Hello and thank you from Rajah and I


Original Poster

Rajah is having another significant growth spurt... Eating all the time. Getting ready to shed his tail, legs, lips and eye brows ?. He's watching TV with me. He likes TV.


Original Poster

Rajah is so fricking huge..........and he's grumpy and shedding everywhere. Is Rajah going to stop growing at some point because......Going to upgrade tank again next month to the zen and see if that helps.


Sub-Adult Member
As uncomfortable as I am when I'm dry and itchy, I can only guess what it would be like to shed my skin. ? No wonder they get grumpy! ?
Hang in there Rajah! ?


Sub-Adult Member
Holy cow! Or should I say 'Holy Dragon'! Lol! ? That's a lotta beardie! ? Any idea what he weighs?
I've only had Petey since Thanksgiving and he was adult when I got him. He's about 3 now and just having a little shed on his lips. ? Don't know if he'll shed other areas or not. When I first got him he was between 19-20 inches and about 420 grams. Slim but not skinny or unhealthy. I see him as average leaning towards slim. ?



Original Poster
I'm not sure how much he weighs I've been trying to keep him from his chonky ways. He's been rage eating some collards finally. He's spoiled to superworms. I took most of the stuff out of his tank to give him more room except his log and guinea pig bed and hide and hammock which are his favorite things. I had to take the foam rock backdrop down because he was shredding it and foam was getting everywhere and didn't want him to ingest it ?.


Original Poster
We've also been having power struggles because he feels he's the boss of me now and tries to climb on top of my head every time I pick him up ?


Sub-Adult Member
I can see why the remodel was necessary.?
Glad to hear he's chowing on greens though. ? But have no clue how to handle a power struggle. ? We spoil them, I know! Hope you can figure a way to change his mindset. He's too big to fight with! Lol! ?



Original Poster

For the first time in life Rajah went and ate collards from his dish! Also Rajah birthday coming up soon and he will be one year old ??

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