happy purchase

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Hatchling Member
so yesterday, i went to this reptile store, here in albuquerque.
it was ALL the way across town, but when i got there they had a huge like 65 or 75 gallon tanks there, used, for sale. it was 48' x 17' x 16' high. not sure what exact gallon that is...
but i bought it for 60 bucks, when they have the exact same size at petco, new, for 219.
idk, it was such a deal. so i got it.
and my baby girl was only in a 20 gallon, and i put her in there, and her color just lit up, and you could tell she was so happy :)
im thinking about getting another girl, and putting them in there together, cause she seems so lonely.
i couldnt really fit the cage in my room, so i put it in the loft, but normally, her and my male are across the room, and they just like looking at eachother, its kind of like having company, but not.

idk, she seems lonely, would that size of cage fit 2 females?


Hatchling Member
Introducing a new beardie is not a great idea. They live alone, they like to live alone, and they don't like to share. Sometimes you'll see some that have lived together their whole lives and get along fine, but if she's already living alone, there's no reason to stress her and another beardie out, and make them both less healthy.


Extreme Poster
What shop did you go to? We have a house in Albuquerque and sometimes get some of our feeders from a friends shop up in the heights.

Sounds like you got a good deal though. Congrats.

I would not introduce another female with yours either. They have the potential to not get along.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Its this little reptile shop called Subterranean Jungle.
Its off of Menaul, almost all the way down by Tramway.
The street is Chelwood.

its a really cute store, and the people that work there are extremly nice, and they really know what they're doing.

but you dont think i should? even if she is still really young?
shes only maybe about 3 months old.


Extreme Poster
I know the place. That's our friends shop. They're really nice and she's so informative, and is a really awesome person.

No, I would not introduce another female to her. I have 4 dragons and 4 different tanks. But there are some several people on this forum that have successfully housed females together. Personally, I wouldn't though. :) Ask Heather (at the shop) for her opinion. She's had several different experiences with her dragons.

If you need any help feel free to ask. :)



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
well one of the guys there, i told him how i wanted to put 2 females together, and he said that for the longest time he had 2 females together, and they got along great, and then he said he put a male in there, and everything just went hectic.
so im not sure... a lot of people and caresheets will say 2 females together is okay, as long as they get along, but if you notice dominat issues to remove one.
and sometimes you'll get lucky, and they'll get along.

i read this forum on here, that this girl even got lucky with 2 males, getting along.
which is extremly rare!
i wouldnt even try 2 males together...

but im not sure, i guess ill just have to think about it, and if i do get another, and put her in there with my female. ill just have to be prepared with money to buy another cage if they dont get along.

i would just buy another cage in the first place, i just have the issue of space.
but if i really have to, i can find somewhere for another cage.
I seen this post lastnight on my way out to work, I wanted to see if it was Subterranean Jungle that you went to or not but I guess it was. They are very nice there, the Guy there is very helpful but a bit hard to understand sometimes. He gets likes me when theres someone to talk to, toungue get a bit tied lol mind and mouth dont work well with eachother when you get excited lol. The owner seems okay, not very friendly when shes talking with a group of friends, didn't even get a greeting :( But the place is great, I and my daughter love looking at all the reptiles, they are in great conditions. Prices are a bit steep but for tanks and stuff like that they have great deals or so I think. I bought a 40 gallon breeder (used) for $60. It was in great shape except a few burns here and there on top. I think I added some myself now lol. If your looking for nice baby dragons send an email to Justin from Enchantment Crickets http://www.enchantmentcrickets.com/301.html I traded my Leos for a very cute baby. His cricket farm is down at the moment for breeding but he does have BD's for sale. Just give him a email. Justin said he did supply Subterranean Jungle with crickets before he had to shut down for awhile. Both places are great. Anyone know if there is other great reptile stores here in ABQ or in RR areas?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
yeahh, the subterranean jungle is such a great place, its really the only reptile store here in albuquerque that i know of, but it sucks because its all the way across town.
so i cant just go over there frequently.

yeah i wouldnt, myself, buy reptiles or pretty much any animal from a petstore, like petco or something, but they are actually really good with their animals, and you can tell they are well taken care of.
those turtles they have are huge!!

but its to bad that cricket place shut down. do you know of any other feeders here in new mexico?
it would be so much easier if i could buy my crickets locally. then having to have them shipped in.
I dont know of any other feeder breeders. I usually just go to clarks pet store since it's down the road. The cricket guy said he should be up and going again in like a few months, hopefully he will soon lol. I keep making trips to Clarks every few days, my babies eat too much but I am afraid to buy more than 100 small crickets at a time, they die off too quick. There is a Clarks on Lomas and San Mateo. Not sure if your from the west side or not but thats the other place I would go if I were you. I think Subterranean Jungle has a cricket club or something like that but thats probally not an option for you since it is accross town.

I bought Mushu from Petsmart on Eubank, they actually do very well with their reptiles. Alot better than some other pet stores around. Never go to Fins and Critters on Eubank. The guy there is a jerk, he wanted to raise the price of baby Bd;s beacause I ?ed him on the tail nips on the babies and why there were soo many in the tank and how they all were so stressed. The guy doesn't even use a good substrate, I felt so sorry for them there. He's a rip off, beware. He was making fun of a guy who came in before me, now thats service. Anyways, I have to get some sleep :sleepy2: today so Bye for now.


Extreme Poster
Sub jungle's cricket club is really good. We used that before we started ordering online.

I wouldn't buy anything from clarks since the beardie we bought from them died within 2 hours of us taking it home. I will never go into clarks again. They're a joke there.

What sides of town are you guys on? We live on the West Side.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
hah i live on the westside too.
near Paseo and Golfcourse.

yeah, and i normally just order my crickets from premium crickets. the crickets are cheap, but the shipping kills you.

know of any other reptile shops here in albuquerque?


Extreme Poster
Oh, you live on the new West side. lol We live off of Atrisco & Central.

I don't know of any other reptile shops there in town. I only know of Sub. Jungle.

We order our crickets from LLLReptile. Premium is way to expensive for our taste.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
premium is expensive!
but when you order crickets, when they arrive, only a few are dead.
with lllreptile do their crickets arrive almost all alive??

cause i looked at the website and they are actually a lot cheaper then premium.


Extreme Poster
We've had nothing but good luck with LLLReptile. I love their customer service as well. I don't think I'd order from anyone else, and we haven't for the past 3 years.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
i think i might switch over then..
for 1000 crickets it $20 with shipping for them, but at premium crickets its $30 total with shipping.
the crickets themselves are only 15, but then its 15 for shipping.

but its nice to talk to poeple that live here locally in albuquerque.
thanks :D
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