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My beardie was missing for a month outside. I found him today and i brought him inside he was running around for about an hour in my room while i setup his cage so he was in the tank for about 5 hours i came to check on him and he was up side down legs barely moving so i took him out side and he cant move he tries to with his head. i sprayed him about 4 times with water encase he was dehydrated. now he cant even lift his head up. so i have him on the porch on a towel. my room is in the basement and airs no so good but he was fine for 3 months down here. I dont know if i could of shocked him with high temps because he was living with much cooler outside low 30s a few nights. i didnt try feeding him because he looked pretty hefty like he was getting allot of crickets under the shed. anyone have any idea whats wrong with him.


Hatchling Member
legs not moving sounds like it could be impaction, try bathing him in warm water, make sure u keep his head out of the water and rubbin circles on his belly gently to encourage a boul movement. hope the lil guy is ok.

im not 100% but this may help. try find a herp vet ASAP if u can.

Hope he pulls thru


Original Poster
ill try that someone said that i might of shocked him with 2much heat because hes been living in colder temps outside for a month then to but him under a eat lamp


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Oh gee, I can't believe you found him. :eek: Where did you actually find him?

Giving him a warm bath is a good idea. He probably is dehydrated and may even put his head down to get a drink but watch him very closely as he has been through a lot for the past month. Was he quite cold when you put him in his tank? What were the temps and what type of thermometer are you using? Also, what brand & type of UVB do you have? I suggest that you increase his temps very slowly, he could have over heated too quickly.
How is he acting now? I would go VERY easy with his feeding, would be a good idea to only give baby food for the first few days.


Original Poster
i have him out side on a towel to get fresh air still have to give him the bath he cant hold his head up. i was weed wacking around the shed and i saw the tall grass moving towards me and i looked and their he was about 6 ft away from the shed.


Gray-bearded Member
chancellor91":fc078 said:
i will PM a moderator to try and get you some help sorry but i dont no what to say :cry:

you may want to read the whole thread before posting...lol


Juvie Member
um i did read whole post? the beardie is ill? what did i miss?

well i no diamic a mod, but i wanted to get more on here? because the more of the moderators brains together the more lickely they can fix the problem.


Original Poster
ok he stop trying to move around i put him in his tank for the night i hopes he's just resting the bath seemed to help allot he didnt go poop but got some water into him. it must have been to much heat at once and he just needs rest cause when he was upside down it looked like he fell off his basking log. his back looks kinda arched. but im thinking thats just my imagination. ill post tomorrow if he's still kick'n. i imagine he'll pull through if he can survive a month in chilly weather. also i forgot to add his beard is pitch black and the bottom half of his tail is black. dont know if that means anytihng


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That is amazing that he made it!! He is a tough little thing.
I agree with Diane, he is most likely just dehydrated & cold. I would try to get some oral fluids into him as soon as you can, & bathe him in nice warm water as suggested.
Does he appear to have lost any weight then? I would go easy on feeding him at first to get him hydrated in case he has been a little dehydrated it will be easier on the kidneys that way.

Let us know how he is doing. I am very happy that you found your dragon. :blob8: I remember your post also.



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Oh gee, since his beard and end of his tail is black, that means he is probably uncomfortable. So, he did perk up in the bath then? Was he able to raise his head? That's good that you got some fluids into him. You don't use any heat in his tank at night, do you? What were the outside temps when you found him? Did he look like he had lost weight?

Tomorrow, I would give him a long soak again and then hold him in the palm of your hand and massage gently on his right side from armpit to vent area to check for an impaction. If you feel a hardened lump, massage gently in a circular motion trying to move it closer to his vent to help him pass it. Would be a good idea to pick up some chicken and squash baby food to have on hand once you get him well hydrated. Mix a smaller amt of chicken with a larger amt of squash and dilute with a little water or Pedialyte. Heat in the microwave to take the chill off. Use a needleless syringe or plastic medicine dropper and put drops on his nose that he will hopefully lick off. You have to go slow & easy on the feeding as you don't want to overtax his system.

Could you fill us in on the type of thermometer you use and the brand & type of UVB? What size tank is it and what wattage basking bulb do you use?


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Sorry Tracie, we posted at just about the same time. Wanted to see if you agreed that the tank temps tomorrow should be lower than what they were before, perhaps starting at 90, increasing slowly.


Original Poster
ok he's still awake and i noticed his mouth seems like hes got so mucus or what ever u can see it on the sides when he opens it. i dont use a night lamp my rooms about 65-70 the night b4 i found him was prolly like 45. im gona go to the store in the morning and get some of that food
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