Hey guys.! Just had to check with the experts.!

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Juvie Member
Original Poster
Ooh my goodness he is gorgeous.! :)
I was looking at gettin a mack snow...their coloring is amazing.! Either that,or just getting a normal from my store like you first did xD


Sub-Adult Member
Thank you for posting the forum! Im checking it out now along with geckos unlimited. :) And I agree, he is VERY gorgeous!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Me as well :) Alot of people are still saying to have no night lights,have night lights, have calcium with d3,don't have it in there with them -.- humph.
I think I might just go with the general consensus and not have calcium with d3 in there..and dust at every feeding with my calcium plus from repashy. That seems to be what alot of people have done,and it's worked for them.
I'm going to get everything,set it up,then moniter temps for a good week or two before I get one..see if I should get an added heat source or anything :?
Not to say there isn't alot of ways to take care of a leo though lol


Sub-Adult Member
This is from the care sheet on geckos unlimited:

"Never ever place the calcium with D3 powder in a dish in your leo's tank!!! A quick death can result from vitamin D3 overdose. Geckos should never have 24/7 access to any supplement except 100% pure calcium IN the their tanks."

I think I'm going to listen to that, they sound pretty sure.
I was also wondering, do you know if its safe to place an UTH on a wooden dresser? I don't think they get hot enough to burn wood, but Im still not sure if its safe or not.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
That's exactly what I've read,and what I think I'm going to do as well.!

Haha that's what I'm going to place mine on too. Lol we have the exact same mind set. But I believe it's okay,as long as there is some kind of air flow to the UTH..I've heard some people suggest using the four little bump stickies they give you in the UTH package,and having them will be sufficent. I will use those and see how it works :) Mine will be on a bookcase,all wood lol


Extreme Poster
I have two leos! They are fun little guys. My female a bought from a hobby breeder, and my male is a 15 year old rescue that someone dropped off at the pet store I work at.

My answers to a couple questions I saw while reading through this...
~I keep my tanks on top of Dud's wooden viv, and the UTH won't catch fire. Just use the spacers it comes with.
~And you do NEED a thermostat! It prevents the UTH from over heating and burning your gecko (some of them can get up to 120*F) and it's an effortless way to maintain the temps.
~Keep the UTH on 24/7. Since leos are active over night/evenings/early morning, they eat at night and they need the belly heat to digest their food. They don't sleep at night like beardies do.
~I have plain calcium in their vivs, and dust with D3 every couple weeks or so.


Sub-Adult Member
LOL we are thinking alike! And thanks, I think I read that too about the little pads and the air flow with the UTH.
I still feel like I have a ton more research to do.. :roll: :study:

And thanks for clearing that stuff up Jess! Especially the UTH being on 24/7. I couldn't seem to find an answer for that anywhere.
Do you know if dim lights on in the room will disturb them at night? They wouldn't be on ALL night, but sometimes I tend to stay up kind of late. :roll:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I was wondering when you'd comment on this Jess :wink:
Thank you for helping.!

I've seen before you mention you use the Hydrofarm one as your thermostat,and says it works great. I think I will try that one as my thermo :) Seems like a great fit.

I'm guessing you don't use a night light at all,and just use the UTH.? And thank you for clarifying that you keep it on 24/7 :)

So you don't dust everytime with d3,or a vitamin.?


Extreme Poster
No problem guys. :)

I have Hydrofarm and Zoomed thermos, and they both work well! The Hydrofarm one is easier to set though.

In the winter I do use a low-wattage black night light, cause it gets so freakishly cold here. It's like 60*F in my house in the winter LOL, and I like to keep air temps at least 70 - 75*F.
I stay up late too, and my geckos don't really care about the light. They always like to explore and see what's going on.

And I use plain calcium 2 or 3 feedings a week (I feed mine every other day) plus having it in their vivs, vitamins once a week, and then the cal w/ D3 every once in a while when I remember. It's basically the same schedule as a beardie, but just use the plain calcium instead of the D3 stuff.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Ahhh got it got it.! :) I'll get the hydrofarm one then.
Is it the same dusting with juvies too.?
That is basically like what i do for my beardie :)
Thank you again jess.! You've cleared up alot of questions for me.!


Sub-Adult Member
I still feel like I have a ton more research to do.. :roll: :study:
My opinion-
You always do!
All creatures are hard to provide optimum care for. The more people care, the more they research, the more they find out is available, and the more tthings they find out they have to do! So the people who care the most are the ones that have it hardest. :shock:
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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