Hi Brandon thanks for asking about Rajah I was coming to ask a question anyways. Well first he/she is really large as usual. Over 20" now. He finally seems to be coming out of brumating but it's like he went from sleeping under his rock all day to acting like a maniac. Just running around destroying the tank hyper active acting like he has to poo but all the time. He's been having small poos lately but has not been eating as much but still very abnormally small and pink urates???? Nothing about diet has changed except he only ate every few days during brumation. Yesterday had several tiny poos and pink urates. Temps all normal...still looking good...ate two Max size hornworms for the first time yesterday because I thought they might bulk up the stool a little and make it easier to pass if that's an issue I've been bathing him several times a week but it's a huge fight and he hates it. Is this somehow normal waking up behavior or something else?