Is he ever going to be tamer?

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Hatchling Member
So I've had Emerson for 4 months now and when I got him they said he's not very friendly. I've been working with him daily since then and he still puffs up/black beards when I pick him up and when I hold him he fights it. He is almost a year now and he gets his baths every other day and everything but is he ever going to calm down more? Honestly I don't mind if he isn't, Ralph is still sweet as can be and I have no problems letting Emerson be a cage pet. I just don't want to keep stressing him out every day if its pointless, you know :)


New member
I'm glad I found your post. My Eric is a real buddy and loves to be with me but little Thor (4 months?) sounds like your little one.
It's kinda disappointing to want to cuddle them and see them run away.
I applaud your letting him be a cage pet; you accept and love him just as he is, but it's so great when they look for you and wanna play.
Maybe someone will have answers that we both can use. Maybe it's just a "baby" thing?
And in the meantime we can enjoy them for the cute little animals that they are.
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