I was given a neglected bearded dragon . I need help and answers


Beardie name(s)
got a bearded dragon a couple days ago from a 11-year-old and it was severely neglected. It stayed in a small cage. It hadnt eaten in a month and a half or two. It had one basking rock with one basking light and had no sand or gravel in the cage And it never had a bath and his nails are super long and he smells really bad ,when I first brought it home he flared up at me and opened his mouth but now when I go in his cage and change his food and water, he doesn’t do that anymore and he lets me pet his back, but I only do it like three times I want him to get used to his new environment because it is chaos here and he was stuck in a hoarders room so he has no socialization skills and he’s never been held so I don’t know how to go about this. I made the best home that I thought would be good. I’m getting my UVB light today or in the morning so all he has is a basking light and he also has a basking black light and that one is 75 watts but his temperature only goes to like 88 and its humidity is between 50 and 55. I have no idea if it’s a male or female and they say he’s probably a little over a year old. So I don’t know how to get my temperature in the cage warmer and then I don’t know how to lower the humidity. I’ve been going to Petco and getting all my information pretty much from them. The reptile store told me to feed him meal worms for right now five a day because he was so malnourished but he’ll only eat that I’ll make him a little bit of apples and lettuce and I’ll put his vitamins on it and he won’t eat it, so I don’t know if it’s because he’s full of the meal worms I think I need to go get crickets .


BD.org Sicko
Hi there, it's really great that you're trying to help the poor thing, I hope everything falls in to place ! It may take time for Cheeto to feel like being handled so it's O.K to leave him alone until he settles in except if he needs a bath because of being dirty. Can you post a few pics of Cheeto to show body condition and also pics of the enclosure ? BTW there are resources on the sidebar to help getting the light/heat right as well as general care. The humidity is not bad so that's not really a problem. For greens, try kale and collards [ also turnip + mustard greens ] but don't buy a lot at once since he may not eat them right away. Crickets are better than mealworms but you can't leave them loose in the cage. Dubias are even better, silkworms too. Those are just a few tips, you'll learn more from other people here as well as the resources on the side.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
got a bearded dragon a couple days ago from a 11-year-old and it was severely neglected. It stayed in a small cage. It hadnt eaten in a month and a half or two. It had one basking rock with one basking light and had no sand or gravel in the cage And it never had a bath and his nails are super long and he smells really bad ,when I first brought it home he flared up at me and opened his mouth but now when I go in his cage and change his food and water, he doesn’t do that anymore and he lets me pet his back, but I only do it like three times I want him to get used to his new environment because it is chaos here and he was stuck in a hoarders room so he has no socialization skills and he’s never been held so I don’t know how to go about this. I made the best home that I thought would be good. I’m getting my UVB light today or in the morning so all he has is a basking light and he also has a basking black light and that one is 75 watts but his temperature only goes to like 88 and its humidity is between 50 and 55. I have no idea if it’s a male or female and they say he’s probably a little over a year old. So I don’t know how to get my temperature in the cage warmer and then I don’t know how to lower the humidity. I’ve been going to Petco and getting all my information pretty much from them. The reptile store told me to feed him meal worms for right now five a day because he was so malnourished but he’ll only eat that I’ll make him a little bit of apples and lettuce and I’ll put his vitamins on it and he won’t eat it, so I don’t know if it’s because he’s full of the meal worms I think I need to go get crickets .
What kind of UVB please ? NO coils --- we can guide you on that --- please get two digital probe thermometers to get accurate surface basking temps? You want those 95-100 -- what size tank is he in now? Your humidity should be taken w/a digital probe hygrometer placed on the back center wall Exo Terra makes them-- but for now we need to get those surface basking temps and UVB on par - his appetite will pick up w/ those good - please do not listen to the Petco people --- please get him some crickets for now and feed fresh salads Nutrition Content ignore the kale info its outdated -


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Karrieree can help you tremendously with lights, please follow her advice.
I'll go over hydration a bit 🙂.
You will see tons of info says soaks in a bath or misting hydrates them. This couldn't be farther from the truth. They absolutely have to take water orally to be hydrated. You can rinse his greens before serving them (if he eats them consistently) some foods help also. What I've found that works the best is using an eyedropper to drip it on their snout. Your beardie should start lapping it on his on, it may take a few minutes before he realizes it's water and good. Go slow at his pace so you don't aspirate him. If he won't drink you can try adding a little none citrus fruit juice or punch to give it flavor. Be sure to use a wet cloth to wipe away any that runs down his chin. No need to take a chance on causing bacteria or fungus in his scales.
Of course if he drinks from a bowl (be far most never will) that's fine, if he drinks in a bath thats ok but to many baths can cause problems also so the eyedropper is better.


Sub-Adult Member
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Sir Henry of Scales

the basking black light should never be used either, or any red ones if you got one. in general, no colored lights, just clear bright for basking during the day, and the tube uvb you have coming. at night they need it dark and cooler.

you're going to get overwhelmed with new information from us in the beginning. and that's ok. you'll find that all of us want the absolute best for the beardies we "meet" on here. the lighting and temperatures are absolutely the most important part. it can be tricky getting them set up in the beginning, but then once they are dialed in, things are much easier from there.

and don't be surprised if you worry all the time! that's common, hell i still do it too. it just means you care.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hi there, it's really great that you're trying to help the poor thing, I hope everything falls in to place ! It may take time for Cheeto to feel like being handled so it's O.K to leave him alone until he settles in except if he needs a bath because of being dirty. Can you post a few pics of Cheeto to show body condition and also pics of the enclosure ? BTW there are resources on the sidebar to help getting the light/heat right as well as general care. The humidity is not bad so that's not really a problem. For greens, try kale and collards [ also turnip + mustard greens ] but don't buy a lot at once since he may not eat them right away. Crickets are better than mealworms but you can't leave them loose in the cage. Dubias are even better, silkworms too. Those are just a few tips, you'll learn more from other people here as well as the resources on the side.


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The last 3 pictures are his new set up until we go to the reptile store and his uvb light and a uva basking light cause I looked on the box and his basking light has no rays at all. I did feed him 12 crickets yesterday and they were dusted with calcium and he ate them all. I want to give him a bath as he’s never had one. So todays list consists of plants a hammock a climbing stick and a background for the back of his tank because he can see his reflection. I read that it stresses him out to see himself. Is there anything I need or don’t need that I’m getting today? Thanks for everyone’s help.


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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
What kind of UVB please ? NO coils --- we can guide you on that --- please get two digital probe thermometers to get accurate surface basking temps? You want those 95-100 -- what size tank is he in now? Your humidity should be taken w/a digital probe hygrometer placed on the back center wall Exo Terra makes them-- but for now we need to get those surface basking temps and UVB on par - his appetite will pick up w/ those good - please do not listen to the Petco people --- please get him some crickets for now and feed fresh salads Nutrition Content ignore the kale info its outdated -


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
So the UVB light is a tube we won’t get coils. I’m not sure how many gallons it is but its dimensions are 16 inches tall x 36 inches wide x 16 inches deep it came with 2 thermometers that stick on the glass with temp and humidity. I feel him a dozen crickets yesterday dusted with calcium and he ate them all, he just loved them. Here’s some pictures of what I started with and the last three is how I changed it last night. It’s probably all wrong that’s why I need everyone here!😊


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BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
So the UVB light is a tube we won’t get coils. I’m not sure how many gallons it is but its dimensions are 16 inches tall x 36 inches wide x 16 inches deep it came with 2 thermometers that stick on the glass with temp and humidity. I feel him a dozen crickets yesterday dusted with calcium and he ate them all, he just loved them. Here’s some pictures of what I started with and the last three is how I changed it last night. It’s probably all wrong that’s why I need everyone here!😊
So I would change out the sand for some textured NON adhesive shelf liner - cut to the size of the tank -clean w/ vinegar/ water 50/50 wash down w/ a wet dish rag / towel etc--- the UVB is a T 5 and I am thinking that hood has a reflector in it? It should be 12-15 inches directly over the basking decor piece - I see you have it unobstructed which is good --- what brand and bulb are you using? Please get two digital probe thermometers for accurate surface basking temps - please place the basking decor under your heat lamp to get those temps and it should not be less than 6" to the decor piece -- please get a digital probe hygrometer place on the back center wall of the tank -- Exo Terra makes them - your tank is a 40 gallon w/ the dimensions you gave me I would look at getting a bigger tank - 120 gallon we can post websites for tanks if you like --


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
So I would change out the sand for some textured NON adhesive shelf liner - cut to the size of the tank -clean w/ vinegar/ water 50/50 wash down w/ a wet dish rag / towel etc--- the UVB is a T 5 and I am thinking that hood has a reflector in it? It should be 12-15 inches directly over the basking decor piece - I see you have it unobstructed which is good --- what brand and bulb are you using? Please get two digital probe thermometers for accurate surface basking temps - please place the basking decor under your heat lamp to get those temps and it should not be less than 6" to the decor piece -- please get a digital probe hygrometer place on the back center wall of the tank -- Exo Terra makes them - your tank is a 40 gallon w/ the dimensions you gave me I would look at getting a bigger tank - 120 gallon we can post websites for tanks if you like --


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Will the liner be ok for his long nails? And we were thinking about getting a 100 watt uvb tube light for underneath the lid which is 10 inches from the bottom of tank to the tube. The tube that it came with I don’t know if it’s a black light or if it’s a heating light or anything. but we’re going to replace that with a regular UVB tube light


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BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
He is this and he looks dehydrated. Please get some water in him asap. If he gas been chronically dehydrated over feeding before he is hydrated can cause kidney and liver issues. Watch him close if you give him a bath, he may try to drink to much to fast, that could cause aspiration of vomiting. Let him drink if he will but don't let him over do it. I would run the furst bath on the cool side in case he will drink. Also don't run the bath deeper than his elbows. They use the same muscle group to walk and to breathe, they can't do both at the same time, also if he is treading water he can't breathe. Thats why not above the elbows.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
That is a black light, ulit needs to go. For the nails i recommend a flat piece of stone. Sandstone,limestone,basalt, granite, slate, ect pretty much anything with some texture. Be sure there isn't any sharp edges. He will take care of his own nails. 🙂


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
That is a black light, ulit needs to go. For the nails i recommend a flat piece of stone. Sandstone,limestone,basalt, granite, slate, ect pretty much anything with some texture. Be sure there isn't any sharp edges. He will take care of his own nails. 🙂
Will the liner be ok for his long nails? And we were thinking about getting a 100 watt uvb tube light for underneath the lid which is 10 inches from the bottom of tank to the tube. The tube that it came with I don’t know if it’s a black light or if it’s a heating light or anything. but we’re going to replace that with a regular UVB tube light
You want a zoo med fixture w/ a 10.0 bulb reptisun or a Arcadia pro T 5 12% bulb found at PetSmart or a sunblaster nano tech 2ft w/ the reptisun 10.0 bulb-- I can post websites for all these if you like - you want a 24" fixture - please get this as soon as you can - he won't eat w/ out proper surface basking temps and uvb-- you need the digital probe thermometers to get surface basking temps--

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