

BD.org Sicko
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I needed a crane to lift him off his portable basking rock this evening. He ate a whopping 22g worth of dubias this morning (after he tackled a bunch of squash which went from enemy to new favorite). 332g today. High is 352 (after a BIG bug meal) low is 308. He still tries really hard to leave the tank as soon as I leave the house and I watch him (Sadly) from the webcam. By the time I get home he is calmed down quite a bit. His weight has been up and down a bit but is trending upward. Still not worried because he is the most energetic dragon I've ever seen. but he's a stick. He has a new habit of hiding his food in his beard when he is really hungry. I make sure he eventually swallows it though. His poops are still pretty watery and broken up. Will bring him back for a follow up visit with Dr. B soon. He seems happy overall though. Here is his weight chart so far:


How are your kiddos doing? Is Hoss still YF free?


Juvie Member
They're great. Hoss is still YF free :) Sandy just got a new tank a few weeks ago and I bought some bricks to build her a basking staircase. She loves it! My boyfriend and I have been taking them to the park and having a picnic since it's in the 80's here now. I love watching the way they behave outside.


Sub-Adult Member
Finally got around to reading through all of this. Found it kinda funny that you recently got a new dragon compared to when I got my first and joined the forums.
It makes me a little sad that whenever I am on at work, he is asleep. :( At least I can actually see his tail this time.
I should probably try checking at a different time. liked watching some of your videos, though I wish they were a bit longer.
Anyways, what do you use for your cam in the tank?


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Lucky little ones to be able to get real sunshine! It was warm this past weekend so I had Darwin outside for about 15 min (it was 60) but he didn't get to roam around at all. Just a quick preview. I'm glad they're doing well and Hoss has bounced back from the YF!

My webcam is just an old Foscam I had laying around. Nothing special or high res but it does the job. Lets me check on him while we're away. He's most active after breakfast and into early afternoon from what I've seen. He's darting all over the house at the moment. I have to leave for work soon so he'll glass surf like a crazy man for the next few hours.


Sub-Adult Member
Yeah, I was looking into getting a foscam, actually, but I wasn't really sure which one I wanted to get cause I wasn't sure what quality I should get. Probably would need to get a night cam cause I would probably be looking at it during the night. Cause night shift and all.
Actually finally got to see him move around just a minute ago cause one of you were feeding him. Made me feel slightly like a creeper though. :(


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Huge creeper! =P Just kidding. He got his tank and all furniture thoroughly cleaned and sanitized this morning. I also cleaned out the dubia tank which was overdue. There are more in there than I thought. Way more than Darwin can handle. I may need to give some away. He ate a bunch of veges and some bugs today. Big full belly so he's just hanging out on his basking log for a while.

His Foscam is an older model. It has IR LEDs so it has decent night vision when it remembers to kick in. It was just an extra one I had on hand, so nothing special. The newer models have better resolution but they require special plugins which makes it a pain to access the feed directly. It comes down to how you want to use it I suppose.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Deal. How many do you want? Do you have a setup ready for them? I just need to figure out the best way to ship them and keep them alive.


Sub-Adult Member
I wouldn't really mind trying to figure out how to get the newer cameras to work, as I work with electronics so much that the lengthy setup and complicated and unnecessary features don't really bother me anymore. Still, I'm unsure which one will work out for me. That plus I have to consider if I really should get it or not.
If you happen to have any extra ones left over from the trade, I wouldn't mind having some more. :p


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster

Outside time!

Temp is 67 and sunny after a rainy morning. Darwin is enjoying some real sunshine. UVI is 3.8 and his skin temp is staying up over 90.


Juvie Member
Yay for sunshine!! Hoss and Sandy will be going to the park later today as well. Temps here are going to be 75 and sunny. That's actually much cooler than it's been the last few weeks where we've been hitting 90's.

I'm working on my dubia setup and all I really have left is to get the heating pad and the roaches.
Cactus will be in the mail shortly.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
That sounds even more dragon friendly! For roach shipping it looks like I need to get my hands on some egg flats and a USPS box which shouldn't be too difficult. I'd like the temperatures here to stabilize a bit before I try shipping them though.

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