expelling water??

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Sub-Adult Member
I'm very good at giving regular soaks to my 8 month old male, Crixus. Usually when he poops there's a small puddle of water around it, but today there was so much that it ran off his slate and soaked through the newspaper and by soaked I mean when I went to clean his viv the paper was (not to be gross, but is accurate) dripping wet. Has anyone come across this and why would that change from a small amount to that.. is there such a thing as over hydrating him? How often do you soak an 8 month old? I do it every other day just to be sure.. there's nothing wrong w/ him, he's acting normal, eating well and his lighting/temps are spot on so am not worried about his health.. just curious if anyone has had that happen.. in 2 years of owning beardies that has never happened before and I was a bit shocked.. just want some reassurance..


Hatchling Member
What have you been feeding? I would not worry unless it happens again and you are not feeding lots of juicy things ie. soft worms, fruit, salad, etc...


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
he gets crickets and maybe 5 supers/week.. also eats collards w/ grated summer squash and parsnips..


Gray-bearded Member
if it is mostly clear your beardie is just very hydrated. 15-20 minutes soaks 3x a week is a good bathing schedule. shorten the time if you do it more than that. i give them baths every 2-3 days b/c they poop in the water. (easier to clean)
does he drink water in the bath? if so he is hydrating himself and you don't have to let him soak for very long.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Yes, it was clear fluid.. he doesn't lap at the water in the tub, but will lick at it when I drip a bit on his snout which to me isn't a significant amount. Crixus and Omni, my 1st beardie never did/does poop in the tub ever and prefers to do it in the privacy of his/her home which is ok w/ me. Glad it's nothing to be concerned about and will try the same schedule, but for shorter periods. Thanks for the reassurance.


Hatchling Member
I've had this happen and it is from me letting him gorge/binge on food at feedings. Too much in the pipeline.
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