Hatchling Member
- Beardie name(s)
- Jackson
Are you Sure you even need heat at night? It's actually quite healthy for them to be able to cool off at night. This promotes them to seek the basking spot during the day. You're good unless it drops below 55 degrees in your room. Just make sure your basking surface areas are working up to 108 degrees during the day.. this usually allows them to obtain their preferred internal temp of 98 degrees. Just make sure they have an area to escape from that heat and you're good.
Are you Sure you even need heat at night? It's actually quite healthy for them to be able to cool off at night. This promotes them to seek the basking spot during the day. You're good unless it drops below 55 degrees in your room. Just make sure your basking surface areas are working up to 108 degrees during the day.. this usually allows them to obtain their preferred internal temp of 98 degrees. Just make sure they have an area to escape from that heat and you're good.