really? alright ill take your advice..
heres my bearded dragon story.
alright first off im 16 now. i got my first beardie when i was about 8 years old.
of course, i was little and now that i think back, i know i didnt totally do everything right.
so that is why he only lived to be about 4 years old.
once he died, i took maybe like a 3 year break on bearded dragons. and got into some other reptiles; leapard geckos, water dragons, etc. ones that are extremly easy to care for.
about a year ago, i bought my second bearded dragon from a pet store (horrible mistake)
he didnt eat, and a few days later, he died. but luckely, it was within the 2 weeks that you get a free replacement.
so i got a different one, now this one seemed very good, the first couple of days. he was docile and nice,
but one day i let my friend hold him, and she got a bit scared :shock: like most people would who havent had reptiles a good amount of their life.
anyways, after that the little guy just hated me.
i could never hold him, because he would just bite me.
a month later, i go to his cage, and hes on his back, breathing his last few breaths of air.
he was eating a few hours up until he died. nothing seemed wrong with him, up until he died. it was the strangest thing of my life.
i wasnt too heart broken over him, for i could never hold him.
over 2 months ago, i made the decision to never ever buy an animal from a pet store again, (sub. jungle would be an exception though)
so i looked at local breeders, and found sundial reptile.
i mean i dont have a ton of experience with dragons, but there is a good amount of stuff that i do know..
(except breeding, and beardie interaction with eachother, for ive never had more then 1 at a time)