Flash renamed Buddy!

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. Buddy is finally eating crickets and salads! We have tried to give him Dubia roaches since we have a colony of them. But I just don't think he likes them! Does anyone else have any ideas! With the salads he doesn't eat them if they are in the little bowl. But if I put. Them on the substrate he eats it right up! He loves Kale and Napa cabbage and blueberries is that OK and orange bell peppers.

Also we believe that he was abused by a male person. But he is coming around. It'll just take time!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Keep on the crickets and maybe try the dubia again later. Salads should be the main component of his diet though so if he'll only eat them off the floor, put them on the floor (just keep it nice and clean). It may be easier to keep something like tile or non adhesive shelf liner sanitary than it is with the carpet but if you have multiple sets of carpet and wash them frequently it should be OK. I like to offer a base of either collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, or dandelion greens and add a second veg to the salad. I sometimes use fruit as a garnish/treat but it's not a big component of the salad. I reference this list for ideas on what to get and just pick up what's fresh at the store that week. Leftovers go to the bugs. http://www.beautifuldragons.com/Nutrition.html


Original Poster
CooperDragon":n9t6t8zp said:
Keep on the crickets and maybe try the dubia again later. Salads should be the main component of his diet though so if he'll only eat them off the floor, put them on the floor (just keep it nice and clean). It may be easier to keep something like tile or non adhesive shelf liner sanitary than it is with the carpet but if you have multiple sets of carpet and wash them frequently it should be OK. I like to offer a base of either collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, or dandelion greens and add a second veg to the salad. I sometimes use fruit as a garnish/treat but it's not a big component of the salad. I reference this list for ideas on what to get and just pick up what's fresh at the store that week. Leftovers go to the bugs. http://www.beautifuldragons.com/Nutrition.html

Thank you very much! I will check that website out!
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