Hey guys.! Just had to check with the experts.!

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Juvie Member
Hey everyone.! Like the title says, I have a few things I'd like to ask. I have anyways wanted to get a leopard gecko...so when I save up enough money, I will start the search for one. Right now I have a crestie and a beardie :)
I started to really look into the best setup for a little guy/gal,and I think I have the general idea of what to do,but I wanted to check with people who have them and can help me.

Things I am planning on getting:
20 gal tank
Either using paper towels or Repti-carpet
UTH (in which will be under half of the tank on the bottom)
2 hides (one on the hot side,as well as the on the cool side)
1 humid hide (using either paper towels or vermiculite)
1 water dish on the cool side
A capful of calcium
Night light over the UTH

That's what I've gotten so far. But I have a few questions..
I've seen people say that they should have another hide..one that is half off,half on the UTH,so that it's warm,and not too cold or hot..do I need to have one.? Should this be where the humid hide is.?
What is the best thing to put in the humid hide.? Paper towels or the vermiculite.? Again,I've seen people use both.
As for the calcium, does it need to be with or without d3.?
For the night light..I've once again seen people use them,and others don't...what is best.? Temps need to be around 90-95 on the hot side,and mid 80's on the cooler side.??

And for feeding, babies need to be fed everyday,adults every other day.? And is it twice a day with the babies,like with beardies.? Do the feeders need to be dusted with the multivitamin and calcium.?

Thank you thank you in advance to whoever replies.! I know it takes time to do that,and I apreciate that fully.! :blob8: :blob5:


Sub-Adult Member
mommisgurl":1wyjrylx said:
Hey everyone.! Like the title says, I have a few things I'd like to ask. I have anyways wanted to get a leopard gecko...so when I save up enough money, I will start the search for one. Right now I have a crestie and a beardie :)
I started to really look into the best setup for a little guy/gal,and I think I have the general idea of what to do,but I wanted to check with people who have them and can help me.

Things I am planning on getting:
20 gal tank
Either using paper towels or Repti-carpet
UTH (in which will be under half of the tank on the bottom)
2 hides (one on the hot side,as well as the on the cool side)
1 humid hide (using either paper towels or vermiculite)
1 water dish on the cool side
A capful of calcium
Night light over the UTH

That's what I've gotten so far. But I have a few questions..
I've seen people say that they should have another hide..one that is half off,half on the UTH,so that it's warm,and not too cold or hot..do I need to have one.? Should this be where the humid hide is.?
What is the best thing to put in the humid hide.? Paper towels or the vermiculite.? Again,I've seen people use both.
As for the calcium, does it need to be with or without d3.?
For the night light..I've once again seen people use them,and others don't...what is best.? Temps need to be around 90-95 on the hot side,and mid 80's on the cooler side.??

And for feeding, babies need to be fed everyday,adults every other day.? And is it twice a day with the babies,like with beardies.? Do the feeders need to be dusted with the multivitamin and calcium.?

Thank you thank you in advance to whoever replies.! I know it takes time to do that,and I apreciate that fully.! :blob8: :blob5:

Hello! I don't currently have one but Im also planning on getting one soon (and a crestie too! :) ) so I've been doing research, so maybe I can help.

1. I think I would stick with paper towels or non-adhesive shelf liner (which I plan on using). I've read that the repticarpet can snag on their little nails.
2. You are correct about the UTH, and about the 3 hides. I think you are also correct in that the humid hide should be the one that is half on and half off the UTH. Thats what I've read also. I've also read that paper towels are best and easiest.
3. Yes, you need calcium without d3, and I believe you need to put a small dish of the calcium powder in the enclosure its self. (I hope someone comes along and corrects me if Im wrong.).
4. Your temps seem right, and I think it can go other way with the nighttime viewing light. I don't believe they can see the colored lights like beardies can so a dark blue bulb would probably be fine if you feel like you need it.
5. I think the babies/juveniles need to be fed once every day, and adults once every other day, and at night. And I believe you supplement the same as you do with beardies (again, someone PLEASE correct me if Im wrong, as I am still in he process of researching before I get one myself).

I hope I could be a little help, or at least my reply will attract someone else with more knowledge. :)

Can I ask where you plan to keep yours? I plan on keeping mine in my bedroom, but Im concerned about my lights being on at night and whether or not this will stess them out, do you have an opinion on this? I would be interested to know what you thought.


Juvie Member
I have eleven leopard geckos so maybe I can help.

I agree with everything except:
Capful of calcium needs to be with D3. They do not have a source of UVB. Room light only...no over head lights.
No night light.
UTH needs to cover 1/3 of the bottom. They need to be able to thermoregulate.
Paper towels are good, and cheap.
My moist hide has always been on the warm side. Who wants to lay on cold wet paper towels!!!
I use paper towels in their moist hide and change it out every week. If it gets dry, then just add a little water.
I always dust the crickets with Repashy Calcium Plus. This gives them their multivitamins. I also keep a bowl of small dubias in their bins all the time. I will add a piece of carrot, and chow to the bowl for the dubias to eat. I have had them since June 2011. They are very easy to keep, and quite sweet. The biggest pain is getting the crickets out in the AM, so they do not bother the geckos while they are sleeping. I still feed my adults every day...I am a softy. :wink:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thank you thank you both.!! :)
After posting this,I went and did alot more research,and found a great forum called Geckos Unlimited. I went through a ton of posts from people,and gathered pretty much everything I needed there,but I'm glad I got some second opinions :) I'm still trying to figure out whats completely right.

From what their forum said..
In their tanks,to NOT have calcium with d3 in there...for the fact that they might overdose on d3 since they are nocturnal and don't have big doses of d3 naturally...I'm not quite to sure what to do there since you had just stated that you have yours on d3 in their tanks...-.-
And as for the night light,the forum said that it's best to have one on the warm side,a red nightlight, to ensure that the AIR temps are in the mid 80's (85F)...what do you think scm.? I've heard people using just the bulb,and then just the UTH,and then both.!
With the UTH,do you have it on a thermostat.?
They also said that the moist hides go on the warm side too,so I made a note of that :)
I also have Repashy's Calcium plus..do you use that with every feeding.?

Haha I will do the same thing you do..feed the adults everyday :mrgreen: Gotta make sure they are okay.!

Thank you both for the help.!! It really means alot :)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Katie007":310rf2l6 said:
mommisgurl":310rf2l6 said:
Hey everyone.! Like the title says, I have a few things I'd like to ask. I have anyways wanted to get a leopard gecko...so when I save up enough money, I will start the search for one. Right now I have a crestie and a beardie :)
I started to really look into the best setup for a little guy/gal,and I think I have the general idea of what to do,but I wanted to check with people who have them and can help me.

Things I am planning on getting:
20 gal tank
Either using paper towels or Repti-carpet
UTH (in which will be under half of the tank on the bottom)
2 hides (one on the hot side,as well as the on the cool side)
1 humid hide (using either paper towels or vermiculite)
1 water dish on the cool side
A capful of calcium
Night light over the UTH

That's what I've gotten so far. But I have a few questions..
I've seen people say that they should have another hide..one that is half off,half on the UTH,so that it's warm,and not too cold or hot..do I need to have one.? Should this be where the humid hide is.?
What is the best thing to put in the humid hide.? Paper towels or the vermiculite.? Again,I've seen people use both.
As for the calcium, does it need to be with or without d3.?
For the night light..I've once again seen people use them,and others don't...what is best.? Temps need to be around 90-95 on the hot side,and mid 80's on the cooler side.??

And for feeding, babies need to be fed everyday,adults every other day.? And is it twice a day with the babies,like with beardies.? Do the feeders need to be dusted with the multivitamin and calcium.?

Thank you thank you in advance to whoever replies.! I know it takes time to do that,and I apreciate that fully.! :blob8: :blob5:

Hello! I don't currently have one but Im also planning on getting one soon (and a crestie too! :) ) so I've been doing research, so maybe I can help.

1. I think I would stick with paper towels or non-adhesive shelf liner (which I plan on using). I've read that the repticarpet can snag on their little nails.
2. You are correct about the UTH, and about the 3 hides. I think you are also correct in that the humid hide should be the one that is half on and half off the UTH. Thats what I've read also. I've also read that paper towels are best and easiest.
3. Yes, you need calcium without d3, and I believe you need to put a small dish of the calcium powder in the enclosure its self. (I hope someone comes along and corrects me if Im wrong.).
4. Your temps seem right, and I think it can go other way with the nighttime viewing light. I don't believe they can see the colored lights like beardies can so a dark blue bulb would probably be fine if you feel like you need it.
5. I think the babies/juveniles need to be fed once every day, and adults once every other day, and at night. And I believe you supplement the same as you do with beardies (again, someone PLEASE correct me if Im wrong, as I am still in he process of researching before I get one myself).

I hope I could be a little help, or at least my reply will attract someone else with more knowledge. :)

Can I ask where you plan to keep yours? I plan on keeping mine in my bedroom, but Im concerned about my lights being on at night and whether or not this will stess them out, do you have an opinion on this? I would be interested to know what you thought.

I plan on keeping mine in my room as well..it's where I have everyone else xD My parents said as long as it's in my room lmao
As for the lighting..I know that my crestie is right by my bed..and though I don't have my light on much at night(for their sake) I do have it on sometimes,and from what I've seen, he seems to do okay in it. My beardie could careless :roll: He can sleep through WW1 haha.! He's gotten used to everything I do.


Sub-Adult Member
I went and looked at a few care sheets after I posted on here early and I read that you are supposed to dust 2 days a week with a calcium w/d3, 3 days with a plain calcium, and 2 days with a multivitamin (for babies and juveniles). And dust 2 days less with calcium for adults. I also read that the calcium you leave in the tank should be without d3.

Im guess though that most info, like with beardies, can be conflicting and sometimes comes down to personal opinions, just like with the night lights.


Sub-Adult Member
mommisgurl":ya8ceu3g said:
I plan on keeping mine in my room as well..it's where I have everyone else xD My parents said as long as it's in my room lmao
As for the lighting..I know that my crestie is right by my bed..and though I don't have my light on much at night(for their sake) I do have it on sometimes,and from what I've seen, he seems to do okay in it. My beardie could careless :roll: He can sleep through WW1 haha.! He's gotten used to everything I do.

Haha! I used to have my beardie right near my tv before i rearranged my room, and he never cared one bit! He would just crawl into his hide and be out until morning.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Katie007":3biockwo said:
I went and looked at a few care sheets after I posted on here early and I read that you are supposed to dust 2 days a week with a calcium w/d3, 3 days with a plain calcium, and 2 days with a multivitamin (for babies and juveniles). And dust 2 days less with calcium for adults. I also read that the calcium you leave in the tank should be without d3.

Im guess though that most info, like with beardies, can be conflicting and sometimes comes down to personal opinions, just like with the night lights.

Hmmmm...see now that gets me even more confused :? I'm still not sure when to dust,what to use for heating.!


Sub-Adult Member
Yeah...Im also confused. Do you happen to know if the UTH needs to be on 24hrs or only during the day? I can't seem to find anywhere that says that. And Im still unsure about whether they need additional heat at night. I was under the assumption they didn't, like beardies, unless the temp went below around 70.

As for the calcium, I guess Im just gonna have to start reading more articles. Im thinking of before I place my order for one (I plan on ordering this http://www.pangeareptile.com/store/complete-crested-gecko-terrarium-set-up.html ), I might call or email pangea and ask for their opinion.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
From what I've heard, they said it can be turned off at night as long as it doesn't get below 65F..just like a beardie..I learned mostly everything from Geckos Unlimited forum..you can go google it and see for yourself the kind of stuff they have there...there is a care sheet that was made that I'm getting alot of my info from.

That's a great idea.! I've talked to a bunch of gecko breeders,and they all say different things,so that doesn't help us much...lol If you do decide to call,let me know what they say.! :) I'll keep trying to contact people and see what they say.

Those kits are amazing :) Can't go wrong with them. Your going to love having a crestie. Cutiest,and simplest reptiles to own in my opinion. My whole family loves the little guy xD Are you going to get the gecko with it too.?


Sub-Adult Member
mommisgurl":37lvwo9h said:
From what I've heard, they said it can be turned off at night as long as it doesn't get below 65F..just like a beardie..I learned mostly everything from Geckos Unlimited forum..you can go google it and see for yourself the kind of stuff they have there...there is a care sheet that was made that I'm getting alot of my info from.

That's a great idea.! I've talked to a bunch of gecko breeders,and they all say different things,so that doesn't help us much...lol If you do decide to call,let me know what they say.! :) I'll keep trying to contact people and see what they say.

Those kits are amazing :) Can't go wrong with them. Your going to love having a crestie. Cutiest,and simplest reptiles to own in my opinion. My whole family loves the little guy xD Are you going to get the gecko with it too.?

HAHA I just saw that I posted about cresties! Sorry for the confusion! :lol: I've been so wrapped up in researching both that now Im getting all mixed up in my head. :roll: But yes, Im going to get the crestie too! Ive been reading that their geckos are all really nice and they ship fast and very safe and professional, so I'm looking forward to dealing with them. :) Is that where you got yours? Im thinking about either a Harlequin or a Dalmatian. :)

Again, sorry for posting about cresteds on your leo thread! I don't know where my head was when I did that. LOL


Juvie Member
geckoforums.net is a great site. They have all the info on leopard geckos.I started with a tiny normal from PetSmart. Thanks to their wisdom he is a fat, and sassy fellow. Then I rescued two sickly Leos, and now they are great. I purchased from breeders a pair of Snow's, Blizzards, Bandits, and Sunglows. I plan to try breeding maybe next year. Here is one of my Bandits:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Haha that is quite okay.! I welcome talks about them :) They really are awsome creatures :)
But they are very quick about shipping. I've ordered my CGD from them,as well as my calcium plus. Can't go wrong with pangea.!

I actually got mine from where I work. He's still a tiny little thing,barely a few months old,but he had a shed a few days ago,so I'm excited that he is growing :)
Let me know if you have any care questions about them. I'd be more than happy to help :)
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Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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