour after that text he showed up - got out an hour early from work. I love him. I really do. I don't think he realizes how much I appreciated and needed that.

Zy must be having some kind of lip shed because I saw her scratching them on her hammock just now. Poor girl. Baths are tonight anyways.


Gray-bearded Member
They all look so happy and healthy, Liz!! You seem to be in a much better place as well. Of course we will have ups and downs but I've noticed a difference and I'm so proud.

The funny thing...I seem to enjoy holding Koth in the pics more than my favorite boy Jace!! All his craziness with the jumping, waiving, nodding had me unsure for the first time ever with him! Haha! The change in my usual snuggle time with him on every single visit had me ALL confused!

Ughhhhh. Wish you were closer. I've already missed you for days and it's only Tuesday!


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Thanks, Kristine. I''m glad they look good to others. It makes me feel a lot better and a hair less paranoid.

Well, the pictures of you and Koth were before Koth's mad dash so that might also play a part in it. Plus you weren't squeezing my leg to death like you were when Jace was being...Jace.

If you wanted a snuggler, you should have held Zy. As long as my computer isn't out, she'll climb onto your shoulder and nestle in to sleep. She's very lazy, but very sweet.

I wish you were closer too! I miss my Batty.

Also, forgot to mention this tidbit of good news. The melatonin and B-Complex as been working wonders for Paul and getting him on a proper sleep cycle. He's been getting up on his own and not falling asleep during class.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Everything sounds better for both of you, so glad the vitamins & Melatonin are working for Paul. Sometimes, in the winter, you just need extra help. You sound more grounded, too, more purposeful, so that's all good, too, proud of you Liz and Paul, too.

Your babies look wonderful, Zy doesn't look under weight at all. As for brumation, doesn't sound as if she's ready or if she'll even get there, so you might want to hand feed her or got through the babyfood/carnivore care regimen like you did with Jace. If she's up, she should be eating, as much as usual as possible.

I'm glad you're getting your homework done, it sounds as if it's easier for you now, which is great to hear.

I loved all the pics, poor Ava with her shed, surprised she didn't eat it. It might be worth trying, supers in a dish. I've been putting roaches & Repashy (dry) in a dish in Rocco's tank, so the roaches will at least eat the Repashy and it's working, he's eating and has gained a bit of weight. For Bunny, I did get crickets and she's been devouring them and has gained a bit, too, she looks much better. So roaches for Rocco & crickets only for Bunny, works out so much better. And their tanks aren't so stinky, plus I've been putting greens and blueberries in for the crickets and they're all still alive!

I'll be getting the biopsy for Titan any day, just am so worried about it as hoping it's no YF. He just doesn't feel good at all & I think I've been giving him too much of the fungal cream, so he's not getting anything today, just a day off. All he wants to do is stay under his basking light & snuggle, poor baby.

Leo and Didi are still sounds asleep, but I'll give them baths on the weekend to make sure they're hydrated and see if they go back to sleep. Rubio's still up every day & Gabriel, too. Lonzo flipped over a couple of times, so he's recovering, but he's still up every morning, and gets a bath this am.

Sorin looks great, can't believe how big he is! He's going to be huge when he's fully grown, giving him the bigger viv is a good idea. Zy doesn't seem fazed to stay in her 40 gallon anyway.


Gray-bearded Member
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah...that Koth ordeal. Oh...I knew. Just by how slowly he turned that he was about to bolt up my arm. Thank goodness there were no pics or videos of THAT. I'd never live it down!

I love Zy just like all the other babies...Jace was my first big boy snuggle, though. So...that's what I've come to expect...finding out more and more they don't all stay the same for too long.

I am SO happy Paul started the melatonin and B complex! Things seem to be going wonderfully! Batty misses you too, and mommy would feel so much better if you could just pop in every so often...let me know everything is ok ;)


Gray-bearded Member
Ok I am so excited. I got a new laptop and I can finally see the big picture updates! Everyone looks great and looking at your charts , your leos are doing well!


Sub-Adult Member
Hey :) Just popped in fast to say hello.. went back and read stuff I missed.. love all the new pictures of the crew :p I wonder about brumation as well.. Jango will be 2 at the end of Jan. and didn't brumate last year so I wonder if he will this year.. he's been eating off and on and is usually wanting to sleep by 2 or 3pm.. but he also gets up and moves around his viv and wants out atleast once a day so i don't know if he'll go into it this year or not.. i guess i'll have to keep an eye on him and if he seems like he's gonna go into a deep sleep to make sure his tummy is empty. That's a nice reptile room you got there.. would you be able to put any type of shelving up.. like those metal shelves to add more room so they will all fit?


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
That's great about the new laptop! Glad you finally got to enjoy the pictures! I'm also very happy to hear that the leos look good. Such a big relief. They drive my crazy sometimes...all of the time.

Brumation is such a scary thing. Can never tell what it's going to be with them. Zy will either climb her branch thing of her hammock. But that's about it for movement.
I'm going to see if Jace and Sorin's stackable viv's will work or not.... Once they're finished anyways.


There's been a lot going on between homework that needs doing and Pokemon X that needs playing.
I've been off my vitamins since Friday. These past few days have been different compared to my usual schedule and so it's been hard for me to even remember to take them. So I have reverted a little - lethargic, tired, no motivation, etc. Will get back on track tomorrow. No school Monday or Tuesday this week so that's why I've been off. My sleep pattern has also been off due to playing Pokemon X all the time.
I got a second job. I'll be working at Table and Vine - it's a liquor store owned by BigY which is a local grocery chain. I'll be a cashier. They've matched my pay, I can work more hours, time and a half on Sundays, and the pay is weekly. I told them I can work 25 hours, but I realized that's only three more hours than I work now, so I'll tell them during my orientation if they need me to work 30-35 I can. It will be tough because I'll be working 6:30am-2:30pm and 5pm-11pm on Saturdays. Sunday I took off from my old job and will only be scheduled on occasionally at this new job. That will be my sleep/homework catch up day.

Bearded Dragons:
They're all doing well. Jace eats 4-5 supers and a bunch of greens daily now. Zy "eats" 5ml of baby food, though she drools out a bit. And Sorin...he's trouble. Drives me up the wall insane with all of his nonsense. Paul's going to be helping out more with taking care of them which will be nice. This new working schedule will make it impossible to see my darling babies. Wah!

Leopard Geckos:
They're all doing well. Koth spent 2+ weeks eating a superworm almost every night and has now taken a break from eating. Butt head. Nissa hasn't eaten in forever though she looks good weight wise. Ava had one super the night before last. Paul looked ready to pee himself with happiness.

Rest In Piece:
On Friday, October 11, 2013, our dog, Pupup, had to be put to rest. I woke up at 6am and went downstairs into the kitchen and there was blood and poo all over the place. (I do not handle either well). I ran to my grandparent's bedroom and woke up my grandmother and tald her (my grandpa wasn't there). Later that morning, while I went to take my drug test, Pup was taken to the vet and he was put to sleep. The vet called what he had colitis . He was guessed to be 15 years old, he was overweight, diabetic, blind, partially deaf, and arthritic. Now he's in a better place. R.I.P Pup.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Liz, tried to post earlier but I couldn't get it to work. Glad you're getting back on your vitamins, they'll help you out. Sorry to hear about your dog, had a good life, but still, it's always hard to lose a pet. Glad your crew are doing well! Didi and Leo are still sleeping away, Rubio is still getting up every day and getting at least 2 hours of sunshine, taking advantage because I'm off work for awhile. Gabriel is now in the living room, put Titan in the bedroom, just better, don't want the others to get infected with Yellow Fungus. Titan is back to the vet on Friday again to check him out, see how the cream is doing and decide on an oral med. I sure have learned a lot about it!

Take care, your school year is getting close to be over!


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Thanks everyone for your sympathies. We just got back his ashes yesterday and the vet also made a paw print with his paw for us to keep with his name. It's nice.

My orientation is set for Oct 22 at 4-7. I'm hoping to get some Saturday hours along with Tuesday and Thursday. Will let them know this during orientation.

Mine and Paul's 4 year dating anniversary is coming up. It's Nov 2 so I am taking that day off from both jobs. We're probably going to go to Olive Garden. It's what we do every year.

I have the Reptile Expo with Paul on Oct 27. I hope to find Ava and Koth some nicer moist hides. I also want to find decor or Jace, Zy, and Sorin. Maybe some better decor for Ava and Koth since Nissa is getting all of Mylo's hand-me-downs and will be decked out. Only spending $80 so I don't plan to spend more than that.

Should have pictures up Saturday maybe. I got all my homework done for the week.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Congrats on the homework being done, bonus!!!

Isn't that nice that the vet gave you the paw print, that's a nice memory for you all.

Good luck with getting the hours you want with the new job, are you still working the first job, but less hours? All to the good!

And an expo, I really enjoyed the one that was here awhile ago. Had a good time.

Titan is off to the vet tomorrow am, he's getting an oral anti-fungal prescription to see if that rids him of the fungus. It's been a gas (NOT) covering him with that anti-fungal cream, but that will be continuing, will be discussing lots of things with the vet. Have been doing a lot of research.

Glad you're feeling better, taking those vitamins, right?

Looking forward to pics. You mentioned going to the vet with Kristine, is that for the beardies or Ava?


BD.org Addict
Original Poster

Oh yes, very much a bonus. :D But now I have no idea what to do with my free time other than to get into one of my moods. Paul made it a good night at first, but then really pissed me off later. Almost sent me into a panic attack. I kicked in the jewels for that one.

I'll only be working my old job on Saturdays 6:30-2:30. My boss was so not happy to hear this. But the new place offers more flexible hours and at same pay if not better. Forgot to ask how much I would be making. Will have to wait until orientation.

Sending you and Titan best wishes. Poor little man needs a break. First a crappy first owner, then inadequate care at the pet store, than parasites, and now this? He doesn't get a break at all. Poor fella. Love to him and all of your babies.

I started taking the vitamins again today. Was supposed to go to the gym, but got a massive headache so maybe I'll do a second bout of yoga. The fact I stopped taking them for five days sent me downhill pretty fast. Going to try and fix that.

The vet is for Sorin and Zy. Their nails are getting to sharp and until they get a vet appointment, the vets can't just trim them. I tried clipping myself, but these two are terrors. Zy almost lost a whole toe twice. Easier to pay someone else to do it and it comes out nicer.

Yeah, I hope to get the pics up. I want to post five pics of each baby so that means a photo shoot for the leos. I've only gotten pictures of Nissa because she has been out and about in viv. Koth and Ava have been in hiding.

Also, my Petco has two golden geckos for sale. Made me think of Rocco. They're so cute. They also have a TFS baby - that was hard to deal with. Luckily this one is in much better care than Vraska was, but it hurt to see one for sale. The also had gold skinks and house geckos. A lot of things they don't normally have. And way less spiders for the win.
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I just set Swordtail's timer for his bath and paused it so I could actually fill his soaking bowl up and he crawled over my phone and canceled the timer 🤣
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