I just recently adopted a Dragon. He is a year and a half old and about a foot and a half long. I have him in a 50gal tank. For the first two weeks he sat around and only ate a handful of superworms. So I thought maybe he was going into brumation. But then he has started getting extremely active and runs around his tank for a few hours a day when i'm not around to let him out. But he still wont eat hardly anything, and he is starting to lose some weight. I've tried a whole variety of greens. Crickets and the superworms. He wont touch the Crickets which i find interesting since everyone here tells how many their BD's will eat in a week, and i'm picking the handful i put in in the morning out at night. He'll only touch the supers when i put them on the couch, and not in his dish. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Jeremy and Rancor
Jeremy and Rancor