happy purchase

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Hatchling Member
Original Poster
my male i got from sundial reptile, here locally. hes a great guy, and you can get really pretty dragons from him, and not have to pay shipping. so its a great price.

i got my female from bloodbankdragons. shes a translucent.

and im about to order a third dragon from sizzlin Dragons. ive been talking to Diann, shes been extremly helpful, and ive been talking to her through messages on here about ordering a female Juvi from her.

what about you??


Extreme Poster
Yeah, we thought about getting one from Sundial. He has gorgeous babies.

We got Iccarus (my male) from Heather at Sub. Jungle. We got him when he was 6 weeks.

We got Maribelle from a breeder here in El Paso. (They thought she was going to die, so we got her for almost nothing and way too young, but she's doing very well.)

We got M&M from a breeder...Sapphire Dragons (don't deal with them) online.

We got my baby; Wabbit; from someone here in El Paso, who asked me to take her since she didn't know what the hell to do with a dragon after it fell in her lap.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
haha wabbit, thats a cute name!
so whats wrong with saphire dragons?

and i know this is a little odd, but i remember not too long ago, i was reading this forum this guy wrote on here, and he was saying that his bearded dragon was only 13 inches and over a year old, and he just like stopped growing.
someone asked him where he got his from, and he said sundial reptile.

now mine, hes 6 months old, 12 inches. and thats even kind of odd for dragons. right?
soo.. i mean its not really a bad thing, just a little odd to me.
the female i just ordered from sizzlin dragons is 12 inches and not even 3 months... half his age.

so how long have you had dragons?


Extreme Poster
He's a jerk to deal with.

I've had dragons for almost 4 years. :)

Sounds like you're going to have some big babies. :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
really? alright ill take your advice..

heres my bearded dragon story.
alright first off im 16 now. i got my first beardie when i was about 8 years old.
of course, i was little and now that i think back, i know i didnt totally do everything right.
so that is why he only lived to be about 4 years old.
once he died, i took maybe like a 3 year break on bearded dragons. and got into some other reptiles; leapard geckos, water dragons, etc. ones that are extremly easy to care for.
about a year ago, i bought my second bearded dragon from a pet store (horrible mistake)
he didnt eat, and a few days later, he died. but luckely, it was within the 2 weeks that you get a free replacement.
so i got a different one, now this one seemed very good, the first couple of days. he was docile and nice,
but one day i let my friend hold him, and she got a bit scared :shock: like most people would who havent had reptiles a good amount of their life.
anyways, after that the little guy just hated me.
i could never hold him, because he would just bite me.
a month later, i go to his cage, and hes on his back, breathing his last few breaths of air.
he was eating a few hours up until he died. nothing seemed wrong with him, up until he died. it was the strangest thing of my life.

i wasnt too heart broken over him, for i could never hold him.

over 2 months ago, i made the decision to never ever buy an animal from a pet store again, (sub. jungle would be an exception though)

so i looked at local breeders, and found sundial reptile.

i mean i dont have a ton of experience with dragons, but there is a good amount of stuff that i do know..
(except breeding, and beardie interaction with eachother, for ive never had more then 1 at a time)
I'm sorry to hear thatyour babies died. Mushu and Hibana are my first BD's. God I hope that doesn't happen to me, only had them for alittle while now and I am so attached already. I too was thinking about getting one from Sundial but I wanted sooner and He didn't have any new ones up like he said he would so I got Mushu from Petsmart, haven't had a prob yet. Wow your only 16 and have had a dragon before at the age of 8?! I don't even trust my 10 yr old with her dragon yet lol. But then Hibana is very tiny still. My gf's lil sis got hers from Sub. Jungle, now that baby is a piggy. She's pretty big, they have nice looking dragons there. Have you 2 seen that huge tortise that walks around the store sometimes? That thing is amazing! I was honestly afraid it would eat me lol, kept following me around.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
iibrandyii":ada72 said:
I'm sorry to hear thatyour babies died. Mushu and Hibana are my first BD's. God I hope that doesn't happen to me, only had them for alittle while now and I am so attached already. I too was thinking about getting one from Sundial but I wanted sooner and He didn't have any new ones up like he said he would so I got Mushu from Petsmart, haven't had a prob yet. Wow your only 16 and have had a dragon before at the age of 8?! I don't even trust my 10 yr old with her dragon yet lol. But then Hibana is very tiny still. My gf's lil sis got hers from Sub. Jungle, now that baby is a piggy. She's pretty big, they have nice looking dragons there. Have you 2 seen that huge tortise that walks around the store sometimes? That thing is amazing! I was honestly afraid it would eat me lol, kept following me around.

no i havent, but they have the ones that are in like there own little area, its not like a cage, but it has sand, and stuff, but they are HUGE!

sometimes, you do get lucky with buying reptiles from pet stores. my very first one, the one i got when i was 8, i got him from a pet store. and i got lucky.

im sure if its been like over a month since youve had yours you'll be in the clear.

well surprsingly how young i was, i didnt do a bad job with him...

yeah honestly if you look at sundials page, with all the breeder dragons he has, you'd think he'd have babys all the time. but i dont know he doesnt.


Extreme Poster
I haven't been in Sub. Jungle in months because of being out of town. Last time I was in there though there was some nice animals. They've always had nice ones in there.

I don't think I've seen the tortoise yet. I might have to make a trip to the shop next time I'm in town. lol But then it will make me want more animals... :shock: :roll: :lol:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
hey Mistyck i have a question...
this is totally off topic. but im just wondering..

when you order your crickets from lllreptile does fedex require a signature?

because i would like to order from them for now on, i just have school and stuff, and i cant miss school to wait at home, everytime i order crickets, ya know what i mean??


Extreme Poster
Nope, they just leave them there at your doorstep. BUT, I will say that the guarantee for the crickets, i.e. whether they're alive or not, is only valid if someone is at home to receive the order. Other than that just tell LLLReptile when you start up your order with them that you'd like the crickets just dropped off at your door. They should be able to do that. I know they do here. :lol:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
alright cool :D
and another thing, do they ship 2nd day?
cause they dont really say that on their website.
they jsut say you have to order them on monday


Extreme Poster
I'm not sure. Give them a call on monday and see what they say. We've never really had a need for 2nd day.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
well is the automatic shipping like a normal shipping 3-5 days?
because premium ships them 2nd day no matter what, or you can choose the option for next day.


Extreme Poster
We have ours on auto ship for every 2 weeks. We've never done anything different. So I'm not too sure. :)
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