I defended my dragon..

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Juvie Member
Gah. So, I've been advertising my love for my dragon quite a bit on Fb. I do like her a lot, and I guess people from my home town are a bit close-minded to accept this?

I worked with this lady for three years, and we always got along great. I made a comment about how I snuggled up with little Bindy last night, and she said "that's just wrong, brenna." I was like.. What? Excuse me? It's not your dragon. If you dont like it, you don't have to comment.

And then she deleted AND blocked me on facebook. So I can't even be like, uh, sorry?

Haha goodness. I hope the rest of my community isn't this close minded. I know most of my family jokes about how they might be unsure of her, but none of them have minded when I've defended her.

Anyone else experience some very narrow-minded people hackin at your little dragons?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Well, first, I dealt her a comment about how with proper handling and affection they can be just like dogs in their behaviours, and love attention. So I said I disagreed. She said "Ok, sure." .. baah internet sarcasm. So then I said if you don't like it don't comment.



Hatchling Member
Man, I am so glad to see someone is going through what I am going through. When I first got Beaux, my family, some of them, that is, would do the same thing, like I would post a funny picture of Beaux on Facebook, and someone would comment, saying something like, 'wow you are starting to creep me out', or 'someone is getting me worried' and this would sort of annoy me, but then I would let it go and continue loving my little girl. People do this, I think, because they don't understand how great Beardies are as a pet, even a family pet, at that. When they see the picture of a beardie, they think, oh well it's not a dog, it's not a cat, or anything normal, so I must think bad things and comment on them. That just really pushes my buttons.


Hatchling Member
She sounds like a strange lady for blocking you over the fact you cuddle your pet, some people are silly


Juvie Member
Original Poster
She must have took offense to me telling her she shouldn't comment if she doesn't like it. She's like 45 years old and prolly doesn't like being told what to do.

I have friends and family who joke about not coming to my house to visit cause theyre scared, but they do anyway. But I haven't actually had someone try and tell me what is right and wrong about my animal, or how I am raising them.

Like I said, a narrow-minded old lady.

I wish people would just open up to NEW things. Just because they can have a dog or a cat, doesn't mean we all want them.


Hatchling Member
It is kind of sad though, I wouldn't say:" Oh you are wierd for say having a goldfish". Even my hubby at first wasn't keen on the idea and refused to touch it. Some people are afraid of it ,like my beardie is going to hack off a digit or something. I'm like, it's just a baby for god's sake. It's only need is to be accepted and loved, like my dogs, my cats and my turtle. Now I am proud to say , my husband pets Petey and talks to him. We watch him eat and bath and cuddle with him :) I admit at first I was a wee scared but only because I wasn't sure if I was gentle enough. Some people should look them up and learn about them before making comments...if they only saw Petey trying to get mama's attention and how he lovingly grabs my fingers so i can lift him out of his habitat. It's cute and sweet!!!! :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
It's a shame, that because they are exotic, and uncommon, people are scared of them.

My sister owns a Pit Bull. A pup, she's only about 5 months old. I just texted her if she's been chastised for her Pit, and says all the time :( Her dog isn't a natural born monster. She's a loveable goofy floppy puppy.

I guess we are in the same boat.
crazy lady. Everyone thinks im crazy because everyone who knows me knows im not a big animal lover. i just have a thing about furry pets i get ocd. i don't like to pet dogs and i wont go near cats. i have really bad allergies i think that plays a role. Everyone freaked out when they found out i had a love for my 2 dragons. They were like u like these ugly things. now i know how my sister feels when i tell her, her dog looks like a rat dog (her hair is everywher so i dont like her dog). but to be back on topic that lady is crazy people lover there dogs and cats the same way. so whats wrong with a dragon


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Awh! See those are fine reasons to not want a cat or a dog. I would have a dog if I could, but I understand the allergy to cats. :)

I am over it now. I was slightly upset before; I was always on great terms with this lady. For her to do what she did blow my mind. But I am glad we are all here together on the same page, and can console one another, cause we know what it is like. It's a shame that we have to feel this way at all about our Beardies. :roll:
i have a friend at work and he post pictures of his cat and i always have a funny mean remark just to mess with him but he never deltas my comments of me, whats that lady's deal seems a little over board


Sub-Adult Member
Most people don't comment about my little Starkiller because anyone who knows me knows of my menagerie. I just posted on the thread about all my pets, and I have fourteen babies total, including the two gerbils I am breeding for my snake to eat their babies. Then again, I haven't been ridiculously open about Mr. Starkiller, or any of my 'non-normal' pets. The dog and cat are all over my FB, The birds to a lesser extent, the ratties have one or two pictures up, and the snake has one. It is more due to laziness than anything else, though.

I /have/ had people say to me 'why do you care, it was just a bird' SEVERAL times when I lost my Kitten(her name, she was sweet as a kitten. <3 She was a little parakeet) a few years back. People are just dumb sometimes.


Sub-Adult Member
I am happy that you defended your dragon. I feel like I'm in the same situation a lot. People do have closed minds. They don't understand that beardies do like to cuddle and get attention and be petted. Me and my hubby don't have any kids and I tell everyone that my kids have paws and claws, lol.
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