Getting New Beardie, in for a challenge

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Hatchling Member
Toasty":2yad6iet said:
As far as diet, they said she got some crickets every few weeks and a bowl of romaine, carrots, and some other random fruit or veggie. I asked if she was pretty good about eating that and they said they really didn't know since by the time the would go to change out the food it had dried out and they couldn't tell what had been eaten. No calcium or vitamin/mineral supplements were used.

Wow. My guy had been living with my mom for like, 4 years, and I had moved out and by the time I moved him in with me in April of this year, he was skinny and sick and an MBD victim, but he at least got veggies every 2 days or so, and crickets multiple times a week. Poor little beardie. :(


Sub-Adult Member

She really is very cute!

I'm so glad that she is already eating all the good food you are giving her. You are right, I bet she already knows that she's in a great new home, and that she is loved. :D


Juvie Member
Toasty":3mcigr28 said:

AWWWWWWWWWWWWW..... I :love5: SO had to smile when I read that post and saw those pictures. YAY Paprika :blob5: and YAY Toasty! :blob8:



Original Poster
Wanted to give an update on Paprika. She's doing so great!!! I can tell that she's just loving being able to actually bask, having branches that she can climb to get close enough to the heat lamp and UVB bulb to actually feel the heat and soak in the UV rays. Before she was in a tank with only sand and a flat rock with the heat lamp sitting on top of the screen, she had no way of getting close to it. She's eating like a champ too. So far I've been using mainly lobster roaches for her live prey (very nutritious and they have a pretty soft exo so I figured they'd be easier on her stomach) along with a few waxworms a day for an extra treat. She gets SO excited when I dump the roaches into the tank. She leaps off her branch and chases down every single one. So far she is only nibbling a little on her greens, but I'm not too concerned about that right now. She needs the protein from the live prey more for the time being. She allowed me to pick her up today with hardly any resistance and rested calmly on my shoulder for several minutes. Despite not having been socialized at all before, I think she's going to end up being a total sweetheart. I'll try and get some more pictures soon, I think you'll already be able to see how much happier and healthier she looks compared to the previous pics.


Juvie Member
Toasty":27nj1cqx said:
Wanted to give an update on Paprika. She's doing so great!!! I can tell that she's just loving being able to actually bask, having branches that she can climb to get close enough to the heat lamp and UVB bulb to actually feel the heat and soak in the UV rays. Before she was in a tank with only sand and a flat rock with the heat lamp sitting on top of the screen, she had no way of getting close to it. She's eating like a champ too. So far I've been using mainly lobster roaches for her live prey (very nutritious and they have a pretty soft exo so I figured they'd be easier on her stomach) along with a few waxworms a day for an extra treat. She gets SO excited when I dump the roaches into the tank. She leaps off her branch and chases down every single one. So far she is only nibbling a little on her greens, but I'm not too concerned about that right now. She needs the protein from the live prey more for the time being. She allowed me to pick her up today with hardly any resistance and rested calmly on my shoulder for several minutes. Despite not having been socialized at all before, I think she's going to end up being a total sweetheart. I'll try and get some more pictures soon, I think you'll already be able to see how much happier and healthier she looks compared to the previous pics.

I really wish this had a "LIKE" button feature LOL I read these posts and it warms my heart to hear that Paprika is doing much better.


Original Poster
Thank you all so very much for all the kind words of encouragement, they really mean so much to me. Paprika got a bath last night (I'm willing to bet her first one ever), and I was really expecting her to freak out and struggle to get out, but the second I put her in she just relaxed and laid there calmly, she seemed to really enjoy it! I'm about to take some pics and will post them asap.


Hatchling Member
I look forward to seeing more pictures of little Paprika and some of her new enclosure. It sounds like she is thoroughly enjoying :D her new life with you. How many beardies do you own now?


Original Poster
PetLover":221a2hac said:
I look forward to seeing more pictures of little Paprika and some of her new enclosure. It sounds like she is thoroughly enjoying :D her new life with you. How many beardies do you own now?

Currently just two, Paprika and a 7 wk old baby named Tang that is a Leatherback X Citrus. I'm guessing I'll probably end up getting at least one more, I know several really great breeders near me.


Original Poster
Here are some pics of Paprika in her bath. This is the second one I've given her and she really seems to enjoy them. I was expecting her to freak out a bit since I'm positive she's never had a bath in her life until now.



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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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