About your leo:
- Sex ..... (Female)
- Age & Weight ....(not sure got her from a friend who got her at perstore, her length is the same of a Lighter).
- Morph (if you know) ....(Dont know)
- How long have you owned your leo ......(2 months)
- Where was he/she obtained (Pet store, breeder, wild caught, etc.) ...(petstore, friend)
- Is your leo wild caught or captive bred ......(I think captive Breed she is from Petco)
A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo......(Everyday)
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how ...(Sluggish)
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe. ......(Her Shedding and her eyes and creamy mucus)
B) Fecals
- Describe-Do they look any different than normal ....(no)
- When was the last time he/she went ......(2 days ago)
C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem/issue you are experiencing and how long it has been going on ...... (a week ago she had a bed shed and couldnt shed her eye caps, and now her eyes look like they are not there but mucus is and she is blind right now)
A) Enclosure
- Size ....(10g)
- Type (ex. glass tank, screen enclosure, tub kept) ....(Glass)
- Type of substrate (sand, vinyl tiles, ceramic/stone tiles, etc.) .......(Repti-Carpet)
- Hides (how many, location and type (hothide, humid hide, regular hide etc.) ......(2 water bowl hide and Cave)
B) Heating
- What is your main heat source (heat bulbs, under tank heat mat etc) **Please include the brand and size of your UTH if you use one** ....(Night heat bulb from Petsmart) (75watt) (Darkblue) (Zoomed)
- What are your cage temps (hot side and cool side) ..... (90 hot side and 80 cool side)
- Method of regulating your heat source (thermostat, rheostat, light dimmer etc.) .....(Thermostat)
- What are you using to measure your temps (probe thermometer, infrared lazer tempo gun, stick on temp gauge, etc) ......(Probe Thermo)
- Do you have any lights (describe type (red,blue, basking etc) and cycle duration) ....(No)
C) Cage mates ....(Nope Housed alone)
- How many (males, females) ....(0)
- Describe health, or previous problems of cage mates ......(n/a)
Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What are you feeding ....(wax worms and small superworms, her fav)
- How often are you feeding your gecko and how much per feeding? .......(as much as she wants) but since she got this way have to force feed her.
- How are you feeding (hand fed, tongs/tweezers, left in dish, ect) ...(Hand feed)
B) Supplements
- What calcium suppliment are you using (please include brand) ......(Repti-cal)....(Zoomed)
- What multi vitimin are you using (please include brand) .....no
-How are you implimenting your suppliment program (how often do you dust with each suppliment, do you leave calcium in the tank 24/7 etc.) .......(dusting the worms once a day)
- What are you gutloading your feeder insects with.....(no)