Firm disc below uppermost ribs - what is this?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hi, all 👋

I’ve only noticed this now, but, my bearded dragon has some sort of disc shaped thing beneath the skin underneath his upper ribs. It is flimsy but firm, kind of like cartilage..?

He also has a few faint stress marks covering his underbelly, I don’t know what set him off though? His beard is not black and he doesn’t seem to be in pain, he’s running around.

I may be overthinking this, as I usually do with most things, but I am a bit concerned. None of my past beardies have had this! This is a new experience, and I am at a loss.


(Don’t mind the Buddha belly, he just ate)

I know it’s a bad picture, and I apologize for that. That is not just a crease in his skin, I felt it and it protrudes from the ribs. Is it one of his internal organs? Then why is it firm?

Could it be a broken rib? He has never taken a fall but he does roughly push himself around, could he have hurt it by doing that? He doesn’t seem to be in any sort of pain…

Is it something he ate inside of his stomach? He doesn’t have access to anything he shouldn’t have eaten, but why would it protrude from the uppermost body?

Shouldn’t be MBD, his UVB fixture is up to par and he does get calcium with D3. He also spends a lot of time basking under the UVB so I’m not worried about exposure and such.

Or is it nothing and I’m overreacting? Honestly, don’t feel bad for pointing it out if it isn’t an issue. I overthink things a lot, which causes me to go into these frenzies of panic.

Advice is appreciated, thanks

AHBD Sicko
He's probably fine,their ribs can be odd like that sometimes but it's just part of their anatomy. Might compare it to humans with the big variation in structure of our clavicle [ collar bone ]


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
He's probably fine,their ribs can be odd like that sometimes but it's just part of their anatomy. Might compare it to humans with the big variation in structure of our clavicle [ collar bone ]
It was detached from his ribs, but I agree, it could be his collar bone.

AHBD Sicko
I was just using the comparison, some areas of the body seem different on every person and so can be that way with beardies. People are often concerned or curious about the ribs on beardies.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I agree, they are very individual in anatomy just like people are. It is most likely just a variance
in the ribcage & sternum bone structure. It definitely isn't metabolic bone disease so no worries.
If it doesn't seem to bother him, I wouldn't worry about it at all.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

I agree, they are very individual in anatomy just like people are. It is most likely just a variance
in the ribcage & sternum bone structure. It definitely isn't metabolic bone disease so no worries.
If it doesn't seem to bother him, I wouldn't worry about it at all.

What a relief, thanks!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

You are welcome! There is a myriad of terrific & knowledgeable owners & reptile lovers on
here, so we try to help as much as we can.


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