Gem (and MoMo): I'm gonna be a big sister (again) and news

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Hello, everyone! Some of you know my Gem from her ER thread, but if you don't, you will soon. :D

Gematria was a rescue (I definitely consider her one) that I found on Craigslist. After e-mailing the owner, I got an (obviously out-of-date) photograph of a healthy-looking but obviously annoyed dragon.

So, we went to meet the owner. After examining the dragon, I couldn't see anything that couldn't be fixed immediately. But, after interrogating the owner (who, mind you, thought she was in perfect health) we learned that she'd been put on sand and eating bugs from OUTSIDE. I knew that I had to take her home, so I paid the guy the $100 for her and all her stuff.

Upon arriving home, I did a quick inventory.

- 1 55 gallon tank, complete with poo and sand. Nice.
- 1 heat rock (threw that away....)
- 1 water dish, complete with algae! and a water pump to make it bubble. (That thing was caked with algae)
- 1 food dish, complete with dried poo and carrots (yummy)
- 1 hide, which was way too small
- 1 light fixture with a blown bulb (useful)
- 2 UVB fixtures, with the glass still over the bulb, and a bulb that put out 2% UVB (also useful)
- 2 thermometers, one a stick-on that doesn't work, the other so caked with sand and dirt that I had to throw it away because the buttons wouldn't push and it was trying to tell me my room was 34*F

Then there's the dragon herself. Obviously female, but she'd never been handled or bathed, and had obvious MBD. After removing some yellow scab substance from her mouth, I found two sores on the inside of her lip. I knew that she had to have parasites, considering her conditions. She definitely wasn't underweight, at least. I also found a large lump on her right ankle which we haven't identified yet.




We made her a vet appointment (for 3:00 today) and tried to treat what we could. I put Hibiclens (which is like Betadine) on her mouth sores, got some babyfood into her, and wrapped her in a towel.

She was vicious, gaping at everything and anything, hissing, trying to bite, bearding, the whole 9 yards. However, as I type, two days after buying her, she sits in my lap in her 'security towel' (she freaks if she's completely exposed to the air). She has learned to tolerate me after I talked and read to her (yes, read to her).

Since she had no name before, I decided to call her Gematria, or Gem. Her head is simply beautiful, yellow with orange and red in the beard, with golden eyes. The rest of her is grey, but that will change in time, I'm sure.


Soon, we'll be headed out for the vet.
I will definitely post updates on that.



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So tonight is our last night in Austin! Tomorrow morning we set our for Conway, Arkansas, where my grandmother lives, so we can spend the night there. Then it's up to Columbus, Ohio to stay the night at a hotel, and then I'm home! I can't wait to get out of the heat. MoMo will miss it, though. Gem could really care less.


Has been bouncing off the walls of her wooden box. She's discovered her muscles! She's also discovered her gift of agility, and bends herself in awkward poses when clinging to my fingers.

Like I said, she'll miss the heat. She loves it outside! But, at least we don't have an annoying dog at home trying to eat my lizards, so she'll be able to romp around the living room as long as we keep the crazy cat away.


And the lame begin to walk again!
Miss Gem is discovering that her limbs begin to work again-- all except for that one leg. The back right leg seems to have a mind of its own-- she has some trouble controlling it. It's almost as if she has limited movement of that leg. I'll have to ask the vet about that on the 13th. See if we can get another X-Ray. I hope she doesn't have to be an amputee-- her leg just seems to be getting worse. Her claws on that one foot with the unresponsive toes are turning yellow on the clear part. What does that mean?

I'm still extremely surprised at how loving she is now. She's still a bit hesitant about being a "lap-beardie", and always cracks one eye open after butt wiggling as if to say, "That's okay that I did that, right....?"

She's also starting to lift herself up for more than a few seconds! Woot!
I love seeing progress in my big girl.

Well, my dad went for Gem's records at the vet today, and they threw in her fecal results-- finally.
Get this-- it was CLEAN.
Is that possible?! One and a half years on "organic sand" and no parasites?!


Anyway, we're packed up and ready to go! I will, of course, be updating from the hotels about their reactions to the trip. We specifically pick hotels with Wi-Fi, so I can update and such. I needz my computerz.

I need to go to bed-- I'm waking up at 7:00a.m. and that will be a struggle for me if I stay up any later.

I can't wait to go hoooooooome!



Extreme Poster
Are you home ? Big hugs from me, and head bobs from the boys !
I hope you are feeling better today! Keeping you in my prayers, sweety !

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Hi Jacqui! Sorry I haven't been on here in a while. :(

So you are finally going home. Heck....I can remember you counting down the days until you left for Texas....LOL :wink:

Glad to hear Gems test results came back negorama(a slang word that only a lady over 40 would come up with :roll: )

I bet little MoMo ain't so little anymore. I bet MoMo will be glad to get away from little fingers(brother) :lol:

Have you checked out Barbara's "Tiggs and Blaze" thread in photo Expressions yet? I can't keep everyone straight on here anymore :(
I don't even know if I told you about me getting a baby from Barb. Check out the baby is Bligg (Blaze & Tigg combined), you can't miss the little guy.
He could use another Auntie or Cousin....which ever you prefer. :wink:

You and your Dad(beardies too) have a safe trip back to PA!

Love Auntie Dawn :D


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So, we started out for Conway, and we were 1 1/2 hours into the trip when.... "Uhm, Jacqui, I think we forgot someone."
"We've forgotten a dragon." :shock:
"You forgot Reggie didn't you?"
I got so angry I started crying. How could I have forgotten him? First I let him die, then I forget him on the ride home?! :cry:
/smacks self.
Back to updating. I already gave myself a guilt trip. We went back and got him so I have no reason to feel guilty anymore. We haz him.

Well, we're at the Courtyard hotel. It's a pretty expensive hotel, but Priceline handed it to us for $80 a night. I'm still not impressed with it. Will you be patient with me while I rant?

Alright, so, firstly, I had to sneak Gem and MoMo in because it's a no-pets hotel. It's not like they're dogs anyway, they don't pee on floors or bark. (I have big news about Gem BTW, but don't scroll down yet.) And, for being more expensive than the Hyatt Hotel, it doesn't have a fridge. What will we do with Reggie? He can't sit in a melting cooler.

Keep in mind I'm short when I say that THE SHOWER WAS AWFUL. I just got out. Firstly the bathroom isn't the nicest. Just a toilet and a shower and some icky colored walls. Plus, the showerhead can only be adjusted by people who are seven feet tall! Imagine. It's pointing at the wall and little five foot me needs to shower. Gah.
Of course, there has to be something positive in this rant, so I will say that the towels were soft. But they put one of those little thingies on the rack that gives you a guilt trip. "Did you know trillions of gallons of water are wasted on washing towels that have only been used once? You make the decision: A towel on the rack means 'I'll use it again'. A towel on the floor means 'Wash this'. Thank you for making our earth a greener place." But what if I'm done with it? I'm not taking another shower tomorrow. I'll be gone. So, should I throw it on the floor....? But then I won't be making the world a greener place....
Brainwashing, that is.
The whole hotel also has a hospital feel to it. White walls and white tiles in the hallways, with those nice-but-plain paintings hanging every few feet, and a bit of green trim halfway from the ceiling to the floor to put more color.
Oh, yeah, and the hot tub doesn't work.

I don't like this place. But this is about the beardies, not my comfort, so here are your updates.


I learned today that MoMo is quite the jealous type! I took her out and she loved the window, but then Gem woke up.
MoMo turned black, kept one eye on Gem always, and clutched my arm, glaring at Gem as if to say "SHE'S MINE!!!"
But then it was MoMo's naptime and I let Gem hang out on my lap. I have a picture of what she did.

MoMo also decided that Mum's lap is a good place to poo. I had to hold her over the empty Cheetos bag while she pooed. Gah. She reminds me so much of Reg, except for the fact that she doesn't do a poopy dance! She just-- goes. So does Gem, come to think of it, but I don't know if she can wiggle her hips to do a dance. :lol: That sounds weird.

MoMo is also going through nose-and-tail shed ATM.


So, I told you there was something big to say about Gem, and that is that her legs are shedding!! Her toes really aren't necrotic, they're just an icky color, which is coming off with the dead skin. Woot! She only has nerve damage! :roll:
She still walks on her heel, though. I can't wait for the rest of her leg and the other to shed. :blob8:

Gem has also become THE biggest snuggler I have ever met. Like I said, I have a picture of how she rode the whole way here, but I have to upload them first. Next post.

She sat on the dashboard the whole way, except for when she slithered down to sit on my lap. She was very determined when she wanted laptime, too. I was sleeping, and my dad had to put her on my lap because she wouldn't sit on the dash. She knew I was sleeping, and knows she sleeps with me, so she probably figured she should be nearby.

I can't wait to get home. MoMo will be in the 55 gallon, a.k.a. Gem's old tank, while Gem moves into Reggie's old viv, since she doesn't like being picked up from above and it would be easier for her to move around. Plus, MoMo needs the running space.

Pictures in a few moments.

@ Aunt Dawn Yes, finally going home. I was excited to come, but I think I stayed too long. My dad wasn't off, so I was sitting at home all day with my stepmother and the loud kids. Wasn't the best.

MoMo is still pretty small. She doesn't have room to grow inside that box. I think she's 7 inches now. I envy Christy with her 2 month old (is it Bobble or a different dragon? I forget.) Yeah, I won't have to worry about MoMo anymore once we get home. My little sister isn't that independent that she'd pick MoMo up without asking. *Phew*

@ Janie: No, we just set out yesterday, I'll be home tomorrow.

Let me upload my 15 pictures and I'll get right back to you all. :lol:



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Pictures. Of course.






Does she not look leonine?

This is where she liked to perch (Would you believe I had to take this picture 5 times? I wanted to keep my face out of it. Nobody needs that torture.):


I canz sleep here, mum?



Chillin'-- and watching Gem.

A cozy spot made just for me!



Taking Gem's spot while Gem hangs out on my shoulder.

Jacqui (that was only 13, sorry.)

beardie parents Sicko
Jacqui, thanks for those pics! They all looked very good. I'm glad your dad reminded you about forgetting Regie. It would have been really bad if you'd gotten all the way home and then realized he wasn't with you.



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So we're home! Yay!
I finally got my birthday cake! :lol: Considering my bday was on 6/28, it's about time! This one had my name spelled correctly on it, though.

So, I got the girls moved in, though MoMo has no substrate and Gem has dirty tiles. I have to run out tomorrow to get stuff for the bottom, and crix. I'm also going to start raising supers and waxies if I can. :mrgreen: Getting busy here. Unpacking, getting dragons settled, sleeping a lot, getting caught up on things before school starts....

Oh, yesh....
I moved Gem into Reggie's old viv....
If any of you can recall from quite some time ago, I mentioned briefly that I had a plastic plant in that viv. Well, I moved Gem in, and she did the mandatory look-and-lick, and then ATTEMPTED TO EAT THE PLANT!

I know, I know, why in the world does this excite me?
I stuck some lettuce (we don't have veggies except for homegrown lettuce) in there to replace the plant, and she nom'd it!!
Gem has never eaten greens in her entire life-- and here she is, munching away on lettuce!!! :blob8: :blob8: Yay!

I wonder how she'll like the butternut squash I'm growing?


(Oh, yes, and MoMo is fine. No different, really. She slept in my top drawer last night.)


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Jacqui! So good to get home from our vacation and catch up! Wish we had someone like you to take care of our babies as our sub-slave was a SLACKER who acted like he wanted to take care but we came home to crickets-a-roamin' but that's another story. I'm so happy to see Gem and Momo being good for you and to for us to be away from the mosquito's in New England. There has been so much rain back east! Hope the humidity and bugs aren't so bad where you live in PA!!!.


Extreme Poster
Welcome HOME ! Ah sweety you have had such adventures this summer !
Loved all those pictures... almost wet myself with that door handle shot ;)
Let me know if you want me to start you an avocado !
Leafy Noms for everyone !


Juvie Member

"Greetings, Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve. Welcome to Narnia! We have long awaited your arrival."

Go see Tolkein's greatest masterpiece, 'The Beardie, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.' In theatres now.


Sub-Adult Member
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jargonchipmunk":e2b7b said:

"Greetings, Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve. Welcome to Narnia! We have long awaited your arrival."

Go see Tolkein's greatest masterpiece, 'The Beardie, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.' In theatres now.

:laughhard: Can't breathe! That was good!

But you forgot one minor detail: C.S. Lewis wrote the Narnia books, not J.R.R. Tolkein.



Juvie Member
yeah I was at work. My first impression was Lewis, but for some reason Tolkien was what came out lol. I'm more of an Anne McCaffrey man myself :p
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