Egg bound.??

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I get the same way, even if I'm just leaving for a little while. Since I'm in a hotel, I have a camera in my room where I can see my scale babies 😭😂😂
My cameras always scated mine, i thinknit was the infra-red for the night visipn that caused it. I had to stop using them.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I get the same way, even if I'm just leaving for a little while. Since I'm in a hotel, I have a camera in my room where I can see my scale babies 😭😂😂
All anxious parents have paranoia. I was always afraid that Foxy might dig up a stone or piece of wood from below and get stuck, so all the stones and driftwood I have are on the glass bottom of the terrarium, and sand is poured on the sides of them, so there is no chance of digging. And I, too, always turn on the camera when I leave the house.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
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All anxious parents have paranoia. I was always afraid that Foxy might dig up a stone or piece of wood from below and get stuck, so all the stones and driftwood I have are on the glass bottom of the terrarium, and sand is poured on the sides of them, so there is no chance of digging. And I, too, always turn on the camera when I leave the house.
Okay, on another note, we broke down and got another baby. 🤗 He's 75% red monster (the parents are INSANE looking) and we can't decide on a name. He's grey because of shed but he's so red/black he's almost purple. The names being tossed around are Cinder and Spyro. But we can't think of anything good. Any ideas.?


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Sub-Adult Member
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OOh he is PROUD already and gorgeous. I like Cinder.
Congratzz on you nee baby!!!!!
He has such a...velocitaptor head in that one photo, it's wild. He was a little scared and a bit flighty, he leaped off the bed a few times but he did cuddle into my hair when he was ready for bed. 🥰😂 I'm so excited to see him shed, his coloring is so damn coooooooolllll

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
He has such a...velocitaptor head in that one photo, it's wild. He was a little scared and a bit flighty, he leaped off the bed a few times but he did cuddle into my hair when he was ready for bed. 🥰😂 I'm so excited to see him shed, his coloring is so damn coooooooolllll
I love the red monsters

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

He looks very handsome! His colors are terrific.
I'm sure that he will do very well with you, it sounds
like he loves attention!


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