Energetic Dragon that wont eat

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I just recently adopted a Dragon. He is a year and a half old and about a foot and a half long. I have him in a 50gal tank. For the first two weeks he sat around and only ate a handful of superworms. So I thought maybe he was going into brumation. But then he has started getting extremely active and runs around his tank for a few hours a day when i'm not around to let him out. But he still wont eat hardly anything, and he is starting to lose some weight. I've tried a whole variety of greens. Crickets and the superworms. He wont touch the Crickets which i find interesting since everyone here tells how many their BD's will eat in a week, and i'm picking the handful i put in in the morning out at night. He'll only touch the supers when i put them on the couch, and not in his dish. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Jeremy and Rancor


Juvie Member
What is the temperature of the tank? How new is the UVB bulb? Have you considered taking him to a vet for a checkup. If they are low on calcium, this negatively affects their appetite. Many times this is related to husbandry issues so lighting and basking temps are important. Hopefully someone else will add to this thread, but it is important to know these things before we go further. :?:



Original Poster
The temp is around 100-115 in his basking spot and around 65-70 on the cool end. Our house doesn't get very warm in winter so its difficult to keep temps high in his tank. His basking light is a zoo-med 150w basking spot lamp and i didn't know how old his uvb lamp was so i went and bought a new reptiglo 5.0.
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