First time post... Sick 9 month old beardie

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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Great job, it looks like you got it all figured out now. :D
The basking temperatures are so vital to their health & metabolism. That is likely why he wasn't eating, also. Which wattage did you go up to?
Overall Godzilla looks pretty good, I love his coloring.



Original Poster
Hi tracie, thank you very much.
I'm now actually using a 75w komodo bulb.
He's basking area is sitting at just under 100degrees now.


Original Poster
Sorry to keep questioning... He still seems the same. Just not intrested in his food.
Is this something that'll take a couple of days with to adjust? Or shall I just stick in a 100w bulb and bump his basking spot to over 100 degree. Coz right now it's 95-100

Thanks again

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
If you could bump it to 100-105 that would be ideal but changes take some time to have an effect so I wouldn't mess with it again for a couple of days and see how he reacts. If he isn't going to the basking site anyway then there may not be much point in bumping the temps. If he goes there often and appears to be seeking higher temps then it may be good to give it a bit of a bump.


Original Poster
So he's had the new bulb in since Friday evening.
He seems pretty alert and ok just isn't showing any interest in eating! Finding it really frustrating now
Sorry to keep on. Just hate the thought of him being sick :(


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Ok! Alittle progress! He had about 10 locusts today after spending a few hours basking.
However since then he has spent the last 4 hours or so in the cool end. I am now worrying he finds the basking end to warm!!? Ha! Sorry if I sound ridiculous!!

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
That's good progress! Don't worry about him being on the cool end. He's probably just wanting it cooler for a bit. They tend to move around a lot to get what they need that's why it's best to create a gradient of temperature and UVB for them.


Original Poster
Cool ok! Yeah he seems pretty bright and aware. Just popped him on my lap for abit of of a cuddle! Ha ha!


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Still not sure about this little guy...
I've come home to find him sitting at the cool end again. Showing absolutely no intrest in any food.
I genuinely can't remember the last time he eat any veg, he use to love rocket or watercress before he got like this. He's just not intrested.
Maybe it's brumation? But his not actually sleeping I don't think in the day


Original Poster
Sorry me again. So he eat nothing again today, and now hasn't pooed for 9 days, I've given him a couple of baths rubbing his belly but no luck.
I'm sorry to keep on here as I do appreciate your all here answering voluntarily.
Just so worried about my little guy :(
So it seems like his impacted perhaps??
Thank you so much for your help so far

AHBD Sicko
Hi Sam...I don't think he's sick or impacted, some of them just slow down quite a bit when they get this age. To help him to poo you can offer him any of the following [ or a combination of any ] ...applesauce, canned pumpkin [ without spices ] baby food squash or prunes and with a few drops of veg. oil or raw honey added. Those are all natural laxatives.

And don't worry, it's fine to post about your concerns, people ion this forum are friendly + helpful. :)


Original Poster
His coming up to a year old, you reckon this could be quite normal huh? He looks pretty ok and alert to be fair.
Ok i mat try that with the laxative. Let's say I try some apple sauce, exactly how much should I give him and how should I feed it to him!? Thanks alot for your response :)

AHBD Sicko
Probably give him as much as he wants up to a teaspoonful and add a couple drops of veg.oil. The unsweetened applesauce would be healthier. It's easiest to use either a plastic feeding syringe or plastic spoon. Safer than glass in the event a beardie tries to bite down on it.


Original Poster
What if he simply isn't intrested though?
So I'll try him with just some regular apple sauce with alittle veg oil in it.
Thanks so much again
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