Got her from a friend, albino leopard gecko

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Hatchling Member
I have an albino leopard gecko female, and she just had a shed it was awful, I keep humidity up and have wet moss in with her, she shed all but her head and I tried to help her with shed aid, but she didnt shed her eye caps and now her eyes are a cream color mucus and you cant even see her eyes. My vet I have is a very busy woman and had to get an appt with, But I researched it and it said to use saline and I did but nothing and she is not eating so I have been force feeding her stage one baby food. I have Baytril 10mg from my Bearded dragon who just got over Meningitis, can I give that to her? I need help as I am still trying to get into my vets but she is booked solid. And help will be very much appreciated.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
About your leo:
- Sex ..... (Female)
- Age & Weight ....(not sure got her from a friend who got her at perstore, her length is the same of a Lighter).
- Morph (if you know) ....(Dont know)
- How long have you owned your leo ......(2 months)
- Where was he/she obtained (Pet store, breeder, wild caught, etc.) ...(petstore, friend)
- Is your leo wild caught or captive bred ......(I think captive Breed she is from Petco)

A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo......(Everyday)
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how ...(Sluggish)
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe. ......(Her Shedding and her eyes and creamy mucus)
B) Fecals
- Describe-Do they look any different than normal ....(no)
- When was the last time he/she went ......(2 days ago)
C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem/issue you are experiencing and how long it has been going on ...... (a week ago she had a bed shed and couldnt shed her eye caps, and now her eyes look like they are not there but mucus is and she is blind right now)

A) Enclosure
- Size ....(10g)
- Type (ex. glass tank, screen enclosure, tub kept) ....(Glass)
- Type of substrate (sand, vinyl tiles, ceramic/stone tiles, etc.) .......(Repti-Carpet)
- Hides (how many, location and type (hothide, humid hide, regular hide etc.) ......(2 water bowl hide and Cave)
B) Heating
- What is your main heat source (heat bulbs, under tank heat mat etc) **Please include the brand and size of your UTH if you use one** ....(Night heat bulb from Petsmart) (75watt) (Darkblue) (Zoomed)
- What are your cage temps (hot side and cool side) ..... (90 hot side and 80 cool side)
- Method of regulating your heat source (thermostat, rheostat, light dimmer etc.) .....(Thermostat)
- What are you using to measure your temps (probe thermometer, infrared lazer tempo gun, stick on temp gauge, etc) ......(Probe Thermo)
- Do you have any lights (describe type (red,blue, basking etc) and cycle duration) ....(No)
C) Cage mates ....(Nope Housed alone)
- How many (males, females) ....(0)
- Describe health, or previous problems of cage mates ......(n/a)

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What are you feeding ....(wax worms and small superworms, her fav)
- How often are you feeding your gecko and how much per feeding? .......(as much as she wants) but since she got this way have to force feed her.
- How are you feeding (hand fed, tongs/tweezers, left in dish, ect) ...(Hand feed)
B) Supplements
- What calcium suppliment are you using (please include brand) ......(Repti-cal)....(Zoomed)
- What multi vitimin are you using (please include brand)
-How are you implimenting your suppliment program (how often do you dust with each suppliment, do you leave calcium in the tank 24/7 etc.) .......(dusting the worms once a day)
- What are you gutloading your feeder insects with.....(no)


Hatchling Member
For bad sheds, put some warm water and paper towels in a shoebox size tupperware and leave the gecko in there for about 30 minutes. Punch just a few air holes in the side. It'll get her shed moist enough that she can work it off. It would be good to give her a little something to rub her face on too.

Get a gutload and a vitamin powder with vitamin a. They can develop eye problems and shedding problems without it. Watch out for swelling around her face, they can develop abscesses from eye problems and that requires surgery. Good luck!
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