Have beardie thinking of crested gecko too?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Doing my homework crested geckos and have a few questions. I have been told with a rich d3 diet they dont need uvb. Is this a fact? should I supplement with a small uvb bulb? if so what kind? ive only ever dealt with the high index bulbs like T5s. Any advice would be great. Matter a fact if someome just wants to give me the rundown on what I should know husbandry, temps, diets?


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
I think I saw something about using the Arcadia shade dweller kit along with a DHP when I was reading because they will come out at dawn and dusk and use the uvb rays a little at those times and it establishes a light cycle for them. Many say you don’t have to provide uvb but people also say you don’t need it with blue tongue skinks and they are a diurnal species so why would they not need it? Doesn’t make sense to me and a crested probably doesn’t need it but I would to create something similar to natural environment. Here’s a website I like to get information from



Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)
That sounds great ive had quite a few people tell me a shade dweller. thank you for the link rubble


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Sounds like they like temperatures in the 78-82 range I’m thinking the DHP will work perfect to create an area of heat then a cooler side as well.


Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)
yeah I would probably use a dhp on thermostat. Only the very top at bask spot is the hot spot then cools off as gets to the bottom. The bottom is the cool side lol different than im use to for sure. But simple. The dhp would just warm the branch compared to light bulb would heat more overall.


Sub-Adult Member
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They have some nice morphs and they are not that expensive. There are some Harley Quinn one on morphmarket that looks like ot has legit flames down its back. They dont get huge and the wife likes that. I like the lil monkey tail they get haha and the big head and those eyes man those eyes are awesome. Also the tank im gonna have fun with nice bio tank. With the height and the climbing its gonna be awesome got alot going on at the moment like building our house and family health issues. I figure that gives me the time to really get knowledgeable.


Sub-Adult Member
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I have plans to go bio for Frey'ja too. Im gonna do that alot different thank the cresteds tank. Im gonna do Sahara from the bio dude and the cleaner crews and all that good stuff. But when I get around to doing all this I'm going to be leaving in our freshly built house with two bad@$$ bioactive tanks


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
That sounds awesome next on my list is a Tegu I’ve got a local reptile store here in Bend Oregon that has a Tegu I’ve gotten to know over the years I love him he’s so chill and pretty much free roams wherever he wants he’s potty trained and uses a dog door to get in and out of the house his enclosure is setup in the garage so he just goes back and forth lol.


Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)
hell yeah that does sound cool have his own room lol. My son in law got a tegu there dope. A black and white argentina. Her names raven. They say that they dog lizards lol. There super chill if you spend the time with them. But like iguanas if ypur not super involved they get weird and weirds no good when they are that big lol. I think a tegu is a really cool choice.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
This guy’s name is Ryker he’s a black and white to I was looking on morph market at the tegus and I had no idea there were so many species there are or maybe not species just morphs I’m not sure lol. I have to do some major ass kissing with the wife before I get one those guy’s so probably won’t happen anytime soon lol 😂. Maybe when the kids are in high school? And don’t require so much attention then I can spend more time with my reptiles lol. I really like having a blue tongue and a dragon their alike but also different enough to appreciate their uniqueness and interacting with them is different for each one. Although I get to OCD on lights and temperatures for 2 reptiles now my hair is going to be all white pretty soon!!


Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)
The wife wont let me have snakes and I love snakes! Her main reason is the "kids" so I pray that changes with time too lol

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